women in IT Industry are rare, but very popular: Differently composed teams generate others ideas and equality is part of the credo of many Companies. Still, many do each other HR-Professionals have a hard time hiring women. Here we want to clarify why this is so and what you can do.

Women IT

Still too few women in MINT subjects

The positive The trend towards more female developers gives hope. The Federal Statistical Office has calculated that the proportion of women among computer science students has recently fallen to around 20 percent light rise. There are also initiatives, including special courses, designed to lower the inhibition threshold for women in STEM subjects. However, according to Statista, the proportion of female IT specialists in companies is still just 15,8 percent.

Many companies have more female IT professionals for their teams as Objective Are defined. You want to increase diversity in teams, generate new ideas, bring together different ways of working and present yourself as modern and open. The potential of more female employees in IT is often mentioned in connection with dealing with a shortage of skilled workers. Women could close the gap in the job market if more of them chose this career decide would. Despite all these good intentions, the industry struggles with female coders. What does a company have to consider in order to better address more female developers and win them over?

Women have to be addressed differently

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When Recruiter successfully the proportion of women in one Team want to increase, they already have the address and job advertisements differently forms. Words like “ninja” or “coding rock star” still find their way into ad copy and only appeal to men, if at all.

One should rather speak of “developers” in the text and, if possible, even let female team members have their say. Maybe there is also the possibility of a brief introduction to the team? An honest quote about everyday work and projects from a colleague in the job advertisement underlines the diversity and equality of a team. Women should see in the job description that other women also work for the company.

Why do female professionals tick differently?

Basically, the benefits should be like salary, free time regulations and additional offers are clearly visible in every job advertisement. Women sometimes have a different focus than men: flexible working time models, vacation days, possible childcare and the like are more important than mothers Money and positions of power. This is still to come Opinions many experts:

Women in the IT sector suffer from the imposter syndrome with frightening regularity: they believe that they can't really do anything and that nobody has noticed it until now. They tend to stay in the background and fear for Tasks not to be suitable. This sets the challenge for recruitment: companies have to arouse the tightrope act between interest, but not with (too high) standards that women already directly at the Application scare off.

Men still deserve more

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Furthermore, women are less likely to be motivated by abstract careers or money. On average, content and topics play a higher role than with their male colleagues.

Perhaps because many companies believe that salary is perhaps a negligible factor when hiring women: men to earn more for the same work. So far, women's gross hourly earnings have been 21 percent less than men's – so for every euro a man earns, a woman only earns 79 cents. It is up to companies to close this gender pay gap.

The recruitment process: involving women more

In order to give women an equal opportunity in the hiring process, it is advisable that male and female recruiters from different backgrounds and ethnicities identify potential new recruits Candidates sight. This results in different opinions, which usually highlight different aspects of a candidate and thus allow a better and more differentiated picture.

Another important point is the CV. On the one hand, it is the core of what HR determine whether the candidate fits the position. On the other hand, it may also be that CV becomes a stumbling block when recruiters get too attached to previous titles or career advances.

Women in IT: A Self-Marketing Problem?

Women still find it harder to excel in technology and, unfortunately, sometimes because of prejudice, to climb the corporate ladder. Here it applies, a fine Balance to be found: between what the candidate brings to the table in terms of skills and experience, what potential he or she has and, of course, what the actual job requirements of day-to-day business are. Previous titles are basically superfluous - what counts is the experience and the Motivation.

Some international organizations, the so-called “Blind Recruiting" insert. Here personal data such as name, Age, gender or the application picture omitted. This data is only added during the final interview - a sure guarantee for an equal opportunity selection, which only focuses on skills and not looks or gender. Professional orchestras, for example, let musicians play behind a curtain until the last round. The perfect “blind recruiting”.

Communication problems in the HR

When it comes to personal learning, an HR employee should always be involved in the process to make the process more fair and structured. Women tend to be different from men.

Therefore, it would help if the interviewers were more comfortable with the female nature Ask would be familiar to answer. For example, women often use expressions that contain less detail. Therefore, it is crucial that interviewers carefully ask questions to understand their potential.

A woman in the interview can understand the applicant better if the male colleagues do not reach the core of the answer.

Women's power brings passion and ability

Female Developer often bring other ideas and solutions with them. They are an enrichment for teams and companies usually attract passionate, motivated employees. Because as a rule, a woman decides on programming and software development out of passion, out of conviction and mostly with ability.

It is now up to the companies to optimize their addresses and processes for advertised positions and to make them fairer. Perhaps the "War for Talents" will be somewhat mitigated. In the spirit of “The future of programming is female too”.

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