Career changers have it in new ones Industries not easy, but you should still have the courage. 7 steps, the Application and make job changes a success.

Application & job change in a new industry: Using transferable skills to increase your salary [+ checklist & 7 steps]

Why are additional benefits so difficult to obtain, especially for career changers?

Whether from a tourism company to one Insurance or from the creative industry to a bank: It happens more often than you would think that employees change industries completely, often for example because they realized that they were not making any progress in their previous industry or simply because they wanted to to earn want. And that's often true, because at the end of the day the work processes in many commercial companies are very similar across all industries.

However, career changers don't always have it light: They often lack important insider and industry knowledge or often just the smell of the stable, which is why they are often viewed with suspicion by their new superiors. The transition into a new industry can therefore pose major challenges for career changers.

The biggest challenge is probably achieving additional performance. On the one hand, of course, in the job, so that's the new thing Companys Sees that it did everything right with the new setting. But the additional benefits also affect the career changer himself, be it in the form of higher benefits salary, additional benefits or special powers. The effort involved in the change was said to have been worth it.

Checklist: 4 typical challenges for career changers and job changers in new industries

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Such a change is not always automatically associated with more salary and an improvement in status; in such cases, these benefits are downright difficult to obtain. And there are essentially 4 reasons for this:

What skills do career changers need to achieve additional performance?

Despite these challenges, there are ways to improve the chances of achieving additional performance as a career changer. This includes a thorough Preparation, emphasizing transferable skills, rigorous research into the industry, and compelling Communication your own value to the company.

Obtaining additional benefits for career changers requires patience, Endurance and a strategic approach. It is one Combination from understanding your own Power, the perception of the market and the ability to communicate these beliefs in successful negotiations.

Transferable skills: This is how job changers emphasize their added value for companies

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During the negotiation, it is crucial to highlight your added value. Talk about your experiences and achievements in previous roles that are relevant to the new position. Focus on the specific contributions you can make to the organization and demonstrate how your skills can address the challenges of the new industry.

An effective way to emphasize your added value is to showcase your transferable skills. These skills, learned in different contexts, can be incredibly valuable when moving into a new industry. Maybe you have excellent problem-solving skills that are useful regardless of the industry, or you have demonstrated that your leadership skills can lead teams successfully can bring together.

Transferable Skills: What exactly are they?

Transferable skills are skills that can be used in different areas and situations. They are not specific to a particular industry or role, but are transferable and universally applicable. These skills include communication, problem solving, Teamwork, Guide, organizational skills and critical thinking. They enable individuals to adapt and operate successfully in different contexts, regardless of the specific job or industry. Transferable skills are valuable because they are People enable you to flexibly switch between different work areas and effectively face new challenges.

These skills can come from different areas of life, be it from Education, previous professional experience, volunteer work or personal interests. They include both “hard” skills and technical ones Background or language skills as well as “soft” skills such as empathy, Time management and cultural sensitivity. Transferable skills enable people to adapt to new environments fast to get involved and contribute effectively, as they form the basis for success in a variety of situations. Companies value these skills because they not only increase the adaptability of the... Employees, but also their ability to Innovation and how to successfully deal with changespiegeln.

Concrete examples and a willingness to learn pave the way

Additionally, it is helpful to provide specific examples in which you Problems solved, projects advanced or innovative ideas have implemented. These stories not only illustrate your skills, but also show how you can put those skills into practice to advance the future employer or organization.

In addition to your technical skills, your adaptability and willingness to learn are also important Significance. Highlighting your ability to quickly adapt to new environments and be willing to learn new things can be a big plus, especially if you're moving into an industry where you don't have much experience.

7 steps to more money and benefits as a career changer in a new company

By presenting your added value clearly and convincingly, you create a compelling argument for hiring or moving to the new industry. It's about your potential Effect on the organization and show how you can contribute to its Set to reach. These 7 steps will help:

1. Preparation is key

Before entering into negotiations, it is crucial to understand your own value. Analyze your skills, knowledge and experience that you can bring to the new industry. Emphasize transferable skills that are relevant in different areas. These could include your flexibility, your leadership skills or your problem-solving ability.

2. Research the industry and position

To set realistic expectations and strengthen your negotiation skills, it is important to learn about the industry and the specific position you are for negotiate, to inform. Find out which ones qualifications and experiences in this industry are valued and how the salary structures are structured.

3. Emphasize your added value

During the negotiation, it is crucial to highlight your added value. Talk about your experiences and achievements in previous roles that are relevant to the new position. Focus on the specific contributions you can make to the organization and demonstrate how your skills can address the challenges of the new industry.

4. Be flexible

It's important to be open to compromise, especially as a career changer. Offer alternative suggestions that are acceptable to both parties. This could be flexible working hours, additional training or a temporary salary adjustment to demonstrate your achievements.

5. Communicate clearly and professionally

Clear and professional communication is the key to success in negotiations. Be clear in your expectations, but remain respectful and constructiveto get a positive build relationship.

6. Think long term

View the negotiation as part of a long-term commitment. Show your interest in long-term cooperation and emphasize your potential for further development and adaptation in the new environment.

7. Feedback and follow-up

No matter how the negotiations go, it is important to get feedback. If negotiations are successful, a follow-up to put the agreements in writing is crucial. If not, use the feedback to better prepare for future negotiations.

Conclusion: Negotiating benefits as a career changer offers many opportunities

In summary, it can be said that negotiating benefits as a career changer brings with it challenges, but at the same time it also offers a variety of opportunities. Preparation, the ability to communicate clearly and being flexible are key factors in conducting successful negotiations.

Ultimately, it's a chance to not only prove your skills, but also build long-term relationships and gain a foothold in a new industry. With patience, persistence and a smart approach, career changers can pave the way for a successful career Future pave.

Overall, negotiating benefits as a career changer is an opportunity to show your value, emphasize transferable skills and highlight your own adaptability in order to establish yourself in a new industry. This allows you to open the door to new opportunities and build long-term relationships.

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