lie and cheating are ours Everyday life - also at work. But what tempts us to lie at all and how can we despite all temptations Honestly bleiben?

Subjects at lie detector

A book by best-selling author Dan Ariely can help. Entertaining, informative and with a lot of fine things Humour In “Half a truth is the best lie”, the author goes in search of the causes of the small and large frauds in professional and private everyday life.

Dan Ariely doesn't speculate on how moral and honest People act in different situations, he just tries it out - by leading them into temptation. And see what happens. A book that I personally really enjoyed.

If we can, we take things away

Ariely's tests are simple: leave a few cents here and see what happens to them. Or put students there in a magnetic resonance tomograph to prove how the “one-Hand-washes-the other” principle works (it stimulates the prefrontal cortex).

Because his exciting stories and experiments leave no doubt that we don't all take it so seriously from time to time with honesty and legal understanding. “When we have the options, we take things away from each other.

Wrong as a balancing of costs and benefits? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that!

As a social scientist, Ariely has explored the causes of cheating through years of laboratory and field research and is now providing the answer to the conditions under which people are more likely to lie. He makes an interesting contribution to the subject of fraud and morality in our Society.

Because the SMORC model (Simple Model of Rational Crime), according to which breaches of the law always require a rational consideration of Costs and benefits are banned as unsuitable in the fast track process.

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Personal guilt consciousness decides

The author shows that the tendency to defraud does not follow the likelihood of getting away with it. The personal sense of guilt plays an essential role. "Basically, we're cheating to the point that allows us to preserve the self-image of a reasonably honest person."

Everyday life lures bait for small, immoral "misconduct": gaps in the tax return, fake branded items on vacation, the black trip in the subway.

To resist the compulsion to lie

Ariely knows them all, but also knows “that we have ours weaknesses (including dishonesty) are not helplessly at the mercy of restructuring our environment and making it more honest Behavior can come.

With his wonderful book, Ariely shows why we live in Job and privacy cheat others and get scammed yourself. And he gives enough suggestions to resist the apparent constraints of lying and to (more) sincerely admit in the future decide and to act.

The whole thing in an amusing form and without pastoral teachings. Fine!" “Feelings don’t actually have anything to do with the job, at least that’s the common wishful thinking. Nevertheless, they play in the Communication a role more often than managers in particular would like. How do you deal with them?

Help, employees with emotions

Not a classic leadership manual, not even a guide, but a book that describes and explains all the main emotional states. And this is especially for Executives interesting, who often unchecked with the most diverse, sometimes violent emotional states of their Employees be confronted.

From ironic to cynical, from self-sacrificing to quick-tempered. This book will not change employees - but leaders will learn to better understand what's going on in them.

Locate essential feelings

The two authors, both experts in their field, use examples to show how feelings arise. They do it based on case studies clear, what goes on in people who overwhelm their fellow human beings with merciless cynicism and sometimes downright terrorize their environment. This is helpful for leaders who often don't Solution .

However, the book only provides tips for dealing with people in extreme emotions. This is a shortcoming only at first glance.

The boss does not replace the therapist

In fact, executives cannot and should not replace a therapist. A lot has already been achieved when you realize that it's not you Problem are, but that they may be dealing with people who have been denied access to other behaviors by previous experiences.

Of course there are not only problematic feelings, but also feelings like love and care. The authors also write about this. After all, it is their claim to have written “The Great Book of Feelings”.

On the hidden agenda

Thus they sensitize for a topic that is in Companys is rarely discussed, but this often determines the “hidden agenda”.

The book is not aimed at executives, nor does it offer any examples from everyday working life, but instead concentrates on depicting essential feelings. And that is precisely why it contains a lot of valuable background knowledge for managers.

Of creators and wannabe managers

We have already discussed the most varied career advocates. The one here is different than the others. Because he invites you to even manage difficult bosses! Reason: There are still much worse. Bob Lutz has portrayed his most gruesome teachers. Very entertaining, very funny.

Cynics, capital alcoholics, testosterone-controlled managers, cholerics and detail-loving bean counters - Bob Lutz got to know them all - each in the position of his own boss. His book “Idols and Idiots” is about that. His entertaining recording comprises a total of ten portraits.

Among them are real high-caliberists such as Georges-André Chevallaz, who taught Pennäler Lutz as a teacher in a dozen subjects.

Totally drunk, absolutely testosterone-controlled

Eloquent, lightning-quick but often condescending, Chevallaz came over to the students. Years later, the “man with the aura of a movie star and the drill of an elite officer” gave up his teaching career to become Swiss President.

Lutz' stories about Ralph Mason, once CEO at Opel and more often drunk than sober on the road (“eight or nine hours of alcohol-induced unconsciousness”), are very amusing. In his light moments, he was able to show surprisingly clever pragmatism – and thus the company conducted quite adequately.

Pointed, but not offensive

Incidentally, this applies to all portraits: Despite the sometimes blatant quirks of his leading figures ("he was either depressed and manic about his sexual performance - in the presence of employees who felt harassed by it.") Lutz does not count on them.

Rather, he points out that all of these CEOs, CEOs, CEOs, and department heads with their undeniable deficits (“idiots”) worked amazingly well as managers (“idols”). We know from somewhere.

Who more often has the feeling with his Executive if a few screws are loose, you should definitely read the book “Idols and Idiots” and then satisfied realizing that things could be a lot worse. Very exhilarating!

Lies as a soft skill?

Lies have short legs. But without lying, one becomes fast times one Head made shorter. The bestselling author Ute Ehrhardt has now written the rescue of honor of the white lie. And she realizes that the little lies in everyday life are important for social peace and professional advancement. It's not morally reprehensible - as long as you keep your feet on the ground.

Lies have a bad reputation. Unjustly my Ute Ehrhardt and Wilhelm Johnen and have published the book "If I am honest, then I am lying really well" to save the well-formulated untruth.

Lies as an intellectual maximum

There's no doubt that we all, at one point or another, resort to a white lie or fib to avoid alienating others (that's true, right?). It has to be, because “Flattery is the universal lubricant in interpersonal relationships Contact . "

But that's only marginal. Rather, the authors work out the immense social dimension of everyday lies: “The ability to lie is an intellectual peak performance, without its existence no social one Welt is possible".

He who lies is loved

And make the bold statement that two out of three lies are “pro-social” and serve social peace. ” So soft skills that are not taught anywhere. But which are still used everywhere.

Ehrhardt and Johnen provide numerous proofs about mogels that maintain love, strengthen business relationships and weld friendships.

Why penetrating honesty makes unhappy

It is always about someone lying (or even hiding the truth) and the other happy to accept this untruth. "With penetrating honesty, we would screw up jobs and relationships."

Of course, you also lie to yourself - and probably more often than you think. For example, if you bend doubtful decisions before yourself or hide interfering elements. Stay with it.

Who is lying?

Otherwise you have to constantly question your ego. You wouldn't be happier with it. Those who lie get ahead in life. But don't overdo it. “It is only when we lie seldom and well that we can derive any benefit from it”.

guilt you should quickly hide it again. Lies that benefit you and others are always the right ones decision. Especially if they are presented convincingly. "It has to be embeddable with everything else related to you."

Lying is not about morality

Although the title suggests a fun foray into the world of cheating and bluffing, If I'm Honest, I'm a Real Good Lier is a serious non-fiction book in front of us Eyes leads to the fact that many of the small, everyday cheats are perfectly fine.

After reading you will not be a worse person, nor a better one. But you will feel better feel, if you fall back on half-truths when answering uncomfortable questions.

I do not want to stay the way I am

And now a very interesting book from Stanford Professors Jeffrey Pfeffer: Everything you need to know about “power” if you want to reach the top and achieve your goals. And there's more: Pfeffer also explains why power is not inevitable negative is and how to get it – for example, by targeting Regulate breaks.

Who visites Career wants to do must also change and be willing to learn. This does not only apply to the technical ones qualifications, but almost even more the so-called soft skills. Because “natural-born leaders” do not exist. Most particularly when it comes to power, is targeted Preparation and targeted Things to Learn .

Remove obstacles from the way

Because the skillful exercise of power decides far more than any other ability on professional and personal Success. Surprisingly, “power” hardly ever appears in any curriculum or professional development plan. The book by the renowned Stanford is all the more important Professors Jeffrey Pfeffer. In “Power. Why some have it and others do not, ”he describes the functioning and laws of power.

That about power and about that StrategiesAccording to Pfeffer, gaining power is more likely to be whispered than spoken because of three obstacles. First, we assume the world is fair. It follows that many people are "deaf and blind to the need to proactively build a power base."

The advice of successful people clouds our vision

Secondly, when we listen to the advice of successful persons, we look down on our gaze. Because they tend to gloss over their career and seldom mention the hard-hitting tactics and strategies they have applied on the way up. The third and greatest obstacle are the people themselves.

Pfeffer cites the “self-handicapping” syndrome here. For example, if you do not prepare yourself optimally for a test or a task, you can use the excuse that the poor result does not reflect your real skills if the result is negativespiegelt. Pfeffers advice for everyone who wants to get up is to consciously "strive for power."

The seven keys to power

But how do you strive for power? Pepper has identified seven qualities necessary for attaining power. And he claims that these qualities can be learned, just like skiing can be learned. It's about ambition Energy, concentration, self-knowledge, self-confidence, empathy and the ability to deal with conflict.

critic will counter this with the findings of brain research, which suggest that personal characteristics are for the most part immovably determined at birth, personality formation is almost complete by the age of three and from the end of puberty it is only a matter of cosmetic corrections.

Change the behavior

But pepper is aimed at behavior. And in fact everyone can decide whether to dance at many weddings or only at one (concentration), whether to join a Objective is committed and patiently working toward (ambition) and the lifestyle he is cultivating (energy).

The same applies to the effort to recognize yourself - a “work” that you can do or not do. And in the same way you can train self-confidence, empathy and conflict ability.

Break rules, and then set them up again

Jeffrey Pfeffer's book "Macht" is an invitation to actively deal with the topic, the horror of it verlieren and to realize how light power can be gained in the end. He advises ascenders to break rules, and for those in power he advises making rules.

It shows how important networks are and how to position oneself correctly. The whole thing written on the basis of many studies and because of the many examples from real power situations also good and easy to read.

An undogmatic look at the topic of power

Jeffrey Pfeffer addresses the issue of power undogmatically and shows how each individual can create the conditions to get themselves into a powerful position. No guidebook, but an analysis and functional description of strategies to power.

And perhaps it is the greatest merit of the book that Pepper expressly encourages to strive for power instead of surrendering to the alleged fate.

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