Everyone knows them and many suffer from them: bad bosses, strong leadership? None! But how to go Employees with them?

Communicating properly with bad bosses: 10 tips for dealing with the horror boss

What makes bad bosses?

Those bosses who don't agree with anyone decision are able to harass their employees with incomprehensible work instructions and scare them away with unpredictable outbursts of anger, nobody likes them. Accordingly, in many Companys Mistakes swept under the carpet and employees work to rule. The main thing Executive gets as little as possible.

Anyone who has a bad boss often suffers quietly and secretly, according to the motto: "We can't do anything before then." In one Onlinesurvey asked Australian scientists Anthony Don Erickson, Ben Shaw and Zha Agabe about their experiences with bad bosses. Of the 240 participants, 64 percent said their bosses were lousy despite their Appear nothing happened or they were even promoted. The frustration with the boss, who can apparently do whatever he wants, not only harms the working atmosphere Motivation and thus also the productivity in the company - it also harms the employee himself.

A lack of self-determination causes stress

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And Professor Dr. Lothar Seiwert, one of the leading German experts for Time management and Work-Life-Balance, explained in his book “Tricked. Why we have to say goodbye to time management” that is not Stress to blame for the burnout, but the lack of self-determination. What People really burn out has nothing to do with the workload, but with the degree of foreign determination in life. But in order to be able to work more self-determinedly, you have to know how to face the bad boss correctly - because every manager has very different characteristics.

For example, there is the unpredictable choleric: he is usually very committed, enthusiastically tackles new projects and also implements them in a goal-oriented manner. He is open to others and cheerful usually says clear, what he thinks. As long as things go the way the choleric wants, everything is in Order. But if something goes against his grain, he freaks out completely for no apparent reason, while the others helplessly look for the trigger. At this moment, the only thing that helps is to wait calmly until his anger has subsided.

Not every bad boss is evil

The scheming careerist is of a completely different caliber: he never takes extreme positions, but always adapts himself tactically Opinions his own superiors. He also strategically assesses people based on how important they are or could become to his career. But he doesn't pander to his own employees, but never misses an opportunity to use them ideas Capital to beat. One should therefore approach him politely and firmly Distance and offer as few points of attack as possible by only talking to him about work and not about personal things.

Nevertheless: Not every bad boss is really a bad person. Many people do not realize how much their employees are suffering. Sylvana Pollehn, manager and restaurant manager at McDonald's, therefore advertises in her book "Here I am the boss! Together to Success“ Also for understanding towards bosses: “Our facial expressions, our gestures and our tone of voice can be a curse or a blessing at the same time. We often use these three unconsciously, sometimes consciously. You support them Communication on positive or negative Wise.” But Pollehn also knows that bosses should be sensitive to the reactions of their employees: “People show unmistakably whether they agree with what and how they say something. Therefore, we should be aware that by inappropriate Behavior on our part others may react undesirably.”

10 tips for dealing with horror bosses

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What can you do against really bad bosses? The spectrum ranges from "keep calm" to legal action. 10 tips.

  1. Remain factual: In conflicts with the supervisor, it is particularly important to remain objective and factual, even if the boss does not treat the employee with the same professionalism.
  2. Patience and self-control: Emotions cloud judgment and provoke heated arguments. Employees should give it a wide berth.
  3. No know-it-all! Of course, it's always easy to claim that you can do better yourself. Perhaps the job demands a lot more from the boss than an outsider realizes.
  4. Understanding for the boss: Perhaps the boss has more to do than he can handle. Try to show understanding.
  5. Rise to the challenge: Employees should use every opportunity to prove that they are up to great challenges and can take on responsibility. That gives plus points.
  6. Aim for promotion: Instead of getting frustrated, you should aim for a promotion: You can then stand out from the crowd and recommend yourself for better tasks - including separation from the incompetent boss.
  7. Be self-confident: Despite all the criticism from above, you should always believe in your own abilities and not be afraid to share experiences and knowledge.
  8. Support the boss: Offer to help: The boss may have less experience in some areas and would be grateful for help and support.
  9. Find witnesses: Whether presenting an idea or after completing a large project, it is always helpful to have colleagues who can witness the work done.
  10. Finding Evidence: If you really want to take action against the boss, you should have good evidence of their incompetence or wrongdoing—through witnesses or emails, for example.

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