That way Innovation in Companies can succeed, it takes a willingness to take risks, Courage for Change-Process and tools such as design thinking. 5 books at a glance.

77 Tools for Design Thinker

Design Thinking is already familiar to many Term. So that too Implementation in practice is faster and smoother, Ingrid Gerstbach presents 77 tools in her new book that are well suited for design thinking - depending on the initial situation.

With her 4 × 4 method, the author has developed her own approach to design thinking. On the first pages of her new book, she briefly introduces the approach. The tools presented in the main part are then arranged along the four phases of empathizing, defining, developing ideas and experimenting.

Short portrait tools for the practice

On 200 pages, the author describes the tools she has selected. The portrait always begins with a brief summary of what can be achieved with the tool.

In the overview, the reader can see the maximum size of a working group, which tools may be needed and how long a working group should be exercise or a workshop will last. Only then does a description of the procedure follow.

77 tips also for experienced consultants

In the compilation there is also something for the experienced Adviser or to discover seminar leaders, for example when it comes to reducing the initial uncertainty in a group and getting to know each other actively. On the one hand, the book is a profound reference work. On the other hand, it also invites you to browse and cross-read. Because the text contains many practical examples from companies.

A title that should fulfill the wishes of many newcomers to design thinking and helps to get to know this method better. Ingrid Gerstbach presents a comprehensive and practice-oriented collection of tools and at the same time gives important ones Orientation for their use.

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Risks are like equity portfolios

In his very interesting and insightful book, Adam Grant shows whether and what exactly is the cliché about being successful Founders and managers who are obsessed and willing to take risks, and who continue to generate good ideas. Go successful and innovative People always full Risks one to create a new business model or one Idea implement?

Adam Grant, who is one of the best known economists in the US, has scientifically founded a series of false attitudes and judgments. Because risks are like equity portfolios: it is not necessary to always take the full risk.

What do successful founders do differently?

And in fact, he provides many examples of successful business start-ups and entrepreneurs who have been very careful about the risks they have to bear.

Conclusion: You can also be successful if you start out from the secure coverage of a bread profession. And “postponing” can also be a correct approach. Grant believes there is something like strategic and unconscious delays.

Cut old braids

Grant knows countless stories and anecdotes. His examples show how much it is worth to get over old patterns of thinking, and how to make oneself heard in order to achieve a new direction.

Grant also shows that success is not always transferable. If you succeed in one field, you can still fail on another. Because one's own success can cloud the view of the chances of a new idea.

Adam Grant has written a most wonderful and important book. Not just a powerful plea for more lateral thinking, but a valuable source of inspiration for anyone who (own) creativity to promote and strengthen.

Guidance for innovations

The complete handbook for anyone developing and driving innovation. With the "Digital Innovation Playbook" you will succeed in developing, implementing and passing on innovations in a systematic and complete manner. Very practical and fast to implement.

A playbook is a tactic and strategy book in the American language use, from which coaches can take suggestions for moves.

Agility in innovation management

Thus also the complex and beautifully produced work in the large format will be understood. It is aimed at all those who are interested in digital products and services and want to develop them further.

The playbook brings together techniques from a whole range of user-centered design approaches and puts them together in its own toolbox. Among other things, elements of design thinking are combined, Business Model Canvas and LeanStartups.

In the center, the Innovation Board

At the center of the book is the Innovation Board, developed by the authors, whose benefits and uses are presented on almost 300 pages. It is divided into the three areas: Explore, Create and Evaluate.

The reader is always encouraged to use the book according to his or her knowledge and needs. The statements are short and to the point, light understandable and forms always a concrete benefit.

You have to play the game yourself

But as with any playbook is also true here. The actual game must be played by the actors themselves.

This book is wonderfully different. It gathers current approaches and bundles them in a stand-alone tool in order to improve the Team Finding and discussing innovations. And it is wonderfully designed: in large format and richly illustrated.

The German automotive industry and its future

New mobility concepts, electric drive, autonomous vehicles and business models like Uber's will transform our lives and our cities. Is there 2030 still cars?

Dr. Mario Herger has been living in Silicon Valley for many years. A place where mischief clenched over the German automotive industry brews together. Herger takes us on an exciting journey of discovery through the latest technological developments. What he describes would have gone through a few years ago as science fiction.

Time to resignation?

But his exciting analysis shows that the last driver newcomer is probably already born. For in the age of autonomously driving and networked vehicles, the human factor will only unnecessarily endanger safety on the roads.

What the numerous start-ups in sunny California are developing is nothing but the end of the classic car as we know it. And with it the end of an entire industry. The Germans are emotionally attached to that.

Knowledgeable look into the future

But the Revolution, which we are witnessing right now, also releases strength and energies that can flow into innovations. However, this not only requires a dose of radical thinking, but also the courage not to see digitization as a threat, but to recognize the opportunities it offers. The fascinating descriptions by Mario Herger offer ample opportunity for this.

Provocative, knowledgeable, exciting: Mario Herger's book should be required reading for every manager. Not only in the automotive industry. If you read it correctly, the title is an appeal to many Industriesto wake up from lethargy and seize new opportunities.

Easy entry into risk management

Risk management is a very abstract and difficult to understand topic. Roland Erben and Frank Romeike offer a good and very clear introduction in their book “Alone on a stormy sea”, which has already been published in its third edition.

We humans by no means shy away from risk, but what about in the private sphere? decision of each individual is, in companies has a completely different Significance. Risk management must take place here, not least because of legal regulations. The two authors Roland Erben and Frank Romeike provide an introduction to the subject in their book.

Amusing reading

Now the third edition of “Alone on a stormy sea” is available. This textbook is very different from other titles.

For the authors have succeeded in writing an absolutely entertaining book, which works with wit and irony and so reads so briefly, as many a novel does not. And this despite a very difficult subject.

Good overview

The authors have summarized the main aspects of the subject. After a general introduction to the terms risk and risk management, they apply the risk management (risk mitigation), risk communication and compliance.

However, the risks arising from the use of IT are also presented. To deepen the topic, a comprehensive bibliography is available at the end. nThis introduction delivers what it promises and provides the reader with the basics of risk management. And that with a lot of wit and reading pleasure.

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