Some projects that Success appear promising, develop into a disappointment or even a catastrophe. Others, which, according to all forecasts, are doomed from the start, become a brilliant success. Why?

Implementing projects successfully & making decisions: a question of motivation

It all starts with the question of "why"

These facts may seem puzzling to us as well as to our competition. However, they are not when they come from a Perspektive be considered, which begins with the WHY. The golden circle model helps to explain why famous leaders like Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright brothers were able to achieve what others could not. Although these were just as intelligent and just as hard-working, but often better financed. If you think so Lecture on WHY on ) then you already know the golden circle; If you're new to the golden circle, then this post is essential for you—a must-have Preparation in your search for the WHY. In each Organization - and in the professional life of the people in it - we move on three levels:

We all know what we do: what products we do merchandisewhat services we offer or what jobs we do. Some of us know how to do it: these are the skills that we believe make all the difference, that set us apart from the general public. But very few can clear formswhy they do what they do.

We don't just work for money

"Wait," you might say. »Hand straight to the heart - most people don't work for Money? It's obvious that's her 'why'.” But money is only one consequence. While it's part of the whole, it's not what inspires us to get up and go to work every morning. And to the cynics who insist that they and others only go to work for money, I ask them why they want money to earn want.

To be free? In order to travel? To ensure their children a comfortable life that they did not have themselves? The gist is that it's not money that drives us. The WHY leads to a much deeper understanding of what motivates and inspires us. It's that Objective, the purpose or beliefs that drive all organizations and all personal careers. Why does yours exist Company? Why did you get up this morning? Why should anyone care? If we are with consumers or new customers When we speak, we usually explain to them what we are doing. We explain to them how we do it or how we differ from the others.

Purely rational arguments do not help companies

That'll be enough to win the race, we think theirs decision influence or persuade them to do something specific. The following product advertising follows this Pattern: That is a very rational argument. It clarifies what the company is doing and tries to persuade potential buyers to buy based on product features and financial benefits. This line of reasoning may work at times, but at best it will result in a few bookings. As soon as the buyer finds a better offer, he will turn his back on the company, because the product advertising does not distinguish the specific supplier from other companies in any essential argument. Loyalty is not built through product features and benefits. Qualities and financial benefits do not inspire. Loyalty and a long-term commitment build on something deeper. Let's try again with our product advertising.

Let's start with the WHY: What good is an idea that cannot be shared? Our Companies was established to ideas to spread. The more ideas that are disseminated, the greater the likelihood that those ideas will affect the course of the Welt will take. There are many waysto share ideas; one of them is the written word. This is our speciality. We make the paper for these words. We merchandise Paper. We offer the best quality at the lowest possible price; lower than everyone else. Do you want to buy from us? Or how about this variant: We make paper for big ideas. Do you want to buy it? That's something completely different, isn't it? Starting with the WHY suddenly makes the paper attractive. And if it can do that for mass-produced paper, then it will work even better for a product that is something special.

It depends on the value and the purpose

This Advertising is not based on data and facts, nor on characteristics and financial advantages. These products have value, but that is not the main thing. Putting WHY in the first place gives the argument a deeper, more emotional and therefore ultimately greater value. If we use the second advertising, then it is no longer about paper. Then it's about what the company is and what it stands for. Of course, there will always be people who just want to buy paper. Still, if the consumer's personal beliefs and values ​​align with those expressed in product advertising - for example, if they believe in the free spread of ideas - then it is much more likely that this company will be the one they choose want to buy.

Not just once, but over and over again. In fact, they will likely stay loyal even if another provider offers a better price. It says something about them Personality of the buyer when he buys from a company that reflects his beliefsspiegelt. It's the companies that inspire, that focus on the long term Trust and loyalty that give us the feeling that we have acquired something. Something that is so important that we also sacrifice a few euros more for it. This attachment to something higher is also why we still wear the jersey of our local sports club, even if it hasn't had any success for more than a decade.

Feelings are stronger than rational thinking

This is also the reason why many people always prefer Apple products to other products, even if Apple is not always the cheapest Choice is. We have to admit that man is not an exclusively rational being. If that were so, nobody would fall in love, nobody would start a company. In either case, given the minimal chances of success, no rational person would make such a great one Risks to take on. We do it anyway. We do it because our feelings about an object or person are stronger than rational thinking.

But our feelings cause us Problems. It can be incredibly difficult to express. That's why we so often resort to metaphors or analogies like, "Our relationship is like a train rushing toward a rickety bridge at breakneck speed," or "When I get into the Office I feel like a little kid going to the playground again«. Although it is so difficult to express feelings - it is worth it. When we are emotionally on the same wavelength as consumers and customers, the bond is stronger and deeper than any connection based on product features and benefits. That's what Ask is always about first: why.

Emotional thinking corresponds to how our brain works

The best part, though, is that it's not just a matter of opinion. The whole principle of the WHY question is rooted in the biology of decision making. The functioning of the golden circle corresponds exactly to the functioning of the human brain.

This division of competencies is the biological explanation for why it is often difficult for us to put our feelings into words ("I love you more than words can say"), to explain our actions ("I don't know what the devil I am rode! ") or to justify our decisions (" I just felt that this was the right thing to do ").

Making decisions and implementing projects: When feelings become words

However, we can learn to put these feelings into words - and this will help us to make the right decisions. Those who put feelings into words can better motivate themselves, but also colleagues and customers. We wrote this book to help you find those words. Once you understand your WHY, you will be able to articulate clearly what makes you feel fulfilled. And you will better understand what your Behavior controls when you are your best self.

If you can do that then you will have a reference point for everything you put into Future will do. You will be able to make decisions about your companies, your Career and become more aware of your life. You will be able to inspire others to buy your products, collaborate with you and fight together for your cause. You should never have to play the lottery again by making instinctive decisions that aren't solidly reasoned. From now on you will proceed purposefully and consciously. From now on, always ask first: why. And then you can manage to make decisions and implement projects.