“I'm Bruno Wolf and I've been here for 15 years. I was always on time and did my job, day after day, and I kept my mouth shut. But today, today it has to come out: hey boss, I need more Money! "


More salary is always possible

This is how Gunter Gabriel begins in Dieter Thomas Heck's famous hit parade. That was in 1974. The song was a hit then – and probably still is today. Maybe some are still trying today People, to get more money out of her boss' pocket in exactly this way.

Probably just as unsuccessful today as more than 40 years ago. But that doesn't have to be the case, because there's always more money in it. With the right one Background and the right course of action.

Bruno Wolf argues with things that seem important to him and something special for him Performance represent. Unfortunately only for him. For his Executive are taken for granted. Just like you don't want to pay more for the rolls from tomorrow just because they had always been ready for the last 5 years when you came into the store. You just assume that.

So it has to be different - but how?

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wages and salary are nothing more than the price of a commodity, or perhaps we prefer to say a service (your labor force). For no goods this Welt there is an objective price. We always measure the price according to what this product brings us, what benefit we get from it. Bruno's boss does it just like your boss.

So the first thing to do is try to think like your boss and ask yourself very critically: "How does my boss benefit from my service?" If you can't find anything now, this is probably not a good time to get a raise. In that case, you better keep looking until you find something. If necessary, ask friends or a paid one Coach.

Are you worth the price

Now that you have found something that is worth your money, to your boss, add something. You should offer added value to your boss and that Companies. If you can do that, all that matters is that you can negotiate this higher value, this additional benefit merchandise.

You do not need this?

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You think now that you don't have to merchandise. That's not possible. You don't do that, especially not you. Okay, then just leave it alone. And continue to take what is offered to you. And don't wash and polish your car before you sell it.

Because you have it not necessary to show the buyer a higher value and benefits through a well-maintained vehicle.

Your three strongest arguments

If you want to try it now and tell your boss something of your value and its benefits, then you can get your three strongest arguments out. Bring the arguments into shape according to the motto:

"I do... that means for you... and saves x euros every month." or: “I speak everyone customers on our product xy, which means that every third Customer buys this product from me, more than 50 percent more than from my colleagues. For the company, this means an additional turnover of xxxx euros, without one cent extra costs.”

Be brave

So if you would also like to sing: "Hey boss, I need more money", then first deal with your performance. Review what you are offering your boss, your company, and forms that for your boss's ears.

Build a strong chain of arguments that your boss can not escape and you will realize: More salary is always possible.

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