Successful women demonstrate strong nerves, determination and self-confidence. In short: you are emotionally and mentally strong, relaxed and confident. But not all women think big enough for leading position.

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Need for action exists!

The German Parliament has never been so male. The revolutionary gender change in the top management of German Companies remained even after the introduction of the women's quota.

So in the post-feminism era, there's still a lot that needs to be done for one increase the proportion of women in managerial positions.

When your own attitude stands in the way

It is not uncommon for companies to complain that they lack suitable female candidates for management positions. But the reasons for the lack of women at the top of the company are not just external circumstances.

A lot is based on the attitude of women on their own career path: they often struggle with it blockages and lack self-confidence because they are unaware of their strengths. Men know: only those who believe in themselves will believe and follow others People. Only those who trust themselves will trust colleagues, partners or the Executive.

When the faith in itself is lacking

But trusting yourself means building on your strengths. Women, on the other hand, focus far too much weaknesses, deficits and failures - whether in the family environment, in Business or in relation to one's own self-image. They know exactly what they did wrong, when, where and how.

Belief in oneself and one's own abilities is a decisive factor that determines whether we successfully are with what we do or not. A critical look at frequently cited arguments changes the mentality of many women clear - and shows the construction sites for further development for women in management positions:

3 Typical misjudgments

When it comes to leadership, many women who want to get on with their jobs still make typical mistakes in thinking of 3:

Misjudgment # 1: I do not need a network.

Women work hard to solve problems and Tasks, but neglect to socialize and share with others. When striving for management positions, it is important to be visible, to get to know possible sparring partners and to exchange experiences.

Unlike men, women do not naturally support each other. Often subliminal fears play a role:

Misjudgment # 2: I do not like to be the focus.

Well educated and professionally qualified, women want to be respected and promoted, but reluctantly in the focus of the awareness be placed. Every step forward in your career brings more attention.

However, what is on the mills of self-marketing among male colleagues is still too often leading women to retreat on their way to leadership positions. They tend to mince their own achievements instead of being proud of it. The subliminal motive: Do not offend, arouse envy, bury colleagues.

Misjudgment # 3: I'm too private in my private life.

A leadership position means taking responsibility and making time invest, These Investment some women shy away from concern, no longer enough for partners and Family to be there. Just when here resistors expected or already present, women refrain from taking the next step towards Career.

A lot could be done with it to organize – with a well-paid job, it also grows selection of possibilities. But this requires the will – from all sides. The list could be continued, but the insight remains the same: women lack the necessary mental strength to get into management positions and survive there.

Looking for recognition

One of the female stumbling blocks on the way to the top is the desire to be loved by everyone and to please as many as possible. Always looking for recognition and Esteem, women give everything - and sometimes themselves and their original ones Set thereby on.

In addition, things and circumstances are changing rapidly today fast change. And although changeNew ways Walking can mean a gain in quality of life, many women have Anxiety before.

Let go of the old!

It is important to know that change begins in Head. In order to get to know something new, it is sometimes necessary to let go of the old. But we humans are detainees. We hold on to processes, habits, or relationships because we think we've already invested too much in them.

This is exactly what slows down every form of development and progress. We must learn to say goodbye to things that burden us. Let go of what you have to let go, and focus exclusively on things that are in our own sphere of influence, including mental ones. In this way, we create capacities for our personal development and free ourselves from useless mental and emotional baggage.