That President Trump does not like bad news is nothing new. However, the continuing news of his dislike of everything negative is thought-provoking: what happens when managing in Companies das gleiche Behavior demonstrate?

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What happens if supervisors do not want to hear bad news?

A pair of Article in the Washington Posts on Trump's reaction to negative Comparison of the attendance at the presidential inauguration and that of his predecessor nicely captures the aftermath of his hubris:

“President Trump was returning to the White House from his final inauguration event, a quiet prayer service, on Saturday when the flashes of anger began to mount. Trump turned on the TV to see a shrill juxtaposition - massive demonstrations around the world protested his presidency, while footage revealed the small crowd at his inauguration, with large white blank spaces in the street. And while his press secretary, Sean Spicer, is in his new, spacious West WingOffice was still unpacking boxes, Trump was becoming increasingly visibly angry."

The result, as we know, was a hastily called press conference in which Spicer light repeated falsehoods to be debunked about the size of the audience at Trump's inauguration, and severely rebuked journalists. In doing so, Trump immediately and permanently undermined his position with the media.

What is the CEO syndrome?

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While this is an extreme example, leadership behaviors like President Trump's are by no means uncommon; they happen to senior executives all the time. I call the phenomenon “CEO Syndrome”, the dangerous tendency of some Executives not being able to handle bad news the impact on everyone who works for them and ultimately on the Health their organizations.

Why is this a Problem? Because bosses who can't handle bad news are surrounded by people who isolate them or tell them what they want to hear. The vulnerabilities this creates are obvious and potentially critical to their organizations. When bad news is denied or never even surfaced, crises are virtually inevitable. Issues that should have been raised and dealt with are suppressed until they explode in harmful “predictable surprises”.

The danger of not being able to deal with reality

Beyond the perceived dangers of this type of denial, bosses who cannot deal with reality also have their subordinates in denial of reality. In the process, these subordinates become totally dependent on the superior and have to support and defend something that others in the company are doing Organization demonstrably wrong. This Article from Tyler Cohen at Bloomberg brilliantly the effects of such a superior on the behavior of the subordinates.

“By requiring subordinates to tell untruths, a leader can undermine his independent position, including his position with the public, the media and other members of the administration. This makes these individuals more dependent on the leader and less vulnerable to independent uprisings against the command structure. Encouraging such chains of lies is a classic tactic when a leader distrusts his subordinates and expects them to do the same Future to distrust.”

In this way, executive dysfunctions “infect” the entire organization, again with potentially catastrophic consequences.

No one is immune to the CEO syndrome

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While in some cases these behaviors are just part of the leader's core personality, no one, not even the best leader, is really immune to CEO syndrome. The position at the top of the organization goes hand in hand with the power to form reality, at least until the walls collapse inside. It is the extraordinary leader who is never tempted to isolate himself from the bad news, isolate himself or let others tell him what he wants to hear to gain power. And it is the extraordinarily brave (or daring) subordinate who is really willing and able to "speak truth with power".

Executives who have been in the role for some time and are gradually moving away from it are particularly at risk Criticism isolate by being with People surround them, creating a soothing echo chamber for them. So don't let this happen to you.

How to avoid the CEO syndrome?

  1. Create a culture where bad news comes quickly on the table. Like Colin Powell carries, ”Bad news is not wine; they don't get better with age. ” It really means listening openly and realizing that things went wrong, not shooting the messenger and not saying to the people who work with you: "Bring me solutions, not problems" (plans yes, but not fully worked out solutions unless you want to slow down the flow of information). It is also a deterrent for people in the organization to hide important information.
  2. Create and use a diverse network of consultants. Do not build a clone team. Cultivate and listen when people are promoted with different perspectives. Read a lot and from many different sources. Get out into the world. Refuse to be isolated.
  3. Build dedicated units to scan the environment, develop and explore scenarios, and provide early warning. Do not let it be a bureaucratic exercise.

Above all, remember that the culture of your organization is strongly shaped by you as a manager - for better or for worse.

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