Skills shortage in MINT professions - a topic that is presented on Best of HR -® to rain discussions and into one ARD report led. But what is it about the topic?

The end of the MINT fairy tale: where real specialists are needed

Shortage of skilled workers in the IT industry?

The skills shortage in the ITindustry is considered an important factor in the job market and many believe it will likely be a challenge for many years to come. The shortage of IT specialists has been a hot topic in the German IT industry for some time.Welt. According to a recent study, in Future even 40 percent of IT positions in Germany are vacant. In some Companies is the Problem even worse: 80 percent of IT positions will remain vacant! This has significant consequences for the German IT industry, because there is a shortage of qualified workers on the market.

That sounds horrible, especially for employers who seem to be hungry for well-qualified staff. Yet if we look back at the history of the IT industry, we see that throughout the history of the IT industry, the vast majority of workers have Technology with low-skilled Tasks was busy. Major technological developments in recent years, such as the invention of the smartphone, have only exacerbated the problem.

While the IT industry is growing and new Employees is hiring, the shortage of qualified workers has apparently increased. When asked, most employers state that they do not have enough qualifications Candidate get for their vacancies. The Federal Employment Agency is trying to better understand the causes of the shortage of skilled workers in the IT industry and Measures develop to improve the situation.

Given that the average German rarely really up to pension works, the subject of the future shortage of skilled workers is on everyone's lips in view of the baby boom in the IT sector. There is a lot of talk about the lack of IT specialists in the IT industry in Germany, also in the media or at panel discussions, I've experienced it myself.

The job miracle does not arise in MINT professions

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But then not much is done about it by employers. And you want to Head scratch and ask yourself: why is that? The answer to this question is actually very simple: There is no general shortage of skilled workers, where it is there it is often homemade - through poor pay, wrong location or home office policy, family-unfriendly working hours or the like. Many studies show that.

Many MINT initiatives are actually completely out of place, as our reader Karen noted in 2010. The real shortage of skilled workers lies elsewhere. On the website of the social learning platform Flowcampus, I'm on an excellent post from Dr. Angelica Laurencon encountered. Your core thesis:

The job miracle in this country cannot arise in the MINT professions. The new jobs 2020 for Young Professionals and those switching (about 7 million) are developing beyond STEM.

The end of the well-known work and corporate structures

The author identifies the reason for this in the current technical development of the so-called Industry 4.0, its development clear goes further than many institutions and companies want to admit today.

The export hits of the second industrial Revolution (Mechanical engineering, mechatronics, cars, armaments) are in the transversal Creative-Industry to discontinued models as well as the work and corporate structures that have emerged with them over the last 50 years.

Real innovations are born beyond MINT

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And while Germany, as a purported land of engineers, propagates the skills shortage in science and technology, the real innovations emerge elsewhere and in another way - through networked thinking and high specialization:

To this end, Google, Tesla and Apple network the existing know-how of the engineers with their data flow, the Internet, the software applications and the network dynamics.

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Jobs with future, but without education

Laurencon also gives examples of these new jobs, e.g. data analysts or highly specialized service providers in the healthcare sector who work at the interface between people and Technology act. See the slide above for more information.

The problem is, however, that these future professions for our ears still sound so far, that there are hardly any training in this area. How absurd at all is the assumption, Laurencon also shows immediately:

Admittedly, no reputable provider can provide the job profiles of the future in canned form these days. They all have to be invented, developed and im open Innovation Process being constantly rescaled as a beta version.

Infinite need for tinklers

All that remains is to become active yourself and to create your own job - because in this area there is an almost infinite need:

The increasing lack of resources creates an endless need for tinkerers, inventors and developers of simple and inexpensive products with which Energy can be created, saved and shared.

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