Every day have countless People struggling with depression - a real, serious medical condition. Fortunately, there is a very effective treatment for this: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression Self-sabotage & Anxiety

Cognitive behavioral therapy - what is it?

CBT was used in the 1960s and 1970s by Dr. medical Aaron T. Beck developed. Since the first major study on the subject in 1977, scientists from around Welt proven time and time again how effective CBT is for a wide range of psychiatric disorders Problems and medical symptoms with psychological components. Leading health policy and mental health institutions have recommended CBT as the preferred treatment for depression.

Despite all this, it remains difficult for people with depression to enjoy quality CBT. Unfortunately, many doctors do not work with this Method or use at most single CBT techniques in their treatment. That's one of the reasons my father and I founded the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Philadelphia in 1994, where we train local, national, and international physicians in CBT to treat mental disorders and problems.

The lack of effective treatments shows how important this issue is. It covers not only the core concepts and strategies of CBT, but also elements of mindfulness and acceptance therapy, physical activity, and healthy eating. There is a lot of useful information about depression and its manifestations, as well as methods for assessing the severity of its illness, Strategies to alleviate its symptoms as well as approaches on how to overcome obstacles to therapy. Every human should learn Motivation zu increaseto identify the causes of his problems, a plan of action to draw up and his »inner Schweinehund« to overcome the one that was important to him Tasks can be pushed in front of you again and again.

Mood swings or depression?

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Mood swings and transient periods of sadness in response to Stress and life's challenges are perfectly normal for most people. But depression is something else entirely. People with depression suffer greatly from their low mood and are unable to perform tasks at work or at home Vocational Training and no longer meet their social and family relationships, no longer meet their domestic obligations. This is especially true for chronic (long-lasting) and moderate or severe depression. Such depressions are no different in severity from medical illnesses; and yet they are unfortunately not taken as seriously as these because (in contrast to a broken bone) they cannot be recognized by clear physical symptoms. It's high time to change this view of depression and see it as a "real" condition with serious—sometimes fatal—consequences. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) now ranks depression as the leading cause of disability worldwide, noting that it is an important contributor to the global burden of disease. At worst, depression can lead to suicide. According to the WHO, almost 800 people die every year from their own Hand (that is, every 40 seconds someone commits suicide!); and many more suicide attempts are being made.

If you're reading this (or someone put it in your hands), you too may be suffering from depression; and you are not alone in that. It is estimated that over 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. In the United States, depression is one of the most common mental illnesses: Every year, approximately 16,1 million adults aged 18 and over (6,7 percent of all adults in the USA), around three million adolescents (12,5 percent of the US -American population in Age 12 to 17 years), 2 percent of all school-age children and 1 percent of all pre-school children are affected. Equally troubling is the fact that the prevalence of depression is increasing from generation to generation and that the onset of the disorder appears to be younger and younger. At Women The situation is particularly dire: they are twice as likely to develop depression as men, regardless of age, ethnicity and socioeconomic status Status. According to scientific studies, different body systems function differently in depressed people than in mentally healthy people; not only can this be detrimental to their physical health, but it can also increase their risk of medical conditions such as heart attack, stroke and diabetes.

What are the causes of depression

There are many theories about the causes of depression; but most experts now agree that this mental disorder arises from a complex interaction of social, psychological and biological factors. People who have gone through difficult life events, such as losing a job, the death of a loved one, or a traumatic experience, are at higher risk for depression. There are also correlations between depression and other illnesses. (For example, cardiovascular diseases can lead to depression and vice versa.) And what makes matters worse: Depression can impair the way people function in everyday life, worsening their living situation and in turn making depression worse. There are now many effective treatments for depression - for example, psychological methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Unfortunately, not even half of all depression-affected patients worldwide have access to such treatments. (In many countries it is even less than 10 percent.) There are many barriers that stand in the way of effective treatment, for example the lack of trained doctors and therapists (which not only makes access to therapy more difficult, but also to misjudgments and diagnoses The social stigma attached to mental illness and the cost of treatment (medication and psychotherapy).

We aim to try to overcome some of these barriers by providing you with a set of self-help interventions that build on CBT, one of the leading evidence-based talking therapies for depression. You will also receive tips on how to fight your "inner bastard" who always wants to put everything off, advice on mindfulness and gratitude exercises and recommendations for a healthier lifestyle. If you do all this regularly to practice, you can (we strongly believe) develop skills that research has shown will help people with depression improve their well-being, not only in the short term but also in the long term. For milder forms of depression and for patients who may not be comfortable taking medication (e.g. children, adolescents or women who are pregnant to plan), these self-treatment steps can be particularly helpful.

Therapeutic Approach - What is Depression?

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Major depression (also known as clinical depression) is a diagnosable psychiatric illness that presents differently in each person. However, it is important to be aware of the most common signs and symptoms of depression. This is even the first step in the fight against depression: First of all, you have to define what the Term "clinical depression" means at all. Being aware of the signs and symptoms of clinical depression will help you better understand your feelings. It will also make it easier for you to describe these symptoms to the doctor or therapist so that he can better help you.

If you are suffering from depression, please try to remember that you are not alone. There are many people who find it difficult to pull themselves together to do even the smallest of activities because of their depression. This can be very frustrating because what you really want is to be with your friends, go out and Fun have or are engaged in a hobby that you once enjoyed; but remember, you have a real medical condition that is making it difficult for you to function properly in your day-to-day life—at least for now. And this is exactly what matters: Even if you are currently suffering from depression, you can overcome this illness. You just need to take certain actions to get better. Now that I've told you about my own experience of depression, please take a moment to think about your symptoms and how depression is affecting your life.

Caution: If you have constant thoughts of death, suicide or self-harm Behavior or other symptoms of serious mental illness, call XNUMX or go to the nearest hospital casualty department. Because such symptoms indicate that something needs to be done immediately for your mental health. Remember, your life matters and it's worth it. You can also call the telephone counseling service.

What about the psyche of a depressed person?

When you hear the term clinical depression, you might think of someone with some of the symptoms described below - and maybe that person is yourself. Do any of these nine symptoms sound familiar to you?

  1. You're in a low mood for most of the day
  2. The interest or the joy in all or almost all activities clearly decreases,
  3. Significant weight loss (without dieting), weight gain, or decrease or increase in appetite,
  4. Difficulty sleeping (or sleeping excessively)
  5. Attention and / or concentration problems, which are often experienced as "brain fog" (that is, one has difficulty remembering something),
  6. Recurring thoughts of death and / or suicide,
  7. Excessive feeling of guilt and / or worthlessness,
  8. Restlessness (for example, wiggling your legs, fidgeting, wringing your hands, walking around the room)
  9. Loss of energy and / or feeling exhausted every day (for example, it is difficult to pull yourself up to even the smallest of activities such as showering or eating).

These are the symptoms of clinical depression listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). The DSM-5 is a comprehensive reference work that psychologists and psychiatrists use to diagnose mental illness. Please tick all the symptoms you are suffering from. If you have at least five of these symptoms almost every day for most of the day, and have been for at least two weeks, you are likely to have clinical depression. If so, you know how draining this condition can be, both physically and emotionally.

How does depression affect your body?

Living with clinical depression puts a strain not only on the soul, but also on the body. Now let's look at how depression can affect your body. Do you know any of the following physical symptoms of depression, which are listed in the DSM-5?

Have you ever experienced any of these physical depressive symptoms? Please write down the symptoms you are experiencing in the blank spaces below and also make a note of how you usually deal with them. Perhaps these manifestations of your depression were so overwhelming that you couldn't deal with them properly; if so, feel free to write it down. Be open about what you've experienced with your depression and try not to judge yourself about it. Just be Honestly. Here is a case study:

»I didn't want to leave the house anymore because it just took too much effort to get up, shower and go outside. I cut myself off from my friends because I was convinced they meant me Society found annoying, annoying and tiring. My thoughts kept circling negative things and I felt like I wasn't worth anything. I also had trouble remembering things and found little comfort in activities that I had previously enjoyed, such as writing, singing, or playing with my dog ​​and cats. Besides, I had almost no appetite at all; I had to force myself to eat.” Does that sound familiar? Can you imagine the mental state I was in at the time? It was clinical depression: I had forgotten everything that had once given me pleasure. And since nothing brought me joy anymore, I felt no motivation to pull myself together in my normal everyday activities. Nor did I have the strength to ask friends or other supporters for help. This made my situation even worse, because isolation can increase the symptoms of depression.

Just start fighting depression?

We are well aware that "simple" is not synonymous with "light" is. You have to have a lot of motivation and Commitment to try these self-treatment measures. And motivation and commitment are subject to certain fluctuations - even in non-depressed people. So if you have a support person close to you, that person can be a Coach act (that is, someone who encourages you and provides advice and assistance). However, she shouldn't act as your therapist. (A therapist is a trained psychologist or doctor who will advise you, teach you how to deal with your illness and examine and analyze your personal life). Research shows that you are more likely to consistently hit a Objective works towards making it accountable to another person.

In addition, if you want to maximize your chances of better mental wellbeing, you should be flexible in your thinking and willingness to undertake certain self-help activities. This process also requires openness and honesty: you should be open to the possibility that your previous thinking may be incorrect (especially if your mood has just hit rock bottom again) and that your actions may not serve your long-term goals . And last but not least, you should also be willing to try different ways of thinking and behaving. Because if you carry on as before, your life will most likely continue as before. Always remember: Depression is a real illness. It's pretty common. And it is a serious disorder. Fortunately, she can be treated very well.

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