The leadership qualities of Generation Y were recently discussed vigorously thanks to a study by the Manager Magazine: Demanding but without leadership aspirations, that was their conclusion. What was forgotten: not only in the West, there is a Generation Y, but also in China, India and the Middle East. And that is for global acting Companys Interesting. A study provides information about this.

How has the generation Y been assessed so far?

Together with manager magazin, Odgers Berndtson recruited 500 companies according to their Opinions asked about today's career starters and found out: Generation Y is considered to be agile and confident, but at the same time she has little Lust on Career and managerial responsibility.

Sophia von Rundstedt, managing partner at von Rundstedt HR Partners, on the other hand, in their blog post “The CEO of the Future” before that companies flanking the young professionals with Coaching-Measures prepare for their future leadership role.

For global companies relevant: Generation Y international

An aspect that is ignored in both cases, but which is of increasing interest for globally active companies: Generation Y is not equal to Generation Y, as shown by the Ashridge study "Generation Y and their managers around the world". Business School. There are big cultural differences.

Study authors Sue Honoré and Carina Paine Schofield, both researchers at Ashridge Business School, surveyed 2011 from October 2012 to August 2.895 Boy People on the whole Welt. They also conducted face-to-face and telephone interviews with 96 participants.

similarities and differences

Although Generation Y is generally well educated, confident and with X Factor, Facebook and smartphones have grown up. Rapid and far-reaching technological, political and cultural changes have strongly influenced their development.

young professionals, especially in the western world, have completely different ones priorities than the generations before her and a very different understanding of Guide than their superiors. And more attention is paid to work experience.

Respect for seniors and hierarchies in the East

On the other hand is the Respect towards older people and hierarchies, especially in Eastern cultures. Decisions here are often made by small teams and are not very transparent at lower levels of the hierarchy. This often leads to frustration, especially among young, internationally experienced employees or those who live abroad.

Another result: While work-life balance and personal development opportunities play a major role in England, Europe and the United States, they play a rather minor role in the Eastern world Significance.

Local Results

Cultural conditions influence the personality more strongly than generational affiliation

Such results show that the cultural conditions of a country play a major role in personality development and significantly that Behavior of managers and graduates - an additional challenge for global companies.

In three other core topics, the study deals with the topics of work expectation, work experience and attitudes / behavior of managers and young employees.

Managers and graduates have different visions

She explains Methods and provides new insights into the areas of recruiting, hiring, leadership and retention for Gen Y employees and includes case studies that show how innovative employers work with young talent.

It turns out that there are obviously also major differences in the perspectives of graduates and their managers: Here, too, Generation Y is considered to be intelligent and self-confident, but apparently leaves emotional ones behind Intelligence miss.

On the other hand, managers often think of Generation Y as Coach and mentor, but graduates don't see that role being filled. Internationally active companies should therefore take into account the cultural influences of the respective country Planning into their corporate strategy.