Stand after crises Companies facing immense economic problems - and with that comes the (internal and external) Communication in the game. That Objective it must be after the Crisis to be “ready” again and the goodwill of Employees to own.

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Why a crisis surprises us

As a rule, nobody expected a crisis and hardly anyone could have imagined the corresponding scenarios. Otherwise there would be a crisis plan. This is what makes crises so difficult.

It is then that companies realize how important communication is. Yes, the right communication makes the difference. We hold on to information because it offers us structure or represents something tangible. This gives us some security even in uncertain times.

Internal communication as a management tool

Crisis situations that affect us all bring the Society together or separate. We are more sensitive and therefore analyze more precisely what our environment is doing. We categorize Behavior. We are emotional and want too emotions instead of just facts.

Internal communication has a special role as a management tool Significance to. Because when companies no longer have their own employees on their side, it becomes difficult - with or without a crisis.

Sequence of crisis communication: First comes the person

There is a klare Order of what and how to communicate in crisis situations:

  1. Man comes first.
  2. Then the environment comes.
  3. Then the infrastructure.
  4. Then the money.

This means that if CEOs do not first think about the affected employees in their communication and also communicate this, but instead speak immediately and only about the financial losses, then they have lost. A reversal of priorities is by no means accepted by society in crises.

When the masks fall

Crises separate the wheat from the chaff. That is whether we like it or not. During a crisis, the “real” faces show themselves away from any guiding principles. It shows who can lead and who has a backbone. So CEOs are well advised to show in crisis situations that they care about and want to protect employees.

That they are emotional, that is, they communicate the facts with (genuine) compassion. That they don't act alone, but look for partners - ideally experts in the respective area - to find the best possible one decision hold true. Above all, that they have backbone, no matter what decisions have to be made. Do entrepreneurs adhere to these “Regulate”, then they themselves as Personality - but also the company as a whole - are perceived differently in the long term. All of this pays into the reputation account. In the best case positive, faster than you think, but also negative.

Other scenarios

For many, the delicate communication phases will only start in the coming days and weeks, maybe even months. Until now, many companies have dealt with it first because of the topicality and urgency Improvisation. Rules had to be implemented. And sometimes you just have to wait and see.

Slowly but for sure now begins the phase of Planning Other scenarios: applying for short-time work or somehow getting through it, reorganizing services in the medium and long term, downsizing, or - as a last resort - closure. That means it is now crucial how we behave in the future. This not only applies to the company itself, but also to internal and external communication.

Make and communicate decisions carefully

In such situations, it is crucial how entrepreneurs behave as leaders, but also as a whole company. If decisions already had a major impact on reputation tbefore, they are now the guillotine for long-term Success or failure of a corporate brand.

Of course, it may be, or it is very likely for many, that they will have to make serious decisions in the next few weeks for economic reasons. But now, more than ever, it is important to think carefully about how we communicate them.

What can managers do specifically?

So what can entrepreneurs and leaders do specifically?

  1. Triple your communication cadence. If you have previously informed once a week, do so now every two days, even if nothing new has been added.
  2. Communicate clearly, bring all the facts to the table. Withholding information only creates further growing uncertainty.
  3. Involve employees and motivate them.
  4. Make the urgency clear, for example with regard to the economic or health consequences.
  5. Let all of your employees have their say. You may get great creative ideas, but most importantly, take your employees seriously.
  6. Don't make decisions based on speculation! Even though decisions can change from day to day at the moment, stick to the facts.
  7. Clearly delegate tasks. Because you have to keep your head clear and be able to continue to lead. In addition, every employee is currently happy about tasks and employment.

Conclusion: Why is transparency so important in crisis management

Crises require transparency and Guide. There is no other way. The following applies more than ever to all CEOs:

Be aware of what you are doing if you are currently acting out of the crisis and out of economic considerations. And remember: you build your reputation over the years and destroy it with just a few sentences.