OPINION! Teacher Eike Hoffmann on preparation for the Abitur exam: "Old exams help you analyze your own mistakes"

The Abitur is just around the corner - and with it the big cramming. Which is are the best Methods? How do old exams help with Abitur preparation? On which Strategies should students sit? Teacher Eike Hoffmann reveals the best learning strategies Success . Eike Hoffmann is a university lecturer and specialist consultant for English in high school at the school center Carl von Ossietzky in Bremerhaven.

Ms. Hoffmann: Original exams plus solutions to prepare for the exam - the layperson immediately says: “The students are only copying”. Is the layman right?

No, I also like to include original exams in my lessons. Most of the time, this was well received by the course participants, as they are more authentic than "normal", shorter exams. Nevertheless, there are only a few students who actually take the time to try their hand at the sometimes quite demanding tasks at home in a disciplined manner. Since there are only a few motivated students who can do the work without "copying", I have started handing out texts and tasks from old central Abitur exams and only partially Tasks to be edited in class. Solutions to check the learning goals, I only hand them out to those students who have also demonstrably worked on them. It is an incentive for them to independently deal with topics for the Abitur outside of the classroom.

What benefits, what learning effects can the student draw from “old” exams for their own learning?

The structure of the exam corresponds to the level and length of the forthcoming central high school diploma. The situation that students, for example in English, choose between two texts and the associated tasks within 30 minutes decide and then at this one decision have to stay should be tested beforehand. The operators will appear in every normal exam. The tasks in a 300-minute exam can appear demanding and complicated due to the scope and level of the text. Pupils thus have the opportunity to draw conclusions about their learning status by creating their own structures for the "old exams", which they compare with the horizon of expectations and solutions, and to compensate for learning deficits in good time.

What is the significance of original assessments for exam preparation in the context of various learning methods and tools?

Of course, the learner should assess which methods are the right ones for him personally. Mind mapping or alternative visualization methods are available for text development. Playing excerpts of text to practice should not be missing as well as the usual ways, cartoons or images to analyze. Some learners learn better in groups, while others prefer to work individually. The setting up of learning groups can also be used for the Motivation be conducive. Reading and correcting other learners' texts is a great way to work on preventing mistakes.

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What advises the learner: How should students organize and structure their learning afternoon for the preparatory exam preparation, which is especially important?

In any case, I advise you to start preparing in good time. Learners should reflect and after thorough analysis Power and list deficits in a flashcard. After that, the Planning the preparation. Few Sinn makes it easy to study for hours straight before the exam. It is cheaper to put together individual “learning packages” that are listed in a schedule so that it can be mastered. Breaks and relaxation should be taken into account. A tip: Own old exams help with error analysis. Learners should keep these exams well and be aware of the individual, typical mistakes, which should be worked on until the exam.

You, too, were a student and passed a high school exam. How did it look at you with the exams, what were your tricks to get the nervousness under control?

Oh, that was a long time ago, but actually I remember that I was pretty excited. Before that everything was going quite well, but then the days of the Abitur exams were really stressful. Back then, I had already drawn up outlines for the most important subject areas during the preparation and then learned afterwards. I was able to call up my “headings” to some extent during the exams and that gave me confidence. Tricks I didn't actually have any. I just concentrated on the fact that all tension will come to an end and the prospect of the time after that Stress helped me personally.

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