Selling is the linchpin of the Economy. Production alone would be of little use if the manufactured goods were not subsequently sold. Service offerings would be superfluous if there were no paying customers for them.

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1. Renew image

The exchange of goods has always moved people Welt. Money makes the world go round! This finding is not really new. It applies since People something to others merchandise. Without sales there would be no economic system. Everything would collapse completely if suddenly nothing was sold anymore. Two players are essential to this “game”: buyers and Seller.

The latter will be examined in more detail below. The words “merchandise” and “seller” viz negative proven. Wrongly! Because the (business) world works precisely because something is being sold everywhere and all the time.

2. The most important profession

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The fact that it is the seller, the Income of the rest of the workforce of a company. Because even who a completely different Job than that of the seller, gets his salary yes not because his Company produces or offers something. Only when this product is also sold does it flow Money in ein Companies. Only this income generated by the sale makes it possible Employees also to be paid appropriately. The profession of salesman is therefore one of the most important professions of all, because it keeps the entire economic system running. Unfortunately, this positive side of selling is almost always underestimated.

3. Question the Yesteryear

According to Wikipedia, sales refers to the assignment of a thing or the transfer of a right for consideration in the legal sense. In the outline already worked the early barter so. Soon the equivalent value of a commodity was paid for with coins, later with banknotes and finally cashless. New impulses and the general progress over the centuries have shaped the sales and redesigned again and again.

The changes from medieval trade trains to modern e-commerce are enormous. The sale developed and continues to evolve. And today faster than ever. Not only the buyer, but in particular the seller gets the effects of it. What worked yesterday must be questioned today.

4. Rethinking for success

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As already mentioned, selling as such is an economic necessity. For the seller, however, only the Success decisive. To put it bluntly, success is essential for him to survive. So that this one too sustained occurs, it needs a rethink.

Too many salespeople are still more focused on theirs Problems. You bring too much to what doesn't work awareness in contrast to. But if you really want to sell successfully, you should change your actions, shift your weight. The focus needs to be clearly on what is going on and how it can be improved.

5. The value of a product is measured by the sale

It may sound provocative, but according to current knowledge, it is quite sufficient to concentrate XNUMX percent on operations and products. The subject can then be addressed with the remaining eighty percent Marketing and sales are dealt with intensively. Again: money to earn Company solely through the sale.

And of course the seller has to be aware of that. His job is not just to sell things, but to make the most of them. For yourself and for the company alike. For the seller, this results in the demand: "Focus on revenue and you will receive revenue!"

6. Get rid of garbage

Many things in our lives are happening much faster today than they were just a few years ago. Both in Private– as well as in professional life, thousands of pieces of information rain down on us every day. And ours Brain must process them. Three quarters of all people say it is much more common Stress to be exposed than just a few years ago. The cause of many diseases is also the omnipresent stress. Sellers are particularly affected.

But how can you protect yourself from it? an effective one Method, which every salesman can use for himself, is to learn to classify his brain to this fast pace. This includes getting rid of old, psychological ballast and thought garbage. A noticeable inner peace will subsequently enable faster implementation of current thoughts, which in turn will enable you to reach your personal goals Set is used.

7. Reorientation and openness

If you only ever fall back on the tried and tested, think the same thing and do the same thing, there is a high probability that you will always get the same results. Sellers who only ever visit their regular customers will not attract new ones. A little small talk just isn't enough these days customers to move towards a greater conclusion.

In order to achieve more, salespeople must reorient themselves and be open to innovations. In concrete terms, there are two points that, in addition to good ones ideas and perseverance make up the basis of every sales success: the sales technique and the personal mindset.

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