self-motivation, self-leadership and Self love are very trendy. Nevertheless, the topic is not new. How do you manage to think big and turn defeats into victories?

What do successful people do differently?

The long-seller “Think big” by David Schwartz has been around since the middle of the last century and has lost none of its topicality. The pressing questions are still: What makes successful People out of? What are they doing differently?

The simple answer to these questions: who successfully has strong self-esteem and knows exactly what he or she wants. At least that's what David J. Schwartz says and developed the principle of generous thinking. With him, everyone can make this attitude to success their own.

Think big and turn defeats into victories

Turn defeats into victories, with self-confidence those once conquered Set reach into the life itself Hand take – for over 50 years, people have heeded the tips and hints of David J. Schwartz. Get rid of deadlocked habits of thought, think big - and believe in yourself and your success!

“Think Big” by David Schwartz is one of the first and one of the most successful books on self-motivation and self-development. Although it was written in the middle of the last century, it is still brand new.

Who does not trust anything, will achieve nothing

And it's still very, very good to read. The book is on par with Dale Carnegie's How to Make Friends, Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, and Tiki Kuestemacher's Simplify Your Life. While Coast Maker is essentially about concentrating on the essentials, Napoleon Hill is about Money to earn and at Carnegie about networks, Schwartz is about attitude.

In principle, Schwartz reverses Karl Marx's famous sentence. Marx said: "Being determines consciousness." Schwartz says: consciousness determines being. And anyone who has read the book will agree with it 100 percent.

Discounts for your success (advertising)!

The problem of the self-fulfilling prophecy

In science there is the documented connection of the "self-fulfilling prophecy". So what happens is what you think will happen.

So if someone thinks "I'll never make it" there's a pretty good chance they never will. Schwartz starts right here. With "Think big" he wants to encourage his readers to set ambitious goals. Because, he is convinced, those who set their sights a little higher automatically release energy.

Serve instead of elbows

Whoever picks up the book will notice fastwhy it's one of the best-selling books of all time. Schwartz does not lecture from above. Rather, he succeeds in using examples to make it clear what he is about. The amazing thing is that a lot of his advice can be found one-to-one in current guidebooks.

For example, if you say that you are a manager, or a department manager, or a manager Executive is not done "from above", but that you are made by colleagues, customers, employees is “lifted” upwards. This example is the credo of David Schwarz clear: do not extend your elbows and gather as much as possible, but sow. Sow every day.

Being modest and self-confident is not a contradiction

By that he means: be sincere and nice to your fellow human beings. Realize that it is the people around you who can make you happy and successful, so be of service to them. But also recognize confident Your achievements and skills and stand by them. And learn to ask for money with confidence. According to Schwartz, anyone who perceives money as something indecent, anyone who is bothered by the money and success of others, has a dysfunctional relationship with money and will never get very far.

The book is ideally suited to draw an interim conclusion. Is everything going right in my life, should I perhaps readjust some things? The advice is all very easy to implement. And they are able to great Effect to unfold. Sometimes in life all it takes is a little nudge to initiate big changes for the better. The book Think Big is full of such nudges! Worth reading!

People can not recognize competence badly

Self-marketing is considered blatant and indelicate. But competently act is one of the most important prerequisites for success. A new book shows how to solve this dilemma.

Expertise is the decisive factor when it comes to convincing people of yourself. The Problem is just that people are very bad at recognizing real competence. In one experiment, for example, a world-famous star violinist stood in the subway station of an American city, and almost nobody took any notice of his virtuosity.

Show competence adequately - but how?

how come "Competence doesn't speak for itself," writes Nasher, "You can be the best of all time in any field - and no one realizes it. It might even be mistaken for a whistle. You have to show your competence." This means: Even extremely competent people have to prove their competence again and again.

And for all those who find it difficult to show their competence appropriately, but also for those who have to be competent at first, Jack Nasher has his excellent book “Convinced!” written.

Actual versus perceived competence

And that's exactly what this book is about. We learn that it is primarily not about competence. It's about the appearance of competence. “Perceived competence,” Nasher calls it. It is of little use to you if you have reached the highest level of competence in your profession, if nobody recognizes this competence.

On the other hand, you may be ignorant of toots and boos, but if you give the impression that Muhammad Ali is in your Discipline (“I am the greatest!”), win the game. "You don't have to be an expert. It's just as good just acting like one," Nasher quotes Oxford scholar Chris McKenna as saying.

How to market yourself and its competence

For the success counts less the actual than the perceived competence. Now it is important to use this fact for yourself.

Nasher, in his book on the basis of scientific knowledge, gives a wealth of tips on how to market your skills better. Many are easy to implement, such as how to talk, how to sit, how to sit, how to dress, how to sell good and bad news.

Exercise required

However, many things are more difficult and require practice, for example how to make oneself popular or more attractive. But the most important of all is to say good-bye to modesty.

Humility, says Nasher, "has no place in the professional environment." “Modesty is associated with insecurity and cowardice and is interpreted as a shield against possible failure.” Or loosely based on the great Mark Twain: “All you need in life is ignorance and self-confidence. "

Jack Nasher's new book "convinces" all along the line. It offers many new and helpful insights and gives a lot of tips on how to present yourself better in the professional and business environment. In addition, it is extremely well written and light to read.

Proper foundation is what customers want

startupFoundation is currently very much in vogue, with many municipalities outdoing each other with start-up initiatives. But how should founders proceed in order to create a successful start-up?

From the right one Idea Patrick Stähler's very good guide “Founding the right thing” leads to the right business model and the right reasons. But how do you set up a company correctly, what is the ideal idea?

In this case, the “right thing” is what customers want - because then nothing can go wrong, says Patrick Stähler. With his book, Stähler provides very helpful and useful instructions on how to find and implement a good business model.

How to start business

The enthusiasm for the book already begins with the cover of “Das Richtige gründen”: If you unfold the dust jacket, you will find a giant poster to fill out yourself. Here you can enter customer benefits, business structure, income model and entrepreneurship yourself - after reading the book, of course.

Also in the presentation (hardcover, square) and content Stähler holds surprises ready: large font, short texts, a lot of space to write down, thinking, testing, rejecting, redesigning and implementing.

Six steps from customer analysis to a flexible business model

The process of “properly founding” is divided into six sections, which build on one another in terms of content and chronology:

  1. Customer analysis,
  2. Market understanding,
  3. Idea,
  4. Design
  5. Prototypes and finally
  6. the decision for the right business model.

All steps are associated with concrete entrepreneurial Tasks provided to the reader.

Practice book for founders

Stähler has an inspiration and practice book in the Sinn, an exercise book for sketching your own ideas. This works great because the author provides the right bullet points in his concise texts and Basics explained.

customers and offers, Marketing and margins, earnings waves and communication channels - all important topics for company founders are presented in portions.

In his compact text blocks, Stähler provides exactly the information density that is required to get started with entrepreneurial thinking. Square, practical, (very) good: Originally implemented guide for young entrepreneurs to get involved and think along.

Creativity - Learning by doing

Denkmotor” by Chris Brügger and Jiri Scherer is a creative book about – no wonder – creativity. It invites you to creatively explore the topic of creativity, namely by learning by doing.

This puts the reader, who thought he was completely uncreative, right in the middle of the creative process. A book that Fun makes, is clever and surprises the reader again and again with many crazy ideas.

Because “Denkmuster” is an unusual, surprising book on almost every page about creativity and brainstorming.

Crafted work and reading book for creative thinking

“It does not talk about creativity, it is creative,” the authors remark in the introduction. This applies to the content and presentation.

A brightly colored book full of sketches, photos and screenshots, plus crisp texts, interviews, slogans and quotes about the Art of creative thinking and acting.

Get out of the routine

With the multitude of different image formats and fonts, Brügger and Scherer clarify the core of what they have in common Creative-Workshops unmistakably: Get out of the routine if you want to be creative.

“Trying out, collecting, writing, painting, sketching, speaking, everything is allowed and required before it comes to rejecting or selecting ideas”.

Write, paint, sketch

The authors promise at the outset that “creativity” isn't qualification is a highly paid advertising professional. Anyone can be creative ("trainable"), as there are countless ways and expressions of creativity.

“Denkmotor” depicts many of them in interviews. Copywriters, managers, product developers and a “sugar artist” describe their personal experiences with creativity and working under pressure.

Suction and ejection

The four classic phases of creative work form the common thread in the brightly colored artwork. In the first part, “Aspirating”, the authors explain what creativity means (“learning in variants”) and why the first draft is rarely the best. Every good idea has Alternativesbefore which it must assert itself.

Only a bad one has none. The second chapter “Compacting” deals with the question under which conditions and in which places creativity can thrive. “Ignite” explains the most important creativity techniques such as word analysis or brainwriting.

From the flowering to the rampau

Finally, “Eject” is about the Implementation. How do I convince partners and customers? How do ideas become new products?

Brügger and Scherer provide practical examples of this - and encourage you to become “the ramp sow” for your best ideas.

A wonderful book. Clever and useful, visually playful and textually straight to the point, “Denkmotor” shows how creativity works. Anyone who buys and reads the book will be happy to pick it up again and again.

Convince instead of persuade

And now a book by Albert Thiele on dealing with and defending against verbal attacks, which shows how you can confidently master a verbal exchange of blows. Albert Thiele's Say It Stronger is a brilliant self-defense course against rhetorical clubs. Regardless of whether you are put down by the boss or attacked by colleagues - Thiele's clever book shows you how to defend yourself confidently and "detoxify" the situation.

"Tampering” and “Kampfdialektik” (“The art of getting right in a verbal exchange of blows with all means and your own Opinions enforce”) are the biggest enemies of an open exchange of interests and arguments.

Do you personally attack me or talk about the matter?

Thiele countered this with the rules of the Fried dialectic (“convince others, solve factual problems in dialogue and find the truth in discourse”). And you can learn and to practice – for example in the form of bridging phrases when you are attacked.

The author provides you with a whole range of possible defensive possibilities, from which you can choose, depending on the situation and your position.

Emotional safety in the dispute

Would you like an example? Opponent: "Total nonsense what you're saying!" Her: “I can see that you are very excited. Are you attacking me personally, or are you talking about the matter?" With such counter sentences you can Control win back.

In order for you to be able to go into arguments armed, you need some emotional ones Preparation. Thiele gives you the tools to do so with the “seven basic rules for strong counterattacks”.

Smart stress management

Clever stress management (“Keep emotional Distance”) and formulating simple messages (“short, concise and memorable”) in heated debates will guide you for sure to success.

With “Say it stronger” Albert Thiele has an outstanding one rhetoric-Trainers presented, very close to the Business-Practice of medium-sized and large Companys aligned and with numerous motivational injections for upcoming presentations and Meetings.

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