How do you define success? Maybe so that it is not always visible on the surface. Nothing symbolizes that as well as this graphic. Success also requires the right decisions in the background - but how do you make them?


What actually is success?

Success is the dogma of our capitalist Society. And who apparently successfully is, we chase after it like rabbits after a carrot - hoping to get some of the cake.

But not everything that looks successful at first glance is actually successful. As a rule, informed decisions lead to success. Decisions with a healthy basis, a root so to speak.

It all depends on a healthy basis

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The emphasis is on using skills and knowledge that will enable you to be a useful person Information to distinguish from a piece of nonsense. Or which of the two rabbits would be better off in a tail... pardon carrot comparison?

Ever since I was young I have been concerned with the question of success. I have often asked myself what I wanted to be when I grew up, what I wanted to do with my life and what I wanted to have. I never got one klare Answered because I thought if I knew exactly what I wanted, I would get it.

Flexible goals help

I have never set goals in relation to my life path, but always with what I wanted to achieve. I always wanted to be successful, even if I didn't know exactly how. That's the great thing about goals: you define them in general terms and then move towards them in a very flexible way.

We all have goals we want to achieve, but sometimes getting there seems so far away. You might want to quit your job that Welt touring or just a Companys establish.

We make decisions about success and failure every minute

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a lot of People It is difficult to make decisions, and this is especially true for many people who want to be successful in life. Unfortunately, it can be just as bad, no decision to hit, like to hit the wrong one. If you're always indecisive, you can set yourself up for failure in the long run. That is why it is so important to accept the fact that not making a good decision is not a good one Idea at a hunt.

You may want to fast Make decisions and be successful, but there's a problem: sometimes you feel like you're making a decision based on the best information you can get, but it turns out you have to make a decision, by you don't really know if it's right and if that decision will make you successful.

It is in such a situation light believing that it will take a long time to reach your goals, but the reality is that we make decisions every moment of every day. When you realize that your personal path to success consists of many small steps, it becomes much easier to make decisions. On the other hand, if you cannot see the end of your path, feel You easily become overwhelmed and paralyzed by the choices you must make.

15 minutes of fame for everyone

This effect is reinforced by the modern media: Nowadays everyone can use Facebook, Twitter, Youtube on TV or even in the “classic” media get their 15 minutes of fame. The spectrum ranges from the jungle queen to the self-proclaimed internet icon.

Not everyone is necessarily successful at this. And the unrealistic images in the media add to the pressure on everyone. Because real success is sustainable, it is firmly grounded and has deep roots; No other picture symbolizes this for me as well as the rabbit with the carrot.

What matters is what comes out at the back

Or, to quote Helmut Kohl, “decide is what comes out at the back" - in this case one would perhaps rather say "below".

And that includes making the right decisions. And sometimes they just need time. Helmut Kohl also practiced what our grandmother always knew, science has now proven it: You have to think about important decisions first, sometimes even sitting things out.

Information is processed unconsciously

When Barack Obama had to make a decision about the attack on Osama bin Laden's house, he first slept through the night. The social psychologists Maarten Bos and Amy Cuddy find this to be a clever approach in the Harvard blog Business review.

In fact, write the authors, that our Brain continuously weighs the pros and cons of decisions. And that is during the time when we are not concentrating on this question. For example sleep. Experiments with students have shown that the brain separates important from irrelevant aspects of a decision during this time.

Willpower and decisiveness can be trained like muscles

Studies have shown that willpower is like a muscle that loses its strength over time. In other words, the power of self-control will decrease over time if you don't exercise it. This is why it is important to know that many of the decisions you make are not actually made in a moment, but rather by the accumulation of many smaller decisions that are made over time.

Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while know that I'm a huge fan of the Pareto Principle, or the 80-20 rule, which says that 80% of the value of a project, system, or decision is worth 20 % of its parts is created. In other words, 80% of our results come from 20% of our efforts. This idea has been tested in various fields such as sports, science, entrepreneurship, and military strategy to name a few.

Separate the unimportant from the important

Maarten Bos and Amy Cuddy also carried out a purely practical experiment for their thesis: The participants in the experiment had to decide whether to buy a car. They got a lot for that positive, but not relevant aspects of the car are presented, as well as a few but important information given.

The majority of the participants, who had to decide immediately, chose the car with the most positive attributes - although these were not important. Participants who dealt with something else in between made the better decisions: They decided based on the relevant criteria.

Here plays for sure also the following mechanism into it: From a certain point Age, if we jung our brains like to hallucinate and tell us things we have no idea about. "If it feels good, then do it," we are told, we should always look to our inner self voice listen because it tells us what our heart tells us. However, it doesn't always feel good, but we must not reject it, and so we blindly follow our heart.

3 steps to better decisions

From these insights, Bos and Cuddy direct three steps to make better decisions:

  1. Obtain all the necessary information and acquire the factual knowledge.
  2. You sleep over it. This means that you give your brain time to process the information you have gathered.
  3. Our subconscious can process large amounts of information, but is not particularly precise. So it is important to check the facts again the next morning: For example, are any rules violated in my decisions?

Why sleep routine is so important to good decisions and success

It's a fact that a good sleep routine is essential to success and happiness. Researchers have found that lack of sleep negatively impacts brain function Burnout and stress levels during the day. The result is a decreased Lust to work what a lot Problems can cause. Sleep is important for success and happiness.

Of course you can't sleep over every decision - often you have to Ask be resolved more quickly. Nevertheless, distraction helps: Take a short walk, listen to some music or go jogging: Any activity that distracts from the actual decision helps.

Know your mental blocks: How big is your carrot?

One of the most important factors that determine our success is the decision-making process. Because the right decision can change our life completely. That is why it is important to know how to make the right decisions and how to take them calmly.

There are a few things you consider your ultimate Objective can look at. First, you need to make sure that an event you plan to attend has a positive outcome. Second, you need to make sure that everything you do in your daily life is beneficial to you. The third is your personal carrot.

If you want to make better decisions, you also need to know how much of your mental blockage is involved in those decisions. You might get rich if you get it right, but more often than not you end up with a big carrot and a big problem. On the other hand, if you are wrong, verlieren your Money and maybe your job too. So how big is the carrot?

Again, what exactly is success?

In addition, one always has to ask the question: What actually is success? It looks different for everyone. In our society, people who are known and / or have a lot of money are generally considered successful. Often this intersection is just not congruent.

Aspects that are often forgotten: Success in the private sphere. Because you, for example, from great friends and a loving Family is surrounded. Or success in personal commitment to society, which often takes place on a small, hidden basis and is therefore not given the necessary attention awareness is granted. What is success for you? What are your decisions? In other words, how big is your carrot?

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