Companies are desperately looking for skilled workers for their vacancies. However, far too few ask themselves how they are willing to emigrate Employees recognize in good time and prevent unwanted employee fluctuation. This article shows what loss prevention can look like.

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Wanted fluctuation vs. employees escape

If it is becoming increasingly difficult to find good new employees, then it means concentrating more on the ones you already have. Unfortunately, there is often a lot of trouble there: while in front the Recruiter do their utmost to Candidates elsewhere, your own people will run away from you.

Logically there is a natural meltdown rate in every company. We can't keep all employees - and sometimes we don't want to either. Moderate employee migration is quite normal these days. And as long as only the less good go, fluctuation for the purpose of “refreshing blood” is also welcome.

Collateral wound: often enough homemade

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In addition, changing living conditions can lead to absences. Or the competition offers better design and development opportunities. The quick access to information in the Internet play for sure a significant role. The emptied job market makes many jump off completely light. And the changing social behavior is a fact. Lifelong employee loyalty is obsolete.

But all that explains employee flight only in part. The lack of employee ties and the associated losses are often enough homemade. They have - in addition to a poor professional fit or interpersonal incompatibilities - on the one hand to do with the corporate culture and on the other hand with a problematic leadership behavior.

4 Tips: How Companies Prevent High Employee Prevention

So what can companies do to prevent high employee turnover? The short answer is timely loss-Prävention to operate. Companies should pay attention to the following 4 points.

1. not destroy loyalty

"Why should I be loyal," many workers ask, "when I know about my Company can't expect loyalty?" Businesses must be loyal. But they are only this if they have loyalty values ​​towards their employees, customers and cooperation partners live. If they don't, they have no right to demand their loyalty.

Many organizations have systematically lost the loyalty of their employees. And whenever it is Economy better, they get the receipt for it: old bills are settled. Among the dissatisfied, frustrated and disappointed employees, the best are the first to leave in droves.

The biggest losers of loyalty are these:

Anyone who is already working on these points alone can considerably increase the employee relationship.

2. Learn from outsiders

Only then, if one knows the actual exchange causes, one can do something about it. For, behind the rational and rational motives and motifs of the subject, quite different, true reasons are often found. Many employees actually terminate an employment relationship because of interpersonal misconduct, more precisely because:

Experienced Executives with a feeling for the soft tones can recognize an impending migration before it is too late: individual vacation days taken at short notice, negligence, lack of concentration, less general interest, reduced concrete Commitment. Anyone who interprets the signs correctly can possibly stabilize endangered employee relationships in good time.

Do you have any suspicions? Of course you can't fall straight into the house, you'll try to feel out gently. Ask She's like, "Is there something we really need to talk about?" The employee's answer is evasive or doesn't sound very plausible? His body language speaks volumes? Then you will be wide awake!

Observations on migration-critical events can be successively refined, in order to develop key figures, to develop forecast models and to install an early warning system. Exit interviews are also ideally suited for this purpose.

3. Use exit interviews

Everyone who goes takes something with them and leaves something behind: adventures, impressions, experiences, emotions. Before an employee closes the door forever, they may wish to discuss a thing or two with you. Those who leave now find it easier to speak plainly with courage.

And yes, quite apart from the possible annoyance because of the departure, the employer side also needs it Courageto conduct well-founded exit interviews. Because unpleasant things can come up. On the other hand, you can learn a lot by asking smart questions.

Explain to the leaver that an exit interview is always voluntary and that it is not a turnaround interview. Name and show plausible reasons for the mutual benefit Esteem. Don't justify yourself or defend anyone, just listen with interest. Capture and analyze what is being said. And then: Change something!

Exit interviews should only be conducted if the employee has no negative no longer has to fear the consequences, so that he can state his motives for the change completely freely. All exit formalities, including the job reference, must be completed beforehand.

4. Conduct exit interviews correctly

I advise against long questionnaires. This is corrosive and tedious for the interviewee. Instead, prepare a small questionnaire. A neutral (!) third party does it Conversation then preferably verbally, informally and freely. Some wording suggestions:

References to grievances in the working atmosphere, the working conditions and the management behavior of the supervisor do not bring the departing employee back. But you can improve a lot for those who stay, counteract further fluctuation and so much more Costs save up.

"You can also learn a lot about how to stay competitive," says HR consultant and Best of HR –®Author Sophia von Rundstedt. In addition, bad word of mouth and negative ratings on opinion portals can possibly be averted or at least mitigated by such a conversation. Every employee who leaves is an ambassador for the Company and can prevent many talents from developing apply.

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