On average to earn Women depending on the calculation basis 7-25 percent less than men. What can you do better?

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What does equal pay mean for women?

Salary negotiations are for many these days People become a very important issue. It is agreed that a better Income should be part of our daily life. Women in particular are affected if they take special care of you Family have to take care of.

The development of wage adjustments between men and women has picked up speed considerably in recent years: on the one hand, through the law on the transparency of pay structures, and, on the other, through constant discussions in this area.

However, there are big differences depending on the Job, Age and region. In an EU comparison, too, Germany is far behind when it comes to the pay gap. But the good news is: women can change something themselves!

The wage gap is also related to the position in the company

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While some say that the adjusted wage gap between men and women is only seven percent, studies show that the wage differences are even greater than expected:

One of the reasons for these discrepancies is that heads of department and skilled workers without personnel responsibility were compared here - and that's exactly where the hare is in the head. Women often do not hold responsible executive positions. Missing qualifications or simply choosing a career also play a role when women earn less.

Attention Part-time

After all, women are often pushed back into part-time jobs or choose these themselves because they can better reconcile them with the family. Then the part-time trap snaps shut. An OECD study even shows that Germany brings up the rear in Europe on this point.

And the maternity leave still causes many women to take a hit in their careers and salaries. So it turns out: women don't just get less Money, because they are women, the reasons are usually deeper - and against some they can also actively do something, like Best of HR - Berufebilder.de® author Dr. Cornelia Topf explained in several contributions and books.

What women should do

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That's why women who want to get ahead financially should continue their education, read specialist literature, acquire specialist knowledge in a specific area - and talk about it. Because in this way women show that they are willing to perform - and competent employees are for a Company indispensable.

In addition, women should also quiet more salary demand. They often don't dare because they want yours Executive do not get angry, do not appear or have greedy in front of colleagues Anxiety before termination. Therefore negotiate they mostly bad.

Salary negotiations are going badly - these are the reasons

This often has psychological causes: when salary negotiations take place, feel quite a few women put themselves under a lot of pressure from their employer. Salary negotiation can be a long, difficult and time-consuming task. It's important to remember that the purpose of salary negotiations is to get a good offer for yourself.

If you can get a good deal, you will get a good job too. Salary negotiations are not an easy task if you are not completely familiar with the subject. But knowing how to properly approach the subject will make sure you are getting what you want.

Break taboos and don't wait patiently

For many women it is also a taboo to talk about money. But many bosses even appreciate employees who make themselves stronger for more salary. Because they show that they are career-conscious and motivated.

Above all, however, one thing is important: women should not simply wait patiently for the boss to respond to them Idea comes to pay them more, but instead have to hold regular salary talks, which men take for granted. Because if you don't make any salary demands for a long time, you give the impression that you don't trust yourself or that you want to quit soon.

Proper preparation for the salary interview is important

Even if it is difficult to know what to discuss and what not to discuss with your future employer. But you can make it easier for yourself if you prepare in advance.

If you want to negotiate your salary with your employer, you need to know, for example, whether the salary system is fixed or variable. in one System with a fixed salary, the salary you receive is the same year after year, regardless of your experience, yours Performance or your personal characteristics. With a variable pay system, pay rates change from year to year depending on how well the employee is doing Companys goes.

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