Error management is, as already described, the solution-oriented control of all activities in dealing with errors, while error culture refers to the way in which errors occur Company deals with mistakes. And this culture of error means more than just a little more indulgence with human imperfection!


Characteristic for enterprise culture

An error culture shapes the entire corporate culture. What exactly are the advantages that a company can derive from a positive error culture? Dynamic improvement instead of static error correction: In many companies, static thinking still prevails when it comes to errors.

The company management thinks and acts “ballistically”: like a cannonball, after firing it can no longer be influenced. If in the end an error occurs because the cannon was misaligned, it cannot be changed, the damage has occurred!

Avoid error retries

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Objective Every error culture should be about avoiding the repetition of mistakes. Anyone who does not notice errors in good time and analyze them neutrally runs the risk of allowing the same error over and over again - with all the negative consequences for the company.

Mistakes can not be avoided altogether, but a conscious mistake culture creates appropriate preventive measures, in order to prevent a mistake several times.

Error culture also means the individual learning behavior of the Employees to know and to use consciously. Everyone learns from mistakes, and this one Behavior will by a positive error culture promoted.

Promote problem solving skills

Employees also consciously develop their own problem-solving skills. Hand this also goes hand in hand with an appreciative one Feedback-Culture that has this individual learning process as its content.

Permanent Self-Reflection: An open fault culture forces a company to constantly question what and where it can improve.

Opportunities in time

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The cannon is re-aligned for the next shot. The damage is only corrected afterwards. This leads to great losses and missed opportunities.

A good error culture, on the other hand, detects errors during the process and corrects them continuously. This results in a dynamic process of change and learning, wherever the latest findings on errors are incorporated.

Errors are used for education and training

Permanent change and flowing change are the result. Errors are used directly for internal evaluation and Further Training.

In addition, a company can be so significant Costs Saving: Whoever repairs the damage after the fact, when the “miss in the wrong place” has hit, has to reckon with considerable costs.

Troubleshooting starts too late

Especially in mass production, this realization led to considerations of error avoidance early on. But unfortunately put this Measures often too late, and only when the damage has already occurred.

The cost of troubleshooting skyrockets the later the error is discovered in the production chain. The most expensive issue is troubleshooting if the product has already left the company and the claim is made.

Use errors rather than avoid

A return operation in the automotive sector is disproportionately expensive, including image and trust damage. Apart from this, this error avoidance strategy neglects an enormously important aspect: the fact that errors can not be avoided!

So it is better, and therefore much cheaper, to use these mistakes to continually adapt and improve products or services. This way, companies can also deduce the inevitable from a positive and cost-reducing factor!

Respond to sub-waiting

In this way, companies can also react correctly to the unprepared: An appropriate error culture also prepares a company for situations in which an unexpected and often unforeseeable situation suddenly arises Crisis occurs.

Absolute flawlessness is particularly expected from “high responsibility organizations” such as hospitals, airlines or nuclear power plants. Nevertheless, mistakes will happen again and again and despite the greatest avoidance efforts.

Professional crisis management

So what can these companies do? A suitable fault culture teaches these companies to react even to the slightest warning. It also teaches these companies how to deal with actual damage. How this damage and its effects are kept as low as possible and how they are communicated both internally and externally.

Fast and standardized action is required here. A good culture of error is also the prerequisite for a professional crisis management.

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