Each change sets one Motivation to action ahead. How to replace unwanted routines with desired routines and your weaker self outsmart, find out here.

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Help, inner pig dog!

We actually know how we could become successful - and yet we often don't act accordingly. It helps to develop and strengthen one's own motivation to make changes in one's professional and social life privacy actively tackle and lead to success. The focus is on overcoming our "inner bastard".

This Method can be used successfully in practically all areas of life: when you want to change your own behavior in Everyday life, when taking on new, more sophisticated Tasks, when stepping into self-employment, but also when making radical cuts, for example to overcome fears and insecurities.

Recognize routines

Routines make life easier, but they also often freeze it. This method helps you to identify unwanted personal routines and to exchange them for the desired ones. At the same time, it illustrates how each of us does it for himself Sinn who he is actually aiming for and who is pointing in the right direction for him.

Above all, it shows you how to overcome problems and fears, how you can begin to live and act self-determinedly, and how you can successfully oppose external pressure and nonsensical conventions.

Three steps against the inner pig dog

The method distinguishes three steps on the way to Objective: Recognize routines, change routines or acquire new, goal-oriented ones and finally consolidate the desired routines and thus achieve the set goal.

The desired success - in whatever area - will actually come if you don't just follow the steps as abstract Idea interpret, but understand and implement the suggestions contained therein as concrete instructions for action:

1. Recognize routines

Reading and writing, driving a car, speaking English: Everyone has learned things in their life that they care about a lot exercise cause no or hardly any difficulties. It's routines that we need - without them we would be in our complex Welt not survivable. However, routines also mean that we often repeat what we already know and can do. In this feel we us for sure and that is exactly what often keeps us from doing something new. We block ourselves, don't take chances, keep unsuccessful ones ways and do not even try to implement new wishes and ideas.

First of all, it is important to systematically identify those routines in our lives that slow down and hinder your further development. Anyone can change a routine by making an alternative Behavior exercises sufficiently intensively - until he is able to light falls. The second step is therefore that Definition new routines to help you achieve your goals.

One of the biggest hurdles is getting started with something new in the first place. In this situation, it is helpful to specifically anticipate the consequences of your own actions or inactions Eyes to lead yourself Courage to occasionally take an external perspective and to evaluate judgments and opinions from one's personal environment differently. In the end, it's all about following through with your own idea to the end.

2. Change routines

In order to implement new ideas, to change professionally or privately, to break up structures, you have to leave your routines and dare something new. Basically, you can change any routine and create new habits - just practice it often enough to make it easy for you.

And above all: you have to start. It starts with everyday actions: That Problem is usually not the new one SALE itself, but the fact that you have to leave a state of equilibrium. A state of equilibrium can be sitting on the sofa, reading, surfing on the computer. On the other hand, activities such as jogging, working on the business plan or making acquisition calls require you to leave your equilibrium state.

This hurdle - the change in the state of equilibrium - must be taken. After that, it's not that difficult anymore: once you start jogging or making calls that are difficult for you, this new state will soon become a state of equilibrium. The rule is that effort is needed at the beginning. However, the more often you have practiced an action, the safer you feel - until it becomes a new routine and falls accordingly easy.

Your first task, therefore, is to clarify and record in writing: which routines prevent you from developing? And: What new routines would you like to get used to?

3. Get going and change routines

Waiting for motivation won't do you any good. Turn the tables: start first, even against your own inner self resistors. With practice, the motivation will come naturally and over time it will become a new routine, which you will find easy again. But how do you motivate yourself to move from one state of equilibrium to another? Either by pressure or by pull. Pull means that you want something, that you have plans to do something that you are looking forward to.

Occasionally you can also create such a pull for yourself: Reward yourself, for example, if you Performance have achieved that you found difficult. Such a reward may be the prospect of a meal or a special treat. However, this form of self-reward should not become the norm. Whether at work, in the household or during sports: a certain amount of exertion and self-control must remain a matter of course.