In order to receive BAföG, funding for BAföG § 7,2 must be subject to one of the following cases: for example initial training, a master's degree program and the master's degree is the prerequisite for professional practice and a few more cases. If these conditions are not fulfilled, there is no BAföG!

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Case 1: Initial training

The first Vocational Training was a prerequisite for the master's degree. The previous training made it possible for you to take up the master's degree. A master's degree can be independent, but must continue in the same direction as your previous education.

You can therefore receive BAföG for a master's degree at a university, which is based on a vocational high school diploma and a degree from a university of applied sciences. On the other hand, you will not receive BAföG if you start studying at a university of applied sciences after graduating from high school and then want to do a master's degree - because then the BAföG office will argue that you would have the same at the university studieren must.

Case 2: Master as a postgraduate course

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Your further education deepens in more than four semesters professionally a university study with the same contents orientation. However, you must have completed your previous studies at most one year before the end of the maximum period of funding.

Case 3: Master as prerequisite for professional practice

You need the master's degree in order to acquire the right to your aspired Job exercise. if it supplements a university education or an education that is equivalent to this under state law to the extent that this is legally required for taking up the desired profession.

Further training is required if the trainee can only achieve access to the profession by virtue of the training he has achieved. This is the case when two vocational qualifications are required in vocational training legislation.

When is the Master necessary to practice the profession?

In addition, the need for further training can also result from an actual hiring practice by authorities or private employers, if in practice this is actually only Candidate be taken on with two completed vocational training courses in a specific profession.

However, this must be a general or at least widely used recruitment practice. Since your written declaration, which you should attach to the BAföG application, is decisive for the assessment of the question of whether you are pursuing a particular profession, the law provides you with a certain scope for action: Please also provide the BAföG application with information on the current application Labor market in the profession you are striving for.

Attention: There is no reason for further training

A sudden deterioration in job prospects in the job you were aiming for with your first apprenticeship will not be recognized under the BAföG. Even the mere improvement of employment and earning opportunities through a Combination several training courses from the point of view of specialization is not recognized as a reason.

Examples of such unrecognized cases include specialization in oral, maxillofacial and facial surgeons, school psychologists, additional training for teaching at vocational schools after completing a university of applied sciences, additional training after the first teacher examination for teaching at special schools or studies in economics and law with the professional goal of "business lawyer".

Here, it is not the generally valid attitude practice that is decisive, but only the personal improvement of professional prospects!

Case 4: First education on the second path of education or at a (vocational) technical school as a prerequisite for the Master

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The first apprenticeship was acquired at a second vocational school at a vocational school or a technical college, or this training made it possible for the second apprenticeship (eg postgraduate postgraduate postgraduate studies).

Case 5: disease or disability

Special circumstances practically force you to get a Masters or MBA. The special circumstances also exist if there is an irrefutable reason preventing the practice of the profession for which the previous training has qualified (e.g. illness or disability),

Case 6: special status

They have a special status and need a master's degree in order to have the education acquired in their home country recognised. You receive BAföG according to Section 7,2 as a homeless person, refugee, resettler, late resettler or person entitled to asylum (BAföG Section 8) - this also applies if your spouse is the same Status holds (§ 8,1 sentence 7).

The prerequisite for this, however, is that you have a master's degree recognition your professional qualifications acquired in the country of resettlement/country of origin, for example because you cannot use your previous training in this way.

Case 7: Special circumstances

You will receive BAföG for a master if the particular circumstances of the individual case, in particular the desired training objective, require this

This provision is interpreted strictly as a derogation and hardening regulation; it does not have the function of a general activity record for cases not covered by BAföG § 7,2 sentence 1. The specific circumstances of the individual case are only available if the desired training objective or other special circumstances or important reasons require further training.

As a rule, this means that you must prove that the objective you are seeking can not be achieved objectively in any other way.

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