It is extraordinarily difficult to overcome the one mentioned by Reivich and Shatté in their book The resilience factor Term Translate “Reaching Out” into German. In any case, the word goal orientation that we use does not fully do it justice. And what is that anyway?

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Goals lead to success

Highly resilient People distinguishes in particular that they over klare Goals that they – think again about the resilience factor impulse control – deal with Discipline . track

While they are pursuing these goals, they are not discouraged by setbacks, but they also know - think again of the resilience factor causal analysis - when it happens Sinn makes, an ins Eye composed Objective to give up again.

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However, if they have reached a goal or have decided to give up a goal, they will set new goals after a short time and pursue them with a great deal of discipline.

Last but not least, the term describes the ability to do this relatively independently Feedback other people to do, that is, to believe in what one wants to do.

How resilient is Stephe Jobs?

Maybe a person like Steve Jobs is one of the Founders from Apple, here is an apt example. If, like me, you happen to have read Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs, you may remember the period in Steve Jobs' life when he made his own Company Apple was thrown.

He'd had more than enough by this point Money earned in order to live "happily" until the rest of probably a hundred or a thousand lives. But he didn't stop working there, but bought a small company called Pixar, developed it further in a short time, and after a few years sold it to Walt Disney for many billions of dollars merchandise.

Reaching out vs. hamster wheel

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Having accomplished this, he was called back to his former dormant company Apple and, with innovative products such as the iPod and iPhone, transformed it from a dying computer manufacturer into the world's most valuable company within a few years Welt. This is nothing but reaching out.

It is important to emphasize at this point that highly resilient people do not mean those who are permanently in a hamster wheel, never with what has been achieved satisfied and whose particular professional activities and restlessness are usually aimed at proving to those around them and above all to themselves that they are not as small and inferior as they actually are feel.

Simply enjoy the success

Highly resilient people with high values ​​in the area of ​​goal orientation are people who simply enjoy setting new goals, learning something new and what they have acquired in previous activities Background reapply and develop.

Accordingly, they also succeed in not reaching their goals Costs ihrer Health or to reach the health of other people. You may have already guessed: we will take a closer look at exactly this in connection with Steve Jobs later.

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