Star fashion photographer Russel James has it successfully example: live and work without shoes. And there's more Peoplewho share this attitude. But how much creative freedom is allowed and possible in the job?

Walking barefoot in the Calanques, Marsaille, Provence

Why do we wear shoes?

Many people take it for granted that they should wear shoes. We usually wear them to protect ourselves from the cold, heat and hard surfaces. But also as a fashion statement. And to meet the dress code.

But for some people it is not, they want to go barefoot for health or idealistic reasons. But just on Workplace, especially in open-plan offices or in connection with customer contact, the individual urge for freedom often has limits.

How important is it to wear shoes at work?

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Although there are in many Companies no longer have guidelines that require a specific dress code, but wearing shoes in Office is often implicitly assumed. This even applies to Employeeswho should not wear shoes for medical reasons.

But wearing shoes can also affect our productivity. When we wear shoes, we automatically think of how they affect our balance and posture, and we may also get distracted by how they look, feel, and whether we like them.

Barefoot as a life setting?

So I know people who take off their shoes to think in the office in order to feel more grounded feel and have better stamina. That may seem crazy at first act, but that Conversation with the Frenchwoman Elizabeth, whom I met in the Calanques near Marseille, brought me here to rethink brought: And I asked myself: How much personal freedom is in today Job and Everyday life possible – and when does it get really weird?

Hiking in the stony calanques can be compared to an office in which you have to overcome many obstacles every day. And both factually and figuratively Sinn The rule applies: only hike with sturdy shoes!

Customized with shoes on the safe side?

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And while I think I'm on the safe side with my sturdy hiking boots and secretly blaspheme about the people I meet with Sändälchen on my way, I notice Elizabeth walking this path barefoot. Barefoot, without shoes that could offer protection from stones, thorns and twisting on the rocky, uneven and steep terrain.

I have to think of the Australian star fashion photographer Russel James: he photographs models like Giselle Bundchen or Heidi Klum the Welt, can but according to own data “Don't take a single clever picture” in shoes. Even in the middle of winter he runs barefoot. And there are more people like him - you just have to enter life barefoot on Google.

Socially not accepted

Just: Here, without shoes to crackle, seems to me a trace harder. So a reason for me to address Elizabeth. It is a life setting, she tells me. As often as she can, she walks barefoot. Unfortunately, it is often not. For example, at work, because Elizabeth has a serious job as an accountant in the Toulon region of southern France.

In her free time, too, when she goes out in the evening, she often has to discuss your attitude with people. “Walking barefoot is often not socially acceptable ..” she sighs. She thinks it's funny that I want to publish a photo of her. “If you want,” she says. Walking around the area without shoes is nothing special or noteworthy for Elizabeth.

Dress code, creative freedom or whimsy? Barefoot to work

Unprotected on stony paths?

I ask if walking barefoot isn't a little dangerous here. The main hiking trails are well developed, especially by southern European standards. But like me, Elizabeth always takes the small paths that shorten the long switchbacks on the way down. And they are anything but wide and comfortable.

She resists with a laugh: "That's just the way to the beach, there's no walking barefoot Problem", she says. In fact, it runs amazing for sure on the rocky road. Even if she has to walk a little more carefully than people with sturdy shoes. Sometimes she also stumbles a bit, but that can also happen with sturdy shoes.

Only apparent security?

"Bravo" said one Ms.puffing towards us from below and pointing to Elizabeth's bare feet. And I suddenly wonder why I was actually lugging my heavy hiking boots around with me all week. Maybe you really have more freedom if you walk barefoot around the area?

Perhaps we should simply take things from which we believe that they provide us with security, but which really confine us to reality? Or is barefoot running just a crazy spleen, the consolidation of a somewhat spun identity, as Russell James himself says?

Barefoot at work - what is allowed?

And what would you say if your Executive, Your employees or colleagues suddenly wanted to come to work barefoot? In the wake of the often-cited shortage of skilled workers, how far does the tolerance go in companies to allow employees to do this kind of thing?

Or is it not even necessary, for example in creative professions, that employees have the freedom to do their job well, as the example of Russell James shows. Or can only stars allow themselves that?

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