It is important to tame the flood of mail. Productivity in our digital Welt is dependent on reducing the load by eMails. If you succeed, you will be rewarded with a significant gain in concentration.


It starts in your own head

The right way to deal with eMails begins in one's own Head: It is definitely not necessary to immediately unsplit every incoming mail awareness to give. Nothing is less efficient than completing a task half-heartedly while some focus is devoted to an entirely different process.

Go on a strict information diet and focus on outcome output rather than information input. On their steps to the empty inbox. Because I also get dozens, sometimes hundreds of emails a day.

Tricks against the eMail-Flood

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If I answered all immediately, I would probably come to nothing. Also belonged to me eMailFor a long time, it was one of the biggest time thieves. Meanwhile, I'm fighting the daily eMail-Flood some Tricks acquired, which make the processing much easier and improve my productivity.

In contrast to many other people affected, I am now able to send my emails accordingly fast to edit. Let's take a look at mine Strategies, which will also enable you to handle your inbox in no time.

The most effective anti-thefteMailmethods

Here are the fastest and most effective Methodswhich I have found to be a high eMailGetting a handle on things:

The goal clearly in mind

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Objective it's always not having mail in the inbox whose Significance not clear is recognizable. You have to prevent any really unnecessary e-mail from reaching your inbox in the first place. What's the best way to do it?

Most of the mails reach me daily in my spam folder or the trash. A good spam filter is worth gold.

Pre-sort, sort out, throw away

In addition, it is advisable to send e-mails in advance sortieren. There are a number of technical tools and filters for this.

Most mail programs offer Regulate that ensure that incoming messages are automatically moved to an appropriate folder after a brief check of previously defined criteria such as subject, sender or keyword and are thus prioritized at the same time.

How to sort eMails?

Possible subfolders are, for example, social media, waiting, billing or newsletters. I can then do these notifications check, when I want it. They end up in an appropriate folder and don't clutter up my inbox.

In addition, I regularly receive emails that require quick action, such as ordering my audiobooks or attending seminars. Since I know the content and the necessary actions of these mails exactly, I have created a rule so that these are also automatically moved into a corresponding collection folder.

Thoroughly sort out

I then edit it once a day. This takes about 30 seconds per mail and for the entire folder a maximum of five minutes. The advantage is that I do not have to search the mails in the inbox and can edit them en bloc.

Sort all the newsletters that you do not read regularly or which do not provide you with any relevant information. Also, set up RSS feeds and similar news systems only for the information you are actually interested in.

No chain letters anymore

If you have friends who send you chain or fun emails, let them know that you are just trying to get the big amount eMails that you receive daily. Tell them that while you are pleased that they are thinking of you, you do not want to receive this kind of news in the future.

Some People will be hurt, but they will get over it sooner or later. Others will continue to give you such eMails send. Then create a filter to push it straight to the trash.

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