Also for employer branding Communication invaluable: Because many bosses talk and talk, but do they also say something? understand their Employees always you mean? No! Why is that? Because they often express themselves rather vaguely than clear to say what be mine.

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What the colleague says

Branch manager Elli complains to her manager Mr. W. “I have told my shift manager Lisa a thousand times that she should explain everything to our new employee! But he makes one mistake after another. ”

Mr. W. asks: "What did you say to Lisa?" Elli replies: "I have ordered: you explain everything to the newbie!" What do you think: Did shift supervisor Lisa know exactly what to do?

Nothing goes without a plan

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Let's say you are Elli's superior. They want to find out why the matter failed and ask them: “How would you have learned the new one? Is there a plan that shows in which stages the new person should achieve what? ”

It quickly turns out that Elli herself does not have a precise plan. And that works for other superiors as well. To help you change these 3 tips, which I will explain below:

  1. First deal with the situation.
  2. Direct the employees exactly
  3. Targeted ask
  4. If necessary, ask for the second time.

Being aware of yourself

First, deal with the situation yourself! It all starts with you as the boss. Anything that you expect from others must be clearly defined in advance. Think about what you want to achieve and how.

The Swiss pedagogue Hans A. Pestalozzi says: “The first step in communication is discussion. Confrontation in the sense of argument becomes an essential part of the pursuit of truth. "

Directly instruct!

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As a Executive you have to instruct your employees precisely so that they can work in a goal-oriented manner. Always explain why, why, why.

Employees need information and backgroundBackground.

Ask specifically!

So that you know whether employees like Lisa have understood you correctly, ask Ask. Not: “Have you explained everything to the new guy?”. This is usually followed by: "Yes." or no""

4 tips: How to ask specific questions:

  1. What did you already explain?
  2. How would you like to proceed in detail?
  3. Why in this order?
  4. When are you ready?

Wait for each question until the employee has answered. Only then do you set the next one. This is a solution-oriented approach. As a boss, you must talk plain text!

If employees give notice prematurely

When new employees quit their job right away or employees resign internally, it is not always because they are missing Motivation to blame, but often also the lack of communication with the supervisor.

Because employees are Peoplewho to talk to. No lifeless dolls or even working robots. So communication is extremely important.

Thinking is work

Branch manager Elli complains to her manager Mr. W. of her suffering: “The newcomer didn't even last three months. Well, they're all not resilient. ” Is that the real reason or could Elli have prevented it?

The Austrian writer and teacher Ernst Ferstl said so aptly: Whining has long been a popular popular sport, thinking will never become one. ”

He just does not feel like it?

Mr. W. to Elli:

"Did you do everything the way we discussed it?" "Of course, I planned in detail with shift supervisor Lisa." “And why is the new one quitting now?” "He just doesn't have any Lust and still makes the same mistakes." "Have you asked him more specifically what's going on?" “No”, Elli presses meekly.

Why do new people often quit?

Missed communication is the most common reason employees quit. In further Conversation between Mr. W. and Elli it turns out:

Elli has not observed Lisa and the new employee. She doesn't have one either Feedback given. But if nobody speaks, nothing can be changed.

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