Better safe than sorry – there is hardly any other place where this wisdom applies as much as it does on the international one Business-Parquet. If you work globally, you have to think globally and understand cultural peculiarities. 7 tips.

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Internationally successful through tolerance

The general rule is: who international successfully wants to be has to rethink one's own ideas. Thinking globally often means putting aside personal wishes and one's own understanding of speed.

Only if we meet new foreign partners with much openness, know their customs and understand them, we can successfully expand abroad.

Understand cultural peculiarities

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Experts can guide you to the dance floor with good preparation, but you can personally dance the business waltz with your business partner.

And every business dance has its own country-specific ones steps and a melody of his own that he follows - and you should master it. Even if there are many cultural peculiarities awareness and sensitivity fast find out, good preparation is still useful.

7 business tips for the international floor

Therefore, good preparation will always be useful in confronting other cultures. Because not every culture forgives you a misstep.

1. You have to - and not

Even beyond the national borders, the Germans are considered punctual, dutiful and disciplined. That pleases our international partners well. But the esteem for these virtues does not mean that they are the same for you. However, not every apparent rudeness is actually meant as it arrives with us.

Different countries, different business customs. But you don't have to tolerate or accept everything either. When you're being rudely traded or trying to talk you into making unclear agreements, that's a lot of determination and a healthy one self-confidence asked, especially as Ms.. However, a sure instinct and empathy in dealing with local customs are the basic prerequisites in order to adapt to your businessObjective to get.

2. Business Cards: China puts everything on one card

In China, bow to greetings. It is best to bow down to your counterpart just as deeply as possible, so that we do not overrate ourselves in the hierarchy, but also not under him. If your Chinese business partner is already set on Europeans, he will also give you the hand with gentle pressure. Especially important is the subsequent exchange of business cards. He is almost celebrated.

Put some effort into designing your business cards. The more it says, the more important act She. You make the best impression with a bilingual card that you present with both hands. In any case, take the time to happily examine the card your Chinese business partner is handing you. With this you honor your counterpart with the necessary Respect. Otherwise you will not get a second chance to make a first impression in China.

3. Never say “no”

If you have cleared the first hurdle with flying colours, another trap is already waiting for us Germans to fall into light grope. A single word can destroy your business relations in China: No! Saving face is one of the greatest assets there. That's why you won't hear "No" from a Chinese.

So better bite your tongue if you tend to use these four letters, which are popular in Germany. Anyone who, like me, wants to promote internationalization emotionally and enthusiastically could quickly be seen as too spirited in China. If a “no” slips out of your mouth, nobody will blame you for it. That's what people appreciate in China Harmony and politeness at the negotiating table far too much. But it is better to be cautious, also in facial expressions and gestures. Because every good one Contact is extremely valuable in China. Without good connections to pave the way for you every now and then, you happily run with the Head against the wall. Nothing can be forced there.

4. Russia scores with tactics and temperament

Even in Russia you will not get far without the necessary relationships. Middlemen in Companies and government agencies are happy to help you speed business. These favors and help you but here expects each other.

So don't hesitate if you are asked for support in Germany in return. This will strengthen your Status. And that is of great importance in Russia Significance. Don't let yourself be impressed by tactics and a strong temperament in negotiations. Your counterpart could quickly appear rude or disinterested. But what your negotiating partners can do, you can do just as convincingly. If you turn in too quickly, you become a pawn. She verlieren your authority and lose your sincerity.

5. Gifts promote the relationship

By the way, gifts are a good thing in Russia. Always prefer high-quality branded products or an excellent drop in your gifts. If you want to give flowers, make sure that they are tied in odd numbers and avoid yellow and white flowers.

They stand for cemetery and mourning. The Russians are a pretty superstitious people. Black and white as well as the number 13 allegedly bring bad luck. Red, green and blue as well as the numbers Three, Seven and Twelve are considered lucky.

6. How are you, USA?

Please always respond positively to the obligatory Anglo-Saxon “How are you”, with which you will be greeted in the USA with a short, strong handshake. They rely on a “fine, thank you” and would be overwhelmed with more detailed information on poor sleep, headaches or the like. Even if your partner has just moved out and the children have opted for career paths that do not correspond to your wishes, you are fine. Thanks for asking. Because as chatty as the Americans are otherwise, you don't want to chat about your actual condition

Basically, you are welcome to be exuberant in the USA. Don't skimp on compliments about the office space, the restaurant, the house or the hotel. They can also be supported by “great”, fantastic, “awesome” or “perfect”. On the other hand, any whine or comment about the appearance is taboo. The opposite sex in particular could quickly interpret this as sexual harassment.

7. Long live the small talk

Because of the profuse banter about what is, from a German perspective, irrelevant, many consider the Americans to be superficial. But this supposed superficiality has a decisive advantage: it's child's play in the USA People approach and make interesting contacts. You can freely network, network and network more in the USA.

Only the selection of topics in businessEveryday life you should be careful not to put your foot in small talk. Better you don't rant about an American president or Candidates or even about the pronounced patriotism. A lot of Americans don't like that at all. In addition, topics such as religion or sex are taboo in everyday business. If you stick to harmless topics such as sports, the weather or news from Germany, then you will soon be part of it.

Conclusion: Do not dance out of line

Even if, like me, you like unusual things ways and you are often impatient, I advise you not to step out of line in international business life. This is usually not welcomed at the first business contact.

A too direct, clear speech has already prevented many business transactions. While Americans are generally less resentful and sometimes forgive a faux pas, in China or Russia it can mean the end of your business dance.

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