how would you Employees choose to accompany you on a march to the South Pole. An interesting mind game, triggered by an interview with Reinhold Messner. And how are employees in many Companies actually selected?

Reinhold Messner method for teams & job search: Find exactly the right employee!

It ends with the wrong people

When I interviewed Reinhold Messner some time ago, was clear, how important it is for companies to find employees who exactly fit the goals and function. The most interesting aspect of this was his statement about the selection the right team. “Was brought the wrong people on board, gets killed. If only my comrades-in-arms get through Money If they had been motivated, they might have given up. That would have meant death,” Messner said of his Arctic crossing.

Sounds drastic, but makes it clear: With the wrong people, things can end badly for a company. Reinhold Messner knows what he is talking about: Because Messner's statement can be transferred very nicely to the topic of target focus - namely in the Job Search as in teamwork alike.

Team cohesion is essential for survival: the individual must stand up for his goals

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Conversely, the individual must also for his own Set stand up. Example job search: Many apply relatively indiscriminately to any position that is even somehow possible. for job interview Advisors are then consulted in order to bend appropriately. Only a few think in advance whether the job suits their skills at all.

It often starts with the rather pointless ones Jobs at. After all, who hasn't been annoyed when looking at the job advertisements that they didn't understand what was actually being asked for?

What do you want me to say?

Let's give an example: One look at the job advertisements - and you have no idea what is being asked for there: Project leaders, project managers, project coordinators or even consultants Rede, of spongy soft skills such as teamwork and flexibility, but you will find yourself there at most 70 percent. You could even do the job really well - if you only knew that someone like you was wanted.

There are several reasons for such nebulous job descriptions: Rapid technical development, training courses lag behind, constantly changing requirements and more and more Peoplewho no longer work in the job they learned.

AGG as a problem

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The general equal treatment law makes recruiters such Anxiety, being sued for not saying who exactly they are looking for anymore. And many job profiles are watered down beyond recognition on the way from the specialist department to the job advertisement. Result: pure bullshit bingo.

This is where the fundamental problem arises Online-Job search: Candidate give one Term yes, the search will spit out something suitable. Sounds convenient, but it doesn't work for an increasing percentage of job seekers because the matching isn't right. This calls for new mechanisms.

How do you avoid matching problems? Certainly not!

In order to avoid matching problems, quite a few companies go to great lengths - often only the wrong ones: job advertisements are watered down beyond recognition, but expensive studies are still being carried out to find out in which media they are best act could.

And if all else fails, a Headhunter endeavors, whose Candidates then not even invited to an interview. Paradox? In many companies, however, this is a sad reality. The question “What do I really want” is asked far too seldom in management.

How is it better?

The electronics group Rohde and Schwarz does it differently: 30 trainees each year at the Munich location alone, usually all are taken on, and those willing to study receive support. With market-driven salaries, benefits, regular advanced training and sophisticated health management, the group ensures fluctuation below 1 percent. Here, too, you are looking for very specialized specialists: "The training period is up to one and a half years," explains Carolin Unger, Head of Personnel Marketing and Recruitment.

But there is no need for headhunters – also because there are good contacts with prospective employees: “We have university partnerships in which we award research contracts, make laboratory or equipment available to students, send employees as lecturers or offer internships,” says Unger. The most effective way of attracting specialized professionals is not to wait until you are in need – one way Method, which unfortunately still too few companies take to heart.

It's about people

Applicants should Internet networks use and also present their personal interests - like the programmer Regine Heidorn, who also tweeted about hobbies and found a job that she hadn't even thought of.

And companies should increasingly rely on recommendations from their employees - “because they contact precisely those people who are interested in a specific position and work in the Team actually suitable. And they do that with considerable completion rates, ”explains management consultant Anne Schüller. After all, it's about people, not job descriptions. But that is easily forgotten on both sides.

The key to successful job search

For Dirk Ohlmeier, Managing Director of Ethos Human Recruitment GmbH in Berlin, a successful job search is not a closed book if you pay attention to exactly this: “Anyone who wants a relaxed atmosphere with flat hierarchies, for example, does not apply to conservative companies. who does not travel does not look for positions with a high willingness to travel. You can authentic remain."

Ultimately, this is also the key for Reinhold Messner Success: "In my experience, it is important to do well what you enjoy doing, because only those who are passionate about what they do do their job well."

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