Entrepreneurship should be part of the Vocational Training experts like former IBM manager Gunther Dueck demand. What can that look like in concrete terms?


Entrepreneurial thinking in training

Gunther Dueck. A few months ago, the philosopher, speaker and former IBM manager said in the Enquete Commission of the German Bundestag "Internet and digital Society” called for economic and entrepreneurial thinking and action to be integrated into the training.

In southern Germany practical business lessons are already being practiced at some private high schools. Just like at the Evangelische Internatsschule Schloss Gaienhofen, which is not a business school, but a “normal” school.

Zumwinkel's tax evasion on the curriculum

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The Lake Constance ripples outside, the last 13 classmakers indulge for their upcoming high school examination. Teacher Klaus Dinkelaker talks today about tax evasion with the example of Liechtenstein.

How was it with the affair of ex-Postchef Klaus Zumwinkel? He hid several million euros in the Principality before the German financial authorities.

Sense and nonsense of manager salaries

The students read a newspaper article, Dinkelaker starts his PowerpointPresentation. After a few slides, a mixture of frontal teaching and discussion follows.

The 19-year-olds talk about the Sinn and nonsense of manager salaries in the millions, the greed for more Money, the global flight to tax havens such as Liechtenstein or the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean.

Basis for value orientation

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In 90 minutes forms the 25 students more Ask as answers: diligent, committed, no one chats in between, even the class clown asks to speak up.

Not everyone got one of the coveted course places, for some a welcome one Career-Stepping stone to the fledgling Curriculum vitae to improve something. Klaus Dinkelaker is satisfied. He wants his students to understand the subtle differences in work life recognize, think about dilemmas, learn to look at things from both sides.

Basics for a responsible job

Suppose the students later get a responsible job somewhere in the world: In his lessons, the students should do the Basics get on the way. They should become good, better managers – from an ethical point of view, he hopes.

Dinkelaker's children have also attended his classes. His son will start working for an international management consultancy in the fall. A classic bank apprenticeship before the business administration degreeStudy father Dinkelaker would also have in Order found.

Business and responsibility as a school subject

Business terms such as the buy-out phase, CEO compensation or the value chain have long been familiar to the students at the grammar school in Gaienhofen. From the 10th grade onwards, you can apply for a place in the subject “Economics and Responsibility” apply, which is taught up to the Abitur.

In addition, there is also religious instruction, where terms such as Christian charity, Debt and forgiveness goes. To some students act these terms more abstract than the commercial vocabulary.

“For us, morality and profit are not opposites”

“For us, morality and profit are not opposites,” says Dinkelacker. Together with his colleague Oliver Nöldeke, he has been teaching the subject for 5 years. Dinkelaker in English “business and society”, Nöldeke in German “economy and responsibility”.

In 2007 the first course started, which has never existed in Germany before. The school was advised by someone Team by business ethicists. Those in charge had recognized that it was too late to start teaching economics while studying.

Model project in the southwest

Headmaster Dieter Toder hopes that his students will also take on responsibility for society in a globalized world of business. After school in rowboat, sailing or vocal ensemble.

After graduation from high school and studying in the professional life somewhere in the republic or even abroad. Most students already know what they want to do, which subject they want to study from the winter semester.

Frederic Seng, for example, made his internship in England with a personnel agent specializing in aviation companies. There he improved his language skills, but he also noticed the lack of know-how. From October, he wants to study economic law.

A kind of advanced economics

For Frederic, the subject “Economics and Responsibility” was a kind of early business studies: “I want to understand how Companies tick ”, says the 19 year old.

Frederic has also learned something else: how prices are generated. And how they affect their affected, internationally operating companies through their daily grasp on the shop shelves.

Economy soon regular subject in many other schools?

It is foreseen that economics as a subject will soon be taught at many other schools. Globalization does not stop in front of the Gaienhofen Gymnasium.

His teachers have to react to global trends: “The experiences from this can be used in the further development of the economic Education flow into the grammar school,” says the Stuttgart Ministry of Education. Maybe not today. But the day after tomorrow.

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