Gabriele Schranz

For their successful, good life Information you really need: Government-funded publisher, awarded the Global Business Award as Publisher of the Year: Books, Shops, data-driven AI-Services. Print and online publications as well as the latest technology go hand in hand - with over 20 years of experience, partners like this Federal Ministry of Education, customers like Samsung, DELL, Telekom or universities. behind it Simone Janson, referenced in ARD, FAZ, ZEIT, WELT, Wikipedia.

schranzGabriele Schranz is a partner in Schranz and Cerwinka OEG; Vienna - Zurich. After studying business administration in Vienna, she worked in management at the Berlitz language school in Vienna. Since 1993 she has been an independent trainer and consultant for communication, professional appearance, process optimization and personal development. She mainly oversees projects in the service, doctor and assistant areas as well as communication in hospitals. She also works as a university lecturer and has already written numerous specialist books on the subject of office management and professional communication.

  • Body language: suppress feelings & bodies?

    Body language: suppress feelings & bodies?

    We have learned to develop and refine our language. We have learned to hide behind beautiful words. But we have forgotten how to naturally integrate our body into our communication. Consciously suppressing feelings? On the one hand we suppress certain movements, on the other hand we consciously promote muscle movements, the effect of which seems positive to us - typical...

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  • Error culture in companies: remedy damage limitation [+ checklist]

    Error culture in companies: remedy damage limitation [+ checklist]

    In addition to recording errors, awareness of possible errors and the corresponding limitation of damage must also be created. You can find out how to do this here. Immediate measures Every employee should ask themselves the following important questions immediately in the event of an error: Who needs to be informed? What time window do we have? What strategies are there to limit damage? Everyone has to think for themselves. Everyone affected...

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  • Please don't fail! 10 tips to avoid mistakes

    Please don't fail! 10 tips to avoid mistakes

    Error culture does not mean, however, that mistakes should be made at any price - the first priority is avoiding mistakes. What does that mean for the values ​​in the corporate culture? The conclusion of our value check: error culture does not mean promoting errors When we come across error culture, we often come across a fear: that whoever has error culture in companies...

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  • Clenched fists & co in body language: What gestures reveal

    Clenched fists & co in body language: What gestures reveal

    If the monologue of the interlocutor gets too long, we like to start nervously drumming our fingers on the table. A clear stop signal that reveals our true thoughts. But actually we don't want to let our cards be looked at... Just want to run away The drumming on the table is as if we wanted to say: "If you...

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  • Dealing with mistakes in team & corporate culture [2 checklist]

    Dealing with mistakes in team & corporate culture [2 checklist]

    Errors that have actually occurred represent a burden for the team in which the error occurred. In order to avoid this, certain conditions should be met. Gaining trust In order to achieve a lasting change in the culture of error in the company, it is necessary to act both from the top down and from the bottom up. A careless throwback to old…

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  • Optimal teamwork in companies: Finding mistakes and improving them together

    Optimal teamwork in companies: Finding mistakes and improving them together

    These norms and values ​​are developed in a second step and modified if necessary. The structures and suitable instruments are then determined. Developing a culture of error together It is important that this step is taken together. The collection and recording of errors should not be perceived as a centralized control measure by top management in the company. Undoubtedly…

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  • Body language: this is how clothing helps

    Body language: this is how clothing helps

    In the course of his development, man has learned how to use weapons and tools. Tools support the activity of the hands, they represent the “extension” of our body. Power games at the conference table In his first sales training course, an insurance salesman learns to always calculate the amount of the premium in front of the customer. Documents that are not comprehensible automatically generate resistance on the part of the customer.…

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  • Body language: defense mechanisms

    Body language: defense mechanisms

    Our shoulders are important building blocks of our physical defenses. If we pull them up, we protect our neck, which is an extremely vulnerable part of our body. This is where our main lifeline runs through, an attack on it can be deadly. Like a tortoise Whoever wants to withdraw from a conversation imperceptibly pulls in his neck and hunches his shoulders.…

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  • Body language: smile as a weapon

    Body language: smile as a weapon

    The mouth is our actual speaker. The words come out as we "form" the sounds with the muscles around the mouth. With a bit of training, we can also read someone else's lips without hearing the sound of the words. Easy to make the mouth Besides, the mouth is also broadcasting right now…

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  • Error culture in companies: Automatic data analysis

    Error culture in companies: Automatic data analysis

    In addition to error reporting systems "operated" by people, all automatic error reporting systems are of course also part of a company's error culture. Anonymous Error Reporting System The most efficient is a system where errors can be entered anonymously and unassignably. For example, the error message for airlines is anonymous (see Chapter 6), only the route is announced, but not the date and...

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  • Mistakes are creative values: 8 tips for less perfection [+ values ​​checklist]

    Mistakes are creative values: 8 tips for less perfection [+ values ​​checklist]

    How is an error culture possible in companies? In the following two texts we want to show the values ​​that determine the development of an error culture. Error culture depends on values ​​The error culture in a company is always closely related to the values ​​that prevail in a company. Are these positive in terms of values ​​and…

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  • Learning from mistakes: 12 tips for a corporate culture without a question of guilt

    Learning from mistakes: 12 tips for a corporate culture without a question of guilt

    The manager himself must visibly live the philosophy behind the error culture with full conviction! Willingness to rethink one's own leadership If there is a willingness to rethink one's own understanding of leadership and conflict, management must become aware of what it can specifically contribute to the success of a new error culture. The required role model function can only be fulfilled if...

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  • Be a Better Boss: 7 Typical Leadership Mistakes

    Be a Better Boss: 7 Typical Leadership Mistakes

    Whether the introduction of a positive error culture in the company works or not depends primarily on the management. They need to be convinced of the new values ​​and standards. Measured by actions A positive error culture creates solutions for the future. Mistakes become questions, questions become change. Static or backward-looking thinking has...

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  • Make mistakes, but still find the courage to come up with new ideas

    Make mistakes, but still find the courage to come up with new ideas

    A company in which the individual employee is not immediately sanctioned if he makes a mistake encourages the introduction and implementation of new ideas. Error culture as an "Open Access" concept Error culture as an "Open Access" concept enables everyone to participate in the resulting knowledge. Overload is prevented: The constant change that is required of all companies leads to constantly new processes,…

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  • Body language: Distance in the team

    Body language: Distance in the team

    Depending on the conversation situation, we claim a certain space around us that the conversation partner should not intrude. The invisible distance zone should be maintained in every conversation. Avoiding the looks We try to push the other person away from us by denying him direct eye contact. Even if we continue to talk to him, suddenly...

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  • Failure to learn & win innovation: addiction to control vs error culture

    Failure to learn & win innovation: addiction to control vs error culture

    What is behind the term “error culture”? The term “culture” clearly indicates that there is more to it than a few checklists and quality assurance measures. What does that mean exactly? Definition UNESCO defined culture at the World Conference on Cultural Policy in 1982 as follows: “Culture in its broadest sense can…

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  • Body language: keep your distance in the power struggle!

    Body language: keep your distance in the power struggle!

    Just as our lips imitate our letter sounds, our eyes and hands also emphasize our speech with their movements. What we mean, we clothe not only in words, but also in looks and gestures. And we clearly show, for example: Stay away from me. Threaten with looks How we communicate with our looks also depends on…

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  • Body language: look instead of words

    Body language: look instead of words

    There are around 20 muscles in our face that are dedicated to expressing our emotions. The finest nuances, which are often lost in "clumsy" words, can be visualized with it. This has advantages and disadvantages. Reactions are registered unconsciously We use these muscles to react to external or internal stimuli. These stimulus reactions often only scurry for…

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  • Solving Problems Faster: How Companies Benefit from Mistakes

    Solving Problems Faster: How Companies Benefit from Mistakes

    As already described, error management is the solution-oriented control of all activities in dealing with errors, while error culture describes the way in which a company deals with errors. And this error culture means more than just a little more indulgence with human imperfection! Formative for the corporate culture A culture of mistakes characterizes the entire corporate culture. What are the advantages...

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  • Hierarchies vs. Error culture in companies: 10 tips for top-down management

    Hierarchies vs. Error culture in companies: 10 tips for top-down management

    An error culture not only requires a clear commitment from management, but usually also an actual and stable change in behavior. What is required of the employee “bottom-up”? Wherever possible, every employee must react quickly and not wait and see the management. Errors must be properly communicated by all those involved. As already mentioned,…

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  • Work more efficiently with time management & process optimization in 10 steps

    Work more efficiently with time management & process optimization in 10 steps

    When researching the causes of errors, it is important to involve everyone involved in order to increase the acceptance of the knowledge gained. This requires a certain communication effort. This is how cultural changes come about – 10 steps Experience has shown that cultural changes in a company do not happen overnight. It requires patience, persuasion and energy. The…

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  • Real Bosses Accept Mistakes: 8 Business To Do's

    Real Bosses Accept Mistakes: 8 Business To Do's

    Many companies still have some catching up to do in terms of error culture and values. 8 To Do's that a company should take to heart on the way to a positive error culture. Backlog demand in companies Quite a few companies want to go down the path of a more positive error culture, but don't really know where to start. Our instructions are aimed at them. Please…

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