What is behind that Term “Error Culture”? The term “culture” indicates clear point out that there is more to it than a few Checklists and Measures for quality assurance. What does that mean exactly?



The UNESCO-defined culture in the World Conference on Cultural Policy in the year 1982 as follows:

“Culture, in its broadest sense, can be viewed as the totality of the unique spiritual, material, intellectual, and emotional aspects that a Society or identify a social group. This not only closes Art and literature, but also forms of life, the fundamental rights of People, value systems, traditions and beliefs.”

The term culture is derived from the Latin “cultura”, which means cultivation, cultivation, agriculture, and in the broadest sense includes everything that man himself creates - in contrast to the nature that he did not create and change.

Characteristics of a conscious action

An error culture is, therefore, a conscious way of dealing with mistakes within a human community. It manifests itself in the way in which all participants perceive, evaluate and react to faults.

A basis for this are norms and values ​​that represent the cultural basis. Only if these norms and values ​​are firmly in place Companies The emergence of a positive culture of error has a chance.

Norms and values ​​as the basis of error culture

Just about every management theory claims to have its own mental attitude and inner values ​​as a basis. But this hardly applies to another as well as to error culture as part of a management theory.

Here a diametrical rethink the inner attitude that has been learned since childhood. Not perceiving mistakes negatively and with fear is a challenge that should not be underestimated. However, those who are not willing to break away from these old patterns will become one positive error culture can hardly live.

Mistakes from which the team learns

The professional behavior is strongly influenced by the Things to Learn am Workplace shaped. The more confidently, for example, the trainer or supervisor reacts to a mistake, the more the learning potential is strengthened. This is where it is decided whether the mistake can be used as a learning opportunity for everyone in the Team is seen or not.

Therefore, trainers must Executives and direct superiors not only have knowledge about mistakes, but also a high level Expertise in relation to the action strategy in error situations.

Improve economic success

From our point of view, a correct action strategy in the team in error situations has a direct impact on the economic Success of a business.

The more workflows are designed efficiently, idle runs avoided and sources of error are discovered, the more professional the company appears from the outside.

Branch-specific errors

Every team and everyone Industry has its own sources of error, so it is essential to be able to quickly see these industry-specific errors, work on them and put them in Future to avoid.

In some teams, a single mistake causes the bureaucracy to be intensified. An error when placing an important document leads, for example, to the fact that in the future copies will have to be stored in all possible places both electronically and hardcopy.

Consult the survey

In this way an immediate search should be made possible. This costs a lot more time in the team and the searchability will not get any bigger.

Therefore, you should ask the team how many times a mistake has occurred and whether it is system-immortal or caused by carelessness and the lack of concentration of an individual.

In the case of an error in the team as a team leader, proceed as follows:

  1. Clarify your own role: What is my job? What do the other team members expect from me? How do I see my role?
  2. Analyze the situation and identify the typical risk patterns for your team.
  3. Formulate possible solution strategies and illustrate the usefulness of the individual strategies for the entire team. Request solutions from the affected parties.
  4. Conduct clarification talks with all affected team members.
  5. Inform all team members and make the further steps transparent to all.