Bosses should primarily focus on the well-being of their Company think - and that means complaining about employees when they commit offenses. Office -Sado-maso alla Debt– and atonement is out of place.


Office Sadomasochism: Confession please?

What to do if bosses prefer good ones People are and play the confessor? Like in this example: Mr. Bock screwed up. His first drafts of a market analysis, commissioned from him by the board last week, have been lying like lead in his drawer for days. He just can't get out of his shell. The analysis should be finished this evening. Now it's 15 p.m. and it's clear as day: this won't happen anymore.

Mr. Bock now sits in his boss's office like a heap of misery with his pieces and confesses everything to him. The situation is a bit reminiscent of sado-maso games, in which the underdog still has the upper hand in the end.

Just do not be rude!

Because Mr. Pfaff is horrified: important data is missing, the charts were hastily cobbled together and the whole thing is full of spelling errors. But the poor guy too Head wash? After all, he turned to him in a spirit of trust and is already contrite enough as it is. Coming with sanctions now would simply be a breach of trust!

Mr. Pfaff reassures poor Mr. Bock: Somehow he will work things out with the board. He basks in the knowledge that all of his employees have the utmost trust in him. He is needed - a good feeling, even if it's just holding hands. And the purest office sado-maso, so to speak, which is about guilt, forgiveness and atonement.

5 reasons: Why it can make sense for managers to play the confessor

The role of a manager as confessor is an interesting one metaphor, which can highlight some important aspects of leadership work. A confessor is someone to whom one confides one's worries, fears and mistakes in order to receive advice, support and forgiveness.

Similarly can Executives take on such a role by providing their employees with a safe space in which they can openly discuss their challenges and mistakes. Therefore, it can be quite attractive for bosses and employees to play the confessor. Because as confessors, leaders can:

  1. To listen: One of the most important skills of a confessor is listening. Managers should actively listen to their employees without judging or interrupting. By giving employees space to express their thoughts and feelings, leaders can develop a deeper understanding of their employees and help them find solutions to their problems.
  2. Build up trust: Like a confessor, it is important for leaders to gain the trust of their employees. By maintaining confidentiality and creating a supportive environment in which employees feel safe, leaders can earn the trust of their employees and encourage open communication.
  3. Offer advice and support: Similar to a confessor, managers can offer advice and support to their employees. They can use their experience and expertise to help their employees overcome challenges and support them in their personal and professional development.
  4. Promote learning: A confessor offers forgiveness and the opportunity for personal growth. Similarly, leaders can help their employees learn from mistakes and grow, rather than punishing them for mistakes. By fostering a culture of error acceptance and learning, leaders can create an environment in which employees are brave enough to address their mistakes and learn from them.
  5. Safety: Overall, the metaphor of the confessor can help emphasize the importance of listening, trust, advice and support in leadership work. By providing a safe space for their employees, managers can promote open communication, increase trust, and contribute to their employees' personal and professional development.

5 reasons: The role of managers as confessors has its limits

However, it is important to note that a leader's role as confessor also has its limitations. Leaders should be aware that they are not professional therapists or counselors and that there may be situations in which professional help is required. It is important to recognize the limitations of your role and direct employees to appropriate resources when necessary.

The role of a manager is diverse and demanding. It includes leading a team, making decisions, setting goals and promoting individual and collective Performance. In some cases, it can be tempting to also take on the role of a confessor - someone to whom you can confide your worries and fears and ask for advice. However, there are good reasons why managers should not take on this role.

  1. Lack of professional training: Managers are generally not trained to act as therapists or pastors. They do not have the knowledge and skills required to treat complex emotional problems. Playing the role of a confessor can lead to inappropriate advice or actions that can worsen the situation or lead employees to dependency on the manager.
  2. Conflicts of Interest: As a manager, you have a responsibility towards the company and the team. This means you must make decisions that are in the best interest of the company and employees. When you take on the role of a confessor, conflicts of interest may arise. You could find yourself in a position where you have confidential information that you cannot share to protect the company's interests. This can lead to a breach of trust and strain the relationship with your employees.
  3. Time and energy expenditure: The role of a confessor requires time and energy. As a manager, you already have many tasks and responsibilities to manage. Adding the role of confessor can create overload and hinder your ability to effectively carry out your core leadership responsibilities. It is important to focus your time and energy on the strategic direction of the team and achieving company goals.
  4. Professional support: Many companies already have professional resources such as human resources departments, consultants or external service providers who can help employees with personal problems or conflicts. These professionals have the necessary training and experience to provide appropriate support. As a manager, it is important to direct your employees to these resources rather than trying to solve their problems yourself.
  5. Focus on developing employees: As a manager, it is important to focus on the development of your employees. This includes promoting their professional skills, coaching and mentoring to develop their potential. Playing the role of confessor can distract from this focus and cause you to focus more on your employees' personal problems rather than their professional development.

Confessors are comfortable and irresponsible

To return to our opening example: Unfortunately, Mr. Pfaff has forgotten that it is his job to demand performance. Consequences of poor performance? No way! That would be authoritarian and completely out of date. Plus, indulgence is lighter, more comfortable and cozier. Does Mr. Pfaff even take himself seriously? Or does he just have his Job missed?

His employees have a lot fast get pointed: If you dem Executive confess their small and big sins, they get - hey presto - immediate absolution. Forbearance mutated into common law, however, does not indicate greatness but merely demonstrates weakness in leadership and draws with absolute certainty Problems after himself. Problems with employees sitting back and doing less and less.

Setting boundaries is important

And problems with all the employees doing their jobs properly. Because they are becoming less and less Lust feel. The inhibition threshold to deliver lousy quality sinks into the abyss. And at some point there is a big bang. Not from Mr. Pfaff, who will then build up feel-good areas somewhere else. Someone else will come with an ax - and leave a path.

It is therefore important to recognize the limits of your own leadership role and to offer professional support when employees are confronted with personal problems or conflicts. By focusing on your core leadership responsibilities and directing your employees to the right resources, you can create a healthy and productive work environment.

Conclusion: No confession without repentance

Overall, leaders should not take on the role of confessor. Confession without repentance doesn't work. Do not protect your employees from the consequences of their actions. This is unfair and disrespectful. Because even if individual or even a whole Team being used to being inefficient with impunity will eventually become a problem. If, on the other hand, you have one klare specify a line, an imbalance cannot arise in the first place.

By clarity we do not mean authoritarian posturing! Anyone who is authoritarian leaves no room for maneuver for their employees. Clarity means: As the boss, I have everything in mind Eye. And if the work doesn't get done, I'll intervene. With a requirement like this, the employees know exactly where they stand. And they have the chance to remedy any misconduct.