Simone Janson

For their successful, good life Information you really need: State-funded publisher with 2 brands for business & Travel, awarded the Global Business Award as Publisher of the Year: Books, Shops, data-driven AI-Services. Print and online publications as well as the latest technology go hand in hand - with over 20 years of experience, partners like this Federal Ministry of Education, customers like Samsung, DELL, Telekom or universities. behind it Simone Janson, referenced in ARD, FAZ, ZEIT, WELT, Wikipedia.

Simone Janson is publisher, Consultant and one of the 10 most important German bloggers Blogger Relevance Index. She is also head of the Institute's job pictures Yourweb, with which she donates money for sustainable projects. According to ZEIT owns her trademarked blog Best of HR –® to the most important blogs for careers, professions and the world of work. More about her im Career.