People like to get bogged down in the little things. Get distracted. flashing eMail-Inputs or a message in the messages can priorities suddenly shift. So that you remain effective and your Objective not from the Eyes verlieren: Change the flight altitude.

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Can you keep track of goals?

Can you always keep an eye on your goal? Do you have all the effects and consequences present when you ask yourself "What do I do next?"

If not, it will be difficult for you to see your next action step. For help and illustration, the metaphor of flying. So look at your current situation from different heights. The next steps will immediately flash on your many to-do lists.

Base - the aircraft is on the runway

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Here you are close to the action. If you were to write down everything that you need to do from this point onwards, you would get many hundreds of details and hundreds of hours: make 50 calls, 700 eMailread s, answer 143 inquiries, 420 Article work through ... At this level it is important to keep calm.

1.000 Meter Airport:

I also call this dimension the helicopter view of the ongoing projects, usually around 30 to 100. Of this Perspektive You can best see from these projects what should lead to results in the relatively short term. Rely on your intuition.

2.000 Meter Airport:

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At this level, you can very well divide ongoing projects into areas of responsibility. Most people come up with around 15 to 2 categories. For example, my first core area is called “Trainer”. This includes my lectures, seminars and coaching. Category XNUMX is what I call “Marketing", number 3 "Employees” etc.

3.000 Meter Airport:

In 3.000 meter height you already see your annual goal in mind. With this goal on the horizon, it is often easier to identify priorities which topics you should now take a closer look at. The motto is: Every marathon starts with the first step.

4.000 Meter Airport:

From 4.000 meters you have a view of your next three to five years. It is important that you have defined long-term goals and also pursue them. Only if you targeted them Future in view, you will be able to reach them. The moment of “What am I going to do next Thursday morning?” is an ideal time to let your gaze wander.

5.000 meters and more airports:

In this dimension you are in the highest spheres, almost not definable in time. What is the Sinn behind your doing? Many also call it the vision you are pursuing. Whatever you call it or define it: If you don't see any point in your work, you're missing exactly what drives successful professionals like Steve Jobs or Marc Zuckerberg.

Conclusion: The intuition always flies with

You see, I can not tell you, wo Your priorities are. You have to know that yourself. I can only tell you like Do not lose sight of your priorities and pursue your priorities. To know what to do next, you need to go through different altitudes and follow your intuition.

It is not a question of scientific exactness, but of an action-oriented and intuitive decision-making concept. So you always work holistically and remain motivated. Through this kind of work you get into the flow - that is scientifically proven. This is precisely how brains are to be stimulated. And Flow always ensures optimal efficiency.

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