Employees-Motivation is important for successful Company. However, those who bring along dissatisfied employees in the long term take the place clear making employees also have to achieve something is than Executive-Animateur in the wrong place.


Discontent at the coffee machine

Mr. Bräsig and Mr. Lazarus are at the coffee machine. Both are dissatisfied. The motivation boost that they had three months ago due to their salary increase has long since vanished. Mr. Bräsig complains: "If this goes on like this, then everyone can do it."

Mr. Lazarus goes one better: “I bet every typist here gets more net than I do. I torture myself here every day and no thanks! And what the Fips recently taped again ... ”What is meant is Doctor Philipps, and mind you he is the boss.

Careful, boss is listening!

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He happens to be walking down the hall at this moment and listening to everything. His first reflex is to escape the embarrassing situation by pretending to have heard nothing. But then he tells himself that good services are only provided by satisfied employees - and grabs the bull by the horns. Well, that's about right.

Doctor Philipps also takes a coffee – he actually prefers still water – and lets his soft skills play. Big praise here, a small concession there and after a quarter of an hour the two whistles troll back to their desks, motivated. And Doctor Philipps knocks himself satisfied on the shoulder because he was able to give his employees what they unfortunately keep missing: Orientation and Sinn.

Motivational gurus sit in the wrong place

In the short term, it is easier and more pleasant for bosses, unmotivated employees in the Team to pull along. So you save yourself an uncuddly Conversation. In the long term, however, they cause considerable damage to yourself, the company and your employees. By being the animator, they waste their time, which is then lacking for the actual managerial tasks.

By leaving unwilling and bad employees in the team, they show that a cuddly course is more important to them than the quality of the work result. And if they don't die these employees Eyes open that they are in the wrong place, they waste their potential that could probably unfold elsewhere.

What to do instead?

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Give your team clear direction. With these guidelines in mind, every employee knows where they are and what they can do decidewhether he wants to work in this company, in this department or not.

If an employee does not know why he works in his company, if he does not feel an inner motivation, then it does not use anything to trigger him from the outside. He is then simply in the wrong place. Just like a boss, who thinks he has to keep his employees constantly in a good mood. As a motivational guru, he is simply overpaid.

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