Studies prove that Peoplewho live at higher elevations tend to live longer. The mechanisms behind this are not known - the effect could be due to several different factors.

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Why do people in higher altitudes live longer?

The closest explanation is the decreasing oxygen partial pressure with increasing altitude. Research shows very clearly that restricting calorie intake extends lifespan. However, the effects of oxygen are usually not taken into account. Just as superfluous calories can damage your metabolism, too much oxygen can also cause free radicals that damage your tissues.

These highly reactive and destructive molecules cause damage to the lipids in your cell membranes, to endogenous proteins and to DNA. Free radicals are created during the normal breakdown of oxygen in the course of metabolic processes. We all produce a certain amount of free radicals just by breathing. Therefore, doing breathing exercises that are aimed at maintaining healthy tidal volume can be effective Strategy to keep the oxygen in your body at an optimal level. This in turn minimizes the damage caused by free radicals.

Altitude training as a tactic

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In addition, altitude training is a tactic that many top and endurance athletes use to gain a competitive edge. Because one way to tap additional resources in the body is to specifically reduce the oxygen supply for a short time. This improves both the blood's ability to transport oxygen and the maximum oxygen capacity (VO2 max) - the amount of oxygen that an athlete's body can use per minute. Now most of us don't live very high above the seaspiegelso that they cannot easily use this effect.

However, there are some simple strategies you can use to take advantage of high altitude living and the associated reduced oxygen uptake: so keep your mouth shut as you breathe. Admittedly, it took me several weeks to master the transition to breathing through my nose; but when I did it, breathing became far more efficient.

Change your lifestyle

I am a big advocate of avoiding expensive, high-risk medication and surgery with simple lifestyle changes. The strategies in Success factor oxygen should be mine Opinions after each in his selection engage in health-promoting activities. I simply cannot see any disadvantages – the program only has advantages. I personally use it and can only warmly recommend that you integrate it into your life. It is worth it!

We can live without food for weeks and without water for days, but can only do without air for a few minutes. While we spend a lot of time and attention on what we eat and drink, we pay almost no attention to the air we breathe. It is well known that both quality and quantity play an important role in daily food and fluid intake.

Oxygen over or under supply as a problem

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An over- or undersupply leads to problems. Us is too clearthat we need good air. But what about the crowd? How much air do we need for optimal health? Wouldn't it be logical to assume that some very basic requirements also apply to air, which is even more important for human survival than food or water? The amount of air you breathe can change everything you thought you knew about your body, health, and performance. This applies regardless of whether you are someone who finds it difficult to get off the sofa for training, whether you are a Sunday athlete who occasionally runs ten kilometers, or a professional athlete looking for that decisive competitive advantage.

You may be wondering what I mean by "crowd" in this context. After all, air is not something that you pull in briefly at the kitchen table in the late evening - or during a feast on the weekend. But what if this was exactly the case in some ways? What if healthy breathing habits were as important to achieving maximum fitness as healthy eating habits - or even more important?

Correct breathing improves your performance

You should get to know the basic connections between oxygen and important bodily processes. Your performance is improved by optimizing the oxygen supply to your muscles, organs and tissues. Such an increased oxygen saturation is not only healthier, but also enables a higher exercise intensity and leaves you less fast get out of breath. In short: You will become healthier, fitter and more productive.

When you compete, you will find that you enjoy both the training and the competition itself more than ever. The reason: you will be able to achieve more with less effort. Our overall fitness and athletic performance is usually limited by our lungs - not our legs, arms or mind. Anyone who exercises regularly knows that feeling short of breath affects exercise intensity far more than any muscle fatigue. The basis for Fun in sports and one increase of physical activity is therefore a possible efficient Breathing.

Chronic hyperventilation

Learning how to breathe properly is fundamental - scientific studies prove this, as does the experience of thousands of people I have worked with.

The Problem is that correct breathing, which should actually be in our cradle, is in our modern Society has become a major challenge. We assume that the body always knows reflexively how much air it needs at any given moment. But unfortunately that is not the case. Over the centuries, we have changed our environment so dramatically that many of us have lost our innate ability to breathe. The natural breathing process is through chronic Stress, sedentary activities, unhealthy diets, overheated homes and lack of fitness are out of control. All of these factors contribute to bad breathing habits. And bad breathing habits lead to sluggishness, weight gain, trouble sleeping, breathing difficulties and cardiovascular disease. Our ancestors ate naturally and worked hard.

Less competition, better breathing

They lived in an environment far less competitive than ours - and that was conducive to an efficient breathing pattern. Compare this to our modern one Everyday life, in which we sit at a desk in front of the computer for hours, talking on the phone, wolfing down random fast food at lunchtime and trying incessantly, a seemingly endless series of Tasks and to cope with financial obligations. Due to these modern living conditions, the amount of air that we breathe is gradually increasing. More oxygen in the lungs - that may sound positive at first. In reality, however, it is much more light breath that indicates good health and fitness.

Imagine two people traveling to the Summer Olympics: an overweight tourist and a competitor. Who do you think puffers and gasps more when they pick up their luggage and carry it up the stairs? Certainly not the athlete. The biggest and seldom identified obstacle on the way to health and fitness is chronic hyperventilating, i.e. overbreathing.

Exhale the checklist

We can breathe in two to three times as much air as we need without even realizing it. Answer the following Askto find out if you're overbreathing:

If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, this indicates a tendency to over-breathe. The features described are typical when we breathe in more air than we need.

Over breathing - a bad habit

Just as with the daily supply of water and food, there is also an optimum for the air we breathe. Overbreathing can be just as bad for your health as overeating. The unconscious habit of overbreathing has industrialized in all parts Welt reached epidemic proportions. This is extremely harmful to our health. Chronic hyperventilation leads to illness, lack of fitness and reduced performance. It promotes numerous ailments including anxiety, asthma, fatigue, insomnia, heart problems and even obesity.

It may seem strange that a spectrum of such diverse problems can be caused or exacerbated by overbreathing. But the breath of life affects literally every aspect of our health. my Objective is to put you in a state where you can live and breathe again as nature intended. But in order to heal an ailment, one must first understand it.

Understand the problem with breathing

As you breathe in everyday life, you also breathe during physical activity. If you breathe too much every day, every hour and every minute, you will struggle with shortness of breath when you exercise. Because if our breathing is already miserable at rest, it would be unreasonable to expect it to correct itself during physical exertion. The seemingly harmless tendency to breathe through your mouth and visibly at rest, day or night, makes you short of breath when you exercise and limits you Wealth a, your Performance to improve.

These bad breathing habits can mean the difference between a healthy, dynamic life and a sickly, weak one. Overbreathing leads to a narrowing of the airways. This restricts the body's ability to charge itself with oxygen, and the narrowing of the blood vessels leads to reduced blood flow to the heart and other organs and muscles. These systemic effects affect your health whether you are a professional athlete or whether your main exercise is climbing the stairs in your home. Overbreathing can stagnate or even shorten sports careers. Excessive breathing takes its toll: the lungs let their owner down, no matter how strong the rest of the body is. As most athletes know, our lungs fail long before our arms and legs.

How does oxygen work in the body?

All we need is the invisible but crucial foundation of human life: oxygen. The paradox is: the amount of oxygen your muscles, organs and tissues can use is not entirely dependent on the amount of oxygen in the blood. The oxygen saturation of our red blood cells is between ninety-five and ninety-nine percent, which is absolutely sufficient for strenuous exercise. (Some of my clients with serious lung conditions have lower levels of oxygen saturation, but this is very rare.)

How much oxygen your body can really use depends on the amount of carbon dioxide in your blood. You may remember from your biology class that we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, i.e. CO2. It is widely believed that carbon dioxide is just a waste material, an exhaust gas that we get rid of through our lungs, but that is not true. Carbon dioxide is the key to releasing the oxygen from the red blood cells; without this key, the body would not be able to convert oxygen. The underlying relationships are known as the Bohr effect.

The Bohr effect

If you take this physiological principle into account, you can prevent overbreathing. The Bohr effect, discovered over a hundred years ago, explains how the delivery of oxygen to the active muscles and organs works. What most people don't know is that the amount of carbon dioxide in our blood cells determines how much oxygen the body can use. The whole point is: How we breathe determines the level of carbon dioxide in our blood.

When we breathe properly, we take in sufficient amounts of carbon dioxide and our breathing is calm, controlled, and rhythmic. When we overbreathe, our breathing becomes heavier and more intense; we exhale too much carbon dioxide and literally make our bodies struggle for oxygen. It is intuitive: If we breathe better, we increase the amount of carbon dioxide in our body, we can supply our muscles and organs - including the heart - more oxygen and thus increase our physical performance. Actually, we are doing nothing more than helping the body to function as it should.

The mountain comes to you

Let's look at altitude training, a training method commonly used by elite athletes to improve cardiovascular fitness and... Endurance to improve. During the 1968 Summer Olympics, held in Mexico City at 2 meters above sea level, coaches and athletes first became aware of the possibilities of altitude training I aufmerksam. Many participants found that their performance levels were above their previous personal bests after returning to normal levels. They then urged their coaches to get to the bottom of it and find out if athletes perform better when they live or train at high altitude.

At high altitudes, the air is thinner and the partial pressure of oxygen is reduced. The body adapts to this environment by increasing the number of red blood cells. Think of the red blood cells as Popeyes spinach, only that they come from your body instead of a can. The increased amount of red blood cells improves the oxygen supply to the muscles, promotes acid breakdown and increases overall performance.

This means longer endurance and a lower risk of inflammation and injury. The catch, of course, is that most of us don't live in the right environment for altitude training. But I would like to introduce you to an alternative approach: you do not need to go to the mountain, the mountain comes to you.

This is how you learn to climb your personal summit

You should learn how to reach your own personal peak through simple steps. You can simulate altitude training. By learning to do this, you increase the potential of your red blood cells and increase your blood's capacity to take up and transport oxygen. In addition, this will help you Technologyto focus more on the psyche during physical activity, since the conscious process of breathing recedes into the background. This gives you the freedom to pay more attention to proper execution or to work on shaping your strategy in competitive sports.

By reducing your breathing and properly regulating air intake, you are teaching your body to breathe more efficiently. You will be healthier. Regardless of the original training state, an improvement in breathing has an extremely positive effect on condition, endurance and performance. I can confirm that because I have experienced it myself: I used to chronically hyperventilate myself.

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