Especially highly qualified Employees are always looking for better ones Workplace-Options. However, if you really want to quit, you need a little sensitivity so that you don't ruin all your career opportunities yourself.


Why a professional termination makes sense

professional Behavior, even when it's time to say goodbye, is more important than ever as professionals change jobs with increasing frequency. For example, 91 percent of Generation Y assume that they will not spend more than three years on the same thing Companys to be active. However, this degree requires a bit of sensitivity, because an exit in honor can open doors when looking for a job, which remain firmly closed in the case of a less glamorous exit.

In the meantime it is easier for the employer than ever to get a picture about you at an early stage. A quick look at LinkedIn can show common contacts whose opinions can promote or destroy your next career opportunity. Therefore, the first step towards the next career opportunity is always to leave the last job reasonably.

Termination with style - 4 slightly different tips

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But how do you leave the job with Style? On the Basics a notice of termination is now not specified whether you should terminate by telephone, via eMail, or in a personal Conversation (the best option), whether it is advisable to tell your line manager first (absolutely), whether you should write a formal resignation letter (absolutely), or whether you should Executive should say what bothers you about him and/or the company (not a good one Idea).

Instead, there are now four (somewhat more rarely discussed) tips that will help you leave the company like a professional:

1. Do not quit!

You really want to quit? Do not cancel! They are fed up again. You could go up the wall after your boss has changed his mind for the seventh time, or your colleague drives you crazy.

Perhaps you are struggling with an almost unsolvable problem. This is not the right time to resign. Stay, solve them Problems you face and leave the company at a peak. Then when you have achieved something truly extraordinary.

2. Do not quit surprisingly

Her resignation shouldn't come as a surprise. I've also resigned. Several months before I left, I already had everyone Courage summarized and confided in my boss that I might have to leave the company soon. The reasons for this included:

Once an employee and I announced our position on the same day - both of us were in leading positions. Our CEO was visibly angry at my colleague's dismissal.

To me, on the other hand, he said: "Since you told us about your intention to quit a while ago, we were able to adjust to this and see your quit differently." It is not always possible to communicate relevant thoughts in advance, for example if you have a vindictive manager, but early openness is often better than you would expect.

3. Proactively ensure a smooth handover

A well-documented handover shows that you are keen to leave the company on good terms. Be short and sweet, however clear broken down what your successor on the job – or, your boss – needs to know. This includes a description of your Taskshow to do them and how to make them a success. Make a note of the most important files and all login data. Also include positively worded and helpful suggestions for improvement.

If necessary, go one step further and help in the search for a suitable successor. This was the case, for example, when I made one of the most difficult decisions of my life and quit my dream job. Offer to write a job description, recommend Candidates and help with job interviews. Support your successor as much as possible during the induction phase.

4. Work harder than ever after announcing the termination

Do you leave the company soon, do you spend the rest of your working time relaxed and have only a few tasks left to do anyway? Is that the impression you want to leave behind? The last impression is especially important. I still remember Elisa N., who left the company I was working for a few years ago. After she had given notice, she continued to work as hard as if she were at risk for her life.

When on her last day at work at 21 p.m. I Office When she left, she was still busy typing on her computer and gave the impression that nothing was more important than being able to show results up to the last second. If you were to ask me today if you should hire Elisa N., I would say, “Hire this one Ms. without hesitation."

A change of work requires courage

As clearly as I have listed these tips here, I am very well aware that the Implementation is not easy in reality. A Job change requires strength and courage. Don't be afraid to seek help.

Read this Article about new beginnings. Play through your termination plan with a mentor you trust. A well-thought-out farewell ensures good memories, both for you and for your former colleagues. After all, memories are what determine reputation and ultimately professional success.

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