Making decisions can be difficult - often because we are in an increasingly complex world Welt the right information is missing. 10 tips on how to get the right information instead of spending nights pondering.

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Good thing wants to have time?

"Good things take time" says the vernacular - and that is especially true for important decisions that many do not want to make rashly. So information is searched for, studied, weighed, compared – in order to get a really optimal one decision to fell. However, this can degenerate into downright brooding.

There will be no sleep for a few nights when a difficult decision is made, and the thoughts are constantly shifting backwards and forwards.

How effective is the search for information?

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Because who says that weeks of searching for information, often aimlessly, and thinking about it for days is actually so effective? There is no doubt that thinking is important because it helps solve problems. It becomes difficult when constructive thinking turns into aimless brooding. This is not only a waste of time, it also paralyzes productive work.

And is not there too much time being wasted at this stage of information-seeking, meticulously accumulating useless information, getting sticks from sticks - and maybe not smarter than before?

Fear of decision

Do you find this contradictory? Only at first sight. In fact, there is Art not in accumulating as much information as possible, but in finding the right information Information to find. Because incorrect information regularly leads to wrong decisions in those affected Companies, And that can be really expensive.

Therefore, there is less, so to speak, more - even if decision-fearful ones think that they can compensate their fear of the decision with still more information and research and thus delay the actual decision further and further.

When the brain gets tired

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This has to do with the way our brain works: the longer you think about something, the harder your mind has to work. The Problem eventually seems more and more complicated simply because that Brain gets tired.

This gives one at some point the impression that the situation is not under Control to have. The self-confidence disappears, one becomes more insecure. After all, it is becoming increasingly difficult to come to a reasonable conclusion. Depending on how far this goes, panic may even spread and you can no longer think clearly.

Think complex problems correctly

However, it would be fundamentally wrong to simply make decisions on the basis of gut instinct, stop looking for information, simply stop thinking: Especially with the complex problems that we are confronted with in modern working life, it is important to think about them calmly and thoroughly to ponder something and, if necessary, to gather further information, instead of reacting immediately and spontaneously. In this way, thoughtful action mitigates it Risks a wrong decision that could have fatal consequences for you and the company.

What's more: The American psychologist Neil Roese found out that even thinking about things that can no longer be changed useful is and gives in his book “Oh, I would have! How to turn doubts into opportunities” numerous tips on how to stop this process in time. His thesis: to ask yourself what would have happened if you had gone wrong Presentation prepared better or reacted more quick-wittedly in the argument, is by no means unproductive: on the contrary, with these so-called counterfactual thoughts one processes one negative situation and unconsciously prepares for the next similar problem: You will encounter the same error Future probably won't do it a second time.

10 Tips for Better Decision Making

Productive reflection is important, but aimless pondering can become a problem. Unfortunately, this process is still being promoted by the accumulation of different, partly contradictory and confusing information.

Because even if more information and reflection often help to solve problems or improve things: there are limits. This is achieved when constructive thinking turns into aimless brooding, which prevents you from working productively. Unfortunately, this process is often gradual, so it's not always light falls to stop him in time.

  1. Make plan, set deadline! What helps to prevent chronic decision-making is to proceed exactly according to plan and set a deadline for each of the following steps - so you avoid the procrastination of the decision. Step 1: Information search Step - 2: The information sift and sort - Step 3: Evaluate the information - Step 4: Make the actual decision. Because note: Sometimes the incapacity is not a question of too little information, but simply the inability to take responsibility and to live with the consequences.
  2. Get to know yourself: The next time you find yourself sifting through information meticulously for hours or pondering decisions for days: Pay attention to how the process works: When can you not stop? When do you become unsure? And are there any signals for this? The better you know yourself, the sooner you can steer the decision-making process productively.
  3. Learning from mistakes: Something went wrong? Think about it in peace. But then take a very concrete look at what you can do better next time.
  4. Visualize your knowledge: Especially if you have accumulated a lot of information, it helps to visualize your current status quo. Write down everything. Your thoughts, your feelings - and what you intend to do in the future, to do better. This helps to process things better and to see them more clearly. The medium is a diary or - more modern - a blog.
  5. Do not nerve others: Of course it helps to talk to others. But just when you've got a lot of information, that can be annoying. Therefore, writing is much better. Studies show, moreover: It is not necessary to communicate to someone else what helps, is the act of communicating alone.
  6. Thinking positively: What quickly frightens us when we want to ponder uselessly and evaluate information: Our thoughts always revolve around the same fear. Be aware that a decision can also have positive results and that there can be a thousand reasons why something went wrong.
  7. Take a pause: Have you been thinking about a problem for a while and have you had more than five ideas? Stop! Give your brain peace of mind - even if you have not found a solution yet. If necessary, consider the topic later on.
  8. Just get rid of it: instead of thinking about it, just start doing what your thoughts are all about. You will find that in this way your fears sometimes get done by yourself.
  9. Distract yourself: sometimes helps simply work. If you have nothing to do yet, do relaxation exercises or look for a little work to do. It is important to think of something else.
  10. Thought stop: Do you notice that you are sliding into brooding? Just say “Stop!” Out loud. Take a deep breath and slowly exhale, relax. Put a rubber band over your wrist, which you pull apart and snap back to interrupt your thinking. Also say "Stop!"

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