Force unforeseen events Companies to unprecedented innovation. Just like the numerous companies that are in the CoronaCrisis flexibly adjust their business model.

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Change management - innovative ability as a motor for success

The ability to innovate is the most important prerequisite for Success. Unfortunately, the German ability to innovate was often in a bad way in the past: Too satisfied, too sluggish, too bureaucratic, companies and politics work in Germany and "We've always done it this way" seemed to be the guiding principle of many companies.

The Corona crisis is now showing that a rapid rethink especially possible in companies when it matters and is really necessary. Innovation and flexibility required. While many are complaining about the sudden slump, some have acted immediately – and changed their business model without further ado.

Overcome challenges with solidarity and creativity

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Because extraordinary situations call for extraordinary ones Measures - without exception everyone is facing immense challenges during the current crisis and only through solidarity, creative ideas and cohesion, the spread of COVID-19 can be contained.

Under Guide of the MBG Group, for example, three companies have joined forces in Paderborn to produce community masks for the mouth and nose. These are the beverage and food company MBG, the advertising agency markt 8 and the textile finisher Padertextildesign.

Fashionably well covered

The fashionable masks are called SALITOS, DOS MAS, SCAVI & RAY, MAHIKI, 9 MILE or effect® and are handcrafted from cotton - 100 percent made in Paderborn, Germany. To carry it, it is held in front of the face and fastened behind the ears with the two rubber bands.

In contrast to filtering half masks (FFP2 / FFP3), community masks are not used for self-protection, but primarily for external protection due to the possible reduction in virus transmission. Official assessment by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM): By wearing a community mask, the speed of the respiratory flow or the dropping of saliva / mucus / droplets can be reduced.

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Furthermore, the masks can support the awareness of "social distancing" as well as health-related careful handling of oneself and others. In the meantime, the MBG Group has already converted further parts of its production and is now producing the hand disinfectant Dr. Grim Wiegand.

Also BeWooden, a small one German- Czech manufacturer, which under normal circumstances produces wooden accessories, and 'von Jungfeld', a Mannheim-based company for sustainable socks, have decided to support the fight against Corona. For this purpose, the entire production of BeWooden's own products was stopped and instead face masks were made from 100% cotton, supported by Jungfeld with textile know-how and sales. To do this, BeWooden has converted the workshop and repurposed the fabric that is normally used for various accessories.

It's about preserving jobs

BeWooden is a German-Czech start-up that was founded by students in 2013. BeWooden is pursuing that Objective, to revive traditional craftsmanship and to manufacture unique products. The Mannheim-based fashion label von Jungfeld is an up-and-coming premium brand for colored men's socks.

In both companies, around 80 percent of sales have collapsed due to the Corona crisis and as Boy Companies without large reserves, together 40 jobs are at stake. BeWooden and von Jungfeld are not the only ones affected - many small craft businesses and sewing workshops are also on the verge of collapse. Therefore, in addition to their own production facilities, the two companies also work with local sewing workshops in order to maintain jobs there as well.

How cotton masks help against Corona

The masks produced by BeWooden and Jungfeld are also made of 100 percent cotton - so they do not meet protection classes FFP2 or FFP3 and are therefore not suitable for intensive care, but they can at least be used in the Everyday life help.

Especially when the pronunciation is wet, the cotton masks can prevent coarse droplets from reaching the other person. Because the masks are washable at 90 degrees, they can be used multiple times.

Solidarity against the virus

Because the entire staff and manufacturers from all over Germany are involved in the production of the masks, a total of 1000 cotton masks with elastic band or can be used every day Headband can be made.

In addition to the normal masks, customers Buy a solo mask for an additional charge. With the surcharge, the companies produce masks at cost price and give them to the destitute via their websites People away. the Costs the companies are responsible for handling and logistics.

Conclusion: creative change management helps to survive crises

Of course, masks are just a small contribution that helps us to overcome this challenge. Many other good innovative ideas with good, creative concepts must follow. This can only be achieved through flexibility. Let's do it together.

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