Heteronomy is a nuisance, even more so for Executives and makers. 3 tips that show what you can do about it in your job.

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Have fun at work

has god Fun at work? But hello! He is omnipotent! He can do whatever he wants. If that's not fun! So it's a mystery why you're still here at all: you're a manager! Almost omnipotent. Ruler of life and death. You can fire dozens of people with a snap of your fingers - or keep them employed for mercy.

You can rule and design as you please. So it should be easy for each of us to do our work like that to organizethat we have enough joy with it. You stand up Lachen already the stomach? Me too. Because that's the only way Lieschen Müller presents herself with the milk can Welt before. In fact, the real world is completely different: Lincoln freed the slaves. He has forgotten the managers, doctors, teachers and housewives. That's why board members call me from the car at half past six in the morning, on the way to a major customer or to the Office and say: »Oh Klaus, that pisses me off again today!«

External control is a super fun brake

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I often ask deliberately provocatively: »But why then? You got it all the way up! You have power, influence, success and every entrepreneurial freedom! «And then the manager says softly, with or without a bitter laugh, while the noise of the rush hour rages outside:» What freedom? Our products are defined to the icing on the cake, the prices are fixed, the budgets are approved, the markets are saturated, the supervisory board puts pressure on me, the building authorities have been blocking our new building for weeks.

And the Customer, which I'm about to visit, beckons with a huge order, but at the same time dictates when I can go to the toilet because of the huge sum. I may be CEO on paper, but in truth I'm no better than a store manager.« That's what happens to us all, more or less. Those damn constraints! And the man on the assembly line or the machine looks at us enviously and thinks how lucky we are. The man has no idea:

You have to be free to enjoy your job!

As I said: Whether you say joy or fun or something else is not important. You know exactly what I mean by that: that positive feeling at work, which is why we take it upon ourselves in the first place. Managers don't see much of this positive affect these days. It is largely externally determined, which incidentally, according to occupational medicine, is the greatest stressor in managerial life - and not the much-cited overload. What shortens a manager's life and the Health ruined is not that Stress, but the compulsion.

And not only in management. Although in the western world we have a tremendous prosperity enjoy, many fail People heteronomy during the working day: if you are in a chain, you don't have much fun in life.

You can also handle your cell phone properly

For example, I once worked with an industrial photographer on a photo shoot for an advertising catalog whose cell phone rang every five minutes. It was maddening: he could never really get into a shot. He was getting more and more irritated, the model was getting nervous too, the illuminator had already dropped a lamp. The quality of the images began to suffer. I still thought: »So fast the fun can be lost even in a photo shoot with a model!«

The photographer turned out to be Emotional leaders. The next time the phone rang, he took it out of his vest pocket, looked at it briefly and then threw it in a high arc into the lake, against the picturesque backdrop of which we were photographing. He could have turned it off too. But he is an artist. He wanted to demonstrate with a big gesture: This is how I eliminate constraints! At first everyone looked horrified, then everyone laughed. Everyone understood: This is how you have to do it. The fun was back. The pictures afterwards turned out great. The brochure sold really well. You wouldn't have dared to throw your cell phone? That's the whole point!

Crash coaching: 3 tips against external determination

First, imagine the following Ask:

And then make yourself aware of the following points and implement them.

1. Talk about your fun brakes

Emotional leadership begins with articulation. I can only manage what I can talk about. That is as trivial as it is often difficult: with whom? If the manager who called me at half past six would be sorry Ms. would complain, what would she say? He knows it. Because she already said it to him. Multiple. Namely: "What's the matter with you? You have a great job. We have a beautiful house, two lovely children. Don't always be so dissatisfied!« No wonder the manager doesn't come home before eight in the evening. If not even his own Family understands. When his own family not only doesn't want to free him from his chains, but also sugarcoats the chains. So he just talks to his Coach or your best friend or your secretary. This also solves the mystery of why so many bosses do something with their secretaries.

Not because secretaries usually look great - they Executive- Wives usually look at least as good and much more expensive. It's because the secretaries are often the only people in the world who can understand and have a say when the manager talks about shackles, which obviously nobody else can see except him. Why is it so good to talk to the secretary? If we can only have a five-minute reasonable conversation with someone, the best ones usually come to us ideasto break our chains.

Checklist: How talk will help you

So before people eat all the shit inside themselves, drag around with them, get an ulcer from them, let themselves be eaten by them and finally lose all joy at work, they should talk to someone.

2. Fight bullshit jobs

Nobody should take bullshit for granted. Your boss is not God. Even God lets you talk, as you hear. Emotional leadership is the opposite of resignation. So Manuela talks to the new area manager. The division manager says: "I didn't know you were doing this for the third time!"

He makes a few compromises in what is required Status. That brings back some time and joy. But that's not enough for Manuela. She continues to fight the shit job. While it creates the requested status, it largely relies on the last status report and only updates some data. Gained even more freedom! In numbers: three days less research work, which would have yielded nothing in the end anyway. What if the manager finds out? Then you can always talk about it. It is important that you (ager) make a choice:

You can always choose between cadaveric obedience and emotional leadership. God grant that we all Courage have the right one decision to meet when the time comes again. Because: The normal manager groans at bullshit jobs and then does them well. The emotional leader first gives himself the necessary freedom of action – only then does he get the job done. Don't you dare? Good point. Many people, even powerful managers, duck and only muck behind closed doors Hand up when they get stupid jobs or their freedom of action is otherwise curtailed. They send e-mails back and forth behind their boss's back: "What an idiot!" or "How pissed off I am!" That's understandable. The emotional leader does things differently.

Checklist: How to fight bullshit jobs

An exchange on eye level free and awaken Solutions. This works perfectly for normal jobs and works even better for bullshit jobs.

3. Fun takes courage. Courage to take something out.

It takes courage, for example his customers to throw in the lake for an afternoon. God knows we don't like that light. But as the photographer said, "I can apologize tomorrow to the customers who didn't reach me today. But I won't be able to take the pictures tomorrow that I have to take today.« First of all, this decision is courageous and secondly... what? You guessed it: setting priorities.

Anyone who throws away a mobile phone does not throw away a mobile phone, but sets the correct priorities: the current task is more important to them than every call at the moment. Exactly this prioritization brings back the joy of work, gives Energy and delivers top results: because it focuses. You can't experience joy when you're bogged down. Where do you get the courage for this focus? Isn't that what you really asked? Because that's a stupid question: Managers are brave by nature - otherwise they would never have accepted a promotion to a managerial position. You just have to rediscover your courage every now and then - and use it to klare to set priorities. Then the fun comes back.

Checklist: How to gain more courage at work

Everyone has to make decisions every day at work. And that means: be brave!

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