rhetoric, the free lectures in Meetings, at conferences or presentations is becoming increasingly important at work. But speaking freely makes many people Anxiety. 10 tips.

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Free Speech and Presentation: The fear of the audience

The fear of most People, in front Audience Talking comes from making you stand out from the crowd feel and at the same time theirs Criticism have to ask. They see the audience as a black mass more ruthless critic because as people to whom they want to convey something.

Such fears usually come from negative experiences, and over time they condense into beliefs like "I just can not speak freely" or "I'm just a boring speaker". Negative beliefs can make sure that what you fear is actually a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Stage fright and fears just talking away brings nothing

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Getting rid of stage fright is usually a mistake, because it has an important function: in stage fright, the body releases the stress hormone adrenaline, which spurs people to peak performance.

A speaker who doesn't care about anything may become an experienced speaker, but certainly not a good traveler Lecture deliver And listeners usually perceive nervousness less than many think.

Rhetoric like a master: insure the expert status

The management trainer, rhetoric expert and best of HR - Berufebilder.de® Dr. Cornelia Topf advises in this situation: "Say to yourself: 'I am not a Nobel laureate and nobody demands that of me. I don't have to know everything. But I am well prepared and have something to say. And that's exactly what I'm saying. I'll take that out. '”

It is particularly bad for many people when they have to speak in front of a technically experienced audience who they believe knows more about them than they do themselves. In this case, Topf advises securing your own expert status by comparing it with your contacts: "Say to yourself, 'I know for sure more about our products than ours customers! '

Speaking freely: Avoid arrogance and play-acting

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mistakes and weaknesses admitting is human and can be positively received by the audience. This does not apply to arrogance: it is simply exhausting for the audience when the speaker wants to show off and make a name for himself as a senior teacher.

“Every listener recognizes this as sheer insecurity. Don't even talk about yours Status! Just say what your role is and what you want to talk about. That's enough," explains Topf, author of the guide "Defusing presentation torpedoes".

10 Tips for Free Speech

Less afraid to talk better? You can do something actively - for example, by providing optimal preparation for the success of your presentation. And: It gets better every now and then!

  1. Top Prepared: Prepare the content as well as you want, what you want to say.
  2. Who are the listeners ?: What listeners do I have to deal with? Is the composition heterogeneous or homogeneous? What interest do the listeners have in the lecture? What expertise do the listeners have?
  3. The right clothes: Choose your wardrobe with the utmost care - listeners will spot stains, tears and wrinkles one hundred percent. Stick to the motto: "Tell me what you wear and I'll tell you who you are". Choose your style according to the occasion!
  4. Relax !: Before the lecture, find a quiet space where you can meditate for a few minutes or at least relax. Use the breathing and vocal exercises below.
  5. Away with the negative beliefs: With autosuggestion, you can replace your negative beliefs with positive ones: "I'm well prepared," "I'll be fine," "I'm looking forward to hearing from you". Repeat these forms for a few minutes until you believe it yourself.
  6. No sedatives! Alcohol, valerian or other tranquillizers can help, but also be cumbersome, because at the same time you also lose your ability to react. Plus, you never know for sure how medications work on you. And there is a danger of addiction.
  7. The attitude makes it! Do not look at the audience as menacing, black masses, but as people who want to reach you. Make eye contact with those who seem well-disposed to you: For these people, you are holding your presentation.
  8. Pay attention to the audience! Always check how the audience reacts to the lecture. But do not talk to your audience. Otherwise you lose your credibility.
  9. But not from above! Do not overshadow the audience with facts and terms they do not understand. Do not look down on the audience and do not constantly try to prove your competence: this seems arrogant and unsympathetic.
  10. Pay attention to your body language: Do not prance and do not play around with me - that is unsonisfactory.

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