How to communicate correctly in social media networks? How do you separate professional, private and political aspects? And can political statements be used specifically to promote a career, or are they even harmful to the job?

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Take care when mixing work and private life

One does not talk about politics and religion - this is a common smallTalk-Rule. And actually is not so well suited to your own Career to destroy like the situationally wrong political one Opinions. On the other hand, however, politicians such as Angela Merkel like to place private statements in a political context and use them as an election campaign strategy. How does that fit together?

I have noticed time and again, especially in the context of state and federal elections but also at the G20 summit in Hamburg, how much statements in social networks can change my image of people with whom I personally deal professionally. This impression concerns positive like negative utterances. And other people are certainly no different with me, because I cannot and do not want to hold back my opinion in times of political change.

How to deal with political expressions in social media?

Just in my Facebook-In the surrounding area, there were repeated personal expressions of opinion: Several more or less publicly carried out party entries and in the course of recent events, of course, an infinite number of political discussions: Quite a few people use social media specifically for opinion-making, for others the action against unpleasant developments is simply one Moral issue.

Nevertheless, there are of course many others who can or want to be more cautious about their political opinions. For example, because they ask themselves the question: Aren't their own political views perhaps strange to some others? And is that detrimental to the job?

Professional, Political, Private - the roles are blurred

And here, similar to unpleasant private statements, fast Sometimes there are ugly mixtures between the professional image that one wants to present for one's job and the opinion expressed publicly or privately.

Because we must not forget: Many people use theirs Business-Networks for private contacts too: You can find old friends from school and college and even add drinking buddies to your friends list. Even with embarrassing photos, many are apparently not aware that bosses and colleagues could also see them. And the same goes for their political opinions.

The result: the boundaries between professional, political and private roles are becoming increasingly blurred, and are often no longer separable. After all, you want and have to commit yourself to your personal businessSuccess present as a whole person.

Different roles with negative consequences

However, the mixing of different roles can negatively affect the professional Online-Networking impact. For one, it can affect the time efficiency of networking. In addition, the publication of private or political information in a professional environment can have a negative impact on the seriousness of the person concerned.

Many an expert therefore recommends strictly separating business and private contacts within professional online networking – just like outside of the Internet. After all, sensitive information that is intended for friends, for example, has nothing to do with business Everyday life lost. Rather, they can have a negative impact on professional reputation.

Humans - but right!

Personally, I see things a little more differently: it is certainly important to separate the different roles and to observe certain limits, especially in professional dealings. However, I have also made the experience myself that "people" is just as important in business: Because only those who can do something from their Personality shows, also works sympathisch – and that is not only important for private contacts but also for professional life.

However, one shouldn't overdo it: with many of the inquiries I get on social networks, I'm a little lacking Structure and the klare Objective. And then not infrequently I ask myself: What do they actually want? It just depends on the right mixture.

7 Tips for the right approach in social networks

But how do you do it better, how do you use the various roles in order to be perceived as a competent person on social media? 7 Tips For Proper Social MediaCommunication.

  1. Use an online network with a clear business focus to ensure that business contacts are not mixed up with private contacts.
  2. Only use private social network connections if you are in contact with the relevant persons outside of the business world.
  3. Think carefully about what you publish online, as this may affect the perception of your own person outside of the Internet and may have a negative impact on you
  4. Therefore, regularly check your online profiles for a professional appearance.
  5. Be sure to use all available security settings for the social networks you are using.
  6. Make sure that your personal information is only accessible to trusted contacts.
  7. Do not be afraid to refuse contact requests from persons who are not from your professional or private environment.