How do we manage to be happy? What are the living habits of Germans like? And why are men and Womenhow they are now? 3 current books provide information.

The darn X: men and women

The title is provocative and suggests a wild pseudoscientific argument of emancipation. Far from it: This book has written man!

And that explains plausibly, scientifically sound and understandable to laymen, although not why women are smarter than men (here it is shown that the intertitles promoting market intentionally was chosen something exaggerated), but why men are just more susceptible to malfunction due to their X-chromosome , What do you want to do with the knowledge? It's just interesting.

With Hempels on the sofa: Flotter title, serious content

The casual title misleads a little beyond the content: in no case does an ironic view of everyday German life be offered, but numerous statistics and facts from social research and social anthropology are brought together.

They are condensed into an interesting work that, despite the scientific background, does not cause boredom. From dealing with the time on fashions and eating habits to men and women's images is all there is to know about Germany politically and culturally.

Perhaps the book should be distributed to prospective immigrants by default? But also for German to think about for sure recommended - even if an (even) greater pinch of irony would certainly have done the book good.

Instead of information: K (l) a wisdom for happy

If you expect a lot, you will fast disappointed. It's the same with this book: Instead of little wisdom, there is no wisdom!

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I ordered “Little Wisdom for the Happy” from the series published by Evelyn Polt-Heinzle. There is wisdom for various other groups such as lovers, friends, family people, etc.

But that's the way it is Problem with the expectation: Among small pieces of wisdom I had something for myself "Sinn-full ”presented. In fact, the book is nothing more than a collection of various sayings, sayings and kitchen wisdom. Honor annoying as meaningful, not even particularly original.

The stupid sex

It is clearthat this book led to misunderstandings: No, here it is not propagated that women absolutely have to climb up the career ladder!

But those who do not, should always make clear why they have decided differently. This is called consequence - and that is, I have to agree with the author, in many women in short supply.

Women - dissatisfied and bitchy?

Rather, afterwards, woman is rather dissatisfied and bitchy, lulls herself into his insecurities because it is so convenient and practical and makes life difficult for those who live differently (happier?) - for example by insulting her as a mother raven ...

As far as so beautiful and the chapter on child rearing is particularly successful. However, I do not have the impression that the phenomenon described here is restricted to women, also many men prefer to stay comfortably in their lethargy than to get up and pull down others with.

Striking theses

Overall, this book is a bit too bold for me, there are wild numbers lined up (where you should not trust any statistics that you have not falsified yourself!) Without any solutions.

And too bad that as a path to power, prestige and Success then only the “male” power model is drawn as a template again – how about a few Alternatives for self-confident women who want to go their own way and simply don't need power games.

Mental training: learning for everyday life

Finally, a book on how we can do better. By learning! Yawn, we know that from school and Study: Things to Learn for exams.

But in times of constant restructuring and technical innovations, we also need learning in professional life or even in life Everyday life more frequently. But how do you learn best?

Daily work schedule

Those who structure their learning time well, learn more effectively, are more motivated and recognize necessary breaks. Because they must be necessarily.

Experts recommend a time share of 25 percent. In the 75 percent learning work time you gain experience in order to priorities and to correctly estimate the time required for subtasks.

Text diversity

Lots of text, lots Background, which is an essential part of learning. The five-steps-Method:

  1. 1. Overflight: What fits at first glance to the learning task?
  2. 2.Fragen: Ask questions about the contents of the texts.
  3. 3.Arevices: Read the texts thoroughly and mark the answers.
  4. 4.Generate: To summarize the sense sections themselves.
  5. 5.Repeat: Answer the subordinate questions with your own answers and from your memory.

Extract text

In order to extract the really important information from a longer text, you should create your own text extracts. Note these on a separate sheet or card.

Learning diary

A learning diary is a mix of learning calendar and learning protocol. Whoever conducts a learning diary regularly and consistently cemented his learning strategies, which are much easier now. Include a learning diary

Order helps with learning!

A neat and well organized one Workplace is a prerequisite for effective learning, because Order creates the necessary calm.

Storage facilities, ready-to-use work equipment and a clear layout are the basic requirements. A good trick is to store material in boxes sorted by topic to make room on the desk.

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