Company so have a few more with twitter Problems. Maybe that's her name Solution twitter without tweeting? Sounds paradoxical, but it means nothing other than that you do without Twitter, but still use the advantages of a live communication medium.

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Intuitive as Twitter

The magic word is enterprise microblogging. Tweeting without Twitter – there are currently around 30 providers worldwide who make exactly that possible. Among them, Communote is the only German company. Like Twitter, these tools allow employees to fast and exchange links and information in real time and thus work together on projects.

While company wikis, for example, always claim the completeness of the Information raise, runs the Communication with microblogging completely intuitively. And like Twitter, they can Employees also communicate informal things in this way - the classic corridor radio says hello. Still, there are some key differences to Twitter that address the specific needs of businesses on account carry:

With Communote for example, file attachments can be sent, which means the eMail-Traffic can replace. More than 140 characters are allowed and the discussion threads can be tagged, which makes it much easier to understand. In addition, the software can be integrated into existing ITIntegrate systems, also works behind a firewall and takes German data protection regulations into account. Finally, as a paid program, Communote claims to be less error-prone than Twitter and offers German support.

No real social media alternative

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Considering the structures that currently exist in many companies, enterprise microblogging is probably even the better one Alternatives – a real social mediaImplementation however, it is not.

What appears to be a nice Web 2.0 solution for companies actually supports the existing closed structures of the companies: They can continue to cut themselves off from the external flow of information using a firewall, avoid dialogue with the public and prevent their employees – and themselves – from acting independently still as a modern company feel.

Comfortable but senseless!

Comfortable. But not purposeful. Only in open structures can the open communication, as it is typical for the Web 2.0, unfold. In open structures, however, Twitter is also possible - and enterprise microblogging is a useful addition to this, for example, by allowing the exchange of file suspensions with the messages as well.

Last but not least comes the half-hearted Commitment of companies in the target group, as a study by the Brand Science Institute (BSI) shows: More than 1.100 consumers and employees rated 40 well-known brands with regard to their social media activities.

Result: Although companies are here more and more Money invest, were significant in three-quarters of all companies examined weaknesses in the Planning, execution and maintenance of social media identified. The main reasons for the failure are a lack of understanding of how campaigns work on the social web and undefined responsibilities.

The companies do not care about their social media image

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But anyone who now thinks that the companies don't care that they are on the wrong track is wrong: Because at the same time, studies show that almost all companies have great expectations of social media channels such as Twitter: from the COM surveyed Dax companies, 67 percent expect a presence in Web 2.0 to intensify the dialogue with the public, 57 percent with employees, 52 percent with customers, 38 percent with business partners.

An improvement of the company's image will reach a good half, a higher level of recognition about a quarter. Almost one-fifth expect support from the sales force and a third an improvement of the support.

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