"Faster Higher Further!" “Survival of the fittest!” “Competition enlivens that Shop!” wisdom that is well known. And outdated. If you don't want to be left behind in the future, you have to rethink: Cooperation is the new way to success.

Cooperation_the future belongs to us

Cooperation is more creative

From an early age we are told that it is the competition that drives us successfully(he makes. Who is better, stronger, faster, also wins. Whether in private, in Job or in economic competition. But ultimately, competition is nothing more than a zero-sum game.

Where there are winners, there are also losers. Today cooperation replaces “faster, higher further”. Because she changes them Perspektive and makes you more creative. She inspires us to bake a bigger cake of “success” so that everyone involved wins. Incidentally, cooperative action promotes well-being and ensures a better working atmosphere. In short: Cooperation makes individuals and Company successful.

Is cooperation unnatural?

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Cooperation - everyone pulls together. Too good to be true ... Chants like: “Wait a minute, we're not here in kindergarten, but in the company. And companies have to fight to avoid being lost in the competition. ” Admittedly, cooperating sometimes has an unnatural effect on us. Why? Because we are conditioned differently.

Stubborn on performance

Our standard mental program is “competition and competition”. We have been stamped on it since we were children: the fastest runner gets the medal. At school, the one who gets the teacher awareness who answers the fastest. And we only get that with the best grades study place of Choice and our dream job. Success even proves us right, our well-known belief Pattern continue to follow. But will what has brought us here also in us Future make successful?

Heart over head

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Our Head says that competition and winning are the keys to success. Cooperation and sharing have no place in this way of thinking. But meanwhile, our heart remembers that we are also deeply social beings.

Just recently, 2000 professionals from diverse Industries asked whether and to what extent they are with their work life satisfied are. 80% of those questioned were dissatisfied: Too much individual responsibility, pressure to perform and increasing selfishness are eating away at the very foundations of our souls.

The WE wins

It would be wrong to stamp co-operation just as Nice-to-have, as a nice Soft Skill. It is the professional survival craft of the future. The basic prerequisite for cooperative action is an equally cooperative attitude. Only those who live and feel co-operation can also be successful through them.

However, our current mental program level will probably bring our current cooperative thinking framework to collapse at the latest when we accommodate Stress stand. Making our collaborative thinking and acting stress-resilient may require a few updates. Only those who change their mindset can be successful cooperatively - now and in the future.

The curse of prosperity?

Perhaps it is a “curse” of our affluent society: we often talk about what separates us. Regardless of whether the area of ​​responsibility, the department, Set, budget, Income, language or working style – we use all of this and much more to set ourselves apart and assert ourselves.

But that's not all: Our concentrated (tunnel) vision, which occurs at the latest when we are under stress. And that's at 2/3 of that People this is regularly the case in professional life today. We then only concentrate on our “survival”. “Survive” by asserting ourselves while putting the interests of others aside. Or "survive" by submitting while putting our own interests aside.

Success from cooperation does not work with old, crusted patterns and structures. Mental updates make us fit, cooperative action consistently and successfully. Connectivity and co-centering form the basis.

Update 1: Connectedness

In order to use our ability to cooperate, we can and must be completely different Ask ask: according to the feeling of connectedness in working life, according to common goals. This often still works quite well for colleagues, employees or even superiors.

Competition or team?

But what about colleagues from another department, another location, country or even the competitors?

For the mental update “connectedness” we are looking for what connects us with others and not for what separates or differentiates us. The finding of the search: ALWAYS there is one thing in common. Because ultimately we are all in the same boat.

Common ground

The search for similarities makes successive negotiations cooperatively more successful. This finding is also confirmed by a study among MBA students. Some groups were asked to go to medias res without delay and to enter directly into the negotiations.

Only round 55% came to an agreement. Other groups were initially asked to exchange personal information. The search for similarities before the start of negotiation led to a consensus rate of about 90%.

Update 2: Co-concentration

Concentrated acting and thinking spiegelt is reflected in EITHER OR. Win OR verlieren. Even compromise falls into this category. Because everyone wins a little and everyone loses a little. The co-centered attitude thrives on BOTH AND. achieve goals together.

Keep an eye on yourself and the group

Keeping an eye on yourself and the group at the same time: this is a co-centered view. In order for both us and our new coexistence to win, we have to deal with the other person as well as with ourselves.

It is important to recognize our own motives and those of others. Co-centered thinking is the foundation of WIN-WINStrategy. It helps to resolve conflicts successfully and permanently.

How do concentration go?

The mental update “Co-centrization” expires when we stop fighting or submit. By asking ourselves “What do I want?” and "What does the other want?" to then search for one Solution to look for something that makes both possible.

With solidarity and concentration we pave the way for cooperative action. The two updates “Share” and “Trust give" use this very basis of cooperation and let it take on concrete, growing forms.

Update 3: Share

Information is the most important commodity today. So the central question is: how ready are we, our Background to share? And do we see that as more of a debt to collect or a debt to deliver?

Debt or debt?

Everyone has probably used the following sentences or heard: “Nobody asks me” or “You should only have asked me”. The exchange of information is seen by most as a debt rather than a debt. Knowledge is hoarded as if it disappears when shared. But: sharing is the only way to increase it.

We activate the “Share” update by simply starting with it - starting to share our knowledge. We ask ourselves who our information could still be useful for and actively share it. This is where knowledge forums live - and cooperation.

Sharing is advancing

We often think we all know the truth. All the more we are surprised, if afterwards still further information emerge, of which we did not know at all. In doing so, the complexity and bandwidth of many topics almost automatically. Even for experts is much too complex.

Therefore, the sooner we share and disclose our information, the more likely we will receive further knowledge input. Don't forget one Hand washes the other. When we do favors for others, the likelihood that they will do us favors increases. Caution: No obligations and dependencies can be derived from the principle of reciprocity.

Update 4: Trust

Certainly, we do not behave cooperatively because we think that our counterpart does not cooperate to the same extent as we would. This is all the more true if it is not a one-time, but a repetitive situation. Each time we let ourselves be guided by our bad experiences and fears. Numerous researchers in the game theory confirm that the best strategy for the benefit of all stakeholders is to trust. That is, acting as if one knew that the other party was cooperative.

Trust is not a victim strategy

In order to take advantage of the Give Trust update, we're going from the best we can for now Behavior our counterpart. And let us be strengthened by the awareness that in the long run we can lose more through fighting than through cooperation.

Trust is by no means a victim strategy. If our trust is abused, this must be punished. After that, the following applies: Immediately back to the beginning and to the attitude of trust. This is sometimes difficult for us because we are emotional beings. But often a simple one can Conversation Resolve misunderstandings and find a remedy.

Cooperation - a formula for success with exemplary character

Everything sounds fine and good, BUT “In my position that is not possible.” Really? We don't always have to be cooperative, we have to make a conscious choice.

By consciously activating the updates of connection, concentration, sharing and giving trust, we will also choose the path of cooperation more often, achieve better results and perhaps also become role models, ours Working world and Society so badly needed.

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