Coaching, as we understand it today, has reached a deep maturity. It is no longer comparable to the "toolbox type" Technology from before, whose approach was “fixing”.


Glance into the glass ball

Repair was always carried out where a deficit had arisen and where someone had made mistakes or failed. And it is also no longer comparable to a “Gurutueue” form of advice that works without transparent technology.

In which of Coach Sudden intuitions and "instincts" followed, which were most reminiscent of divinatory crystal ball tactics. We are convinced that coaching has long since freed itself from the dirty corner and with it the practicing coaches.

Hammer or Meisel? Irritating diversity

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Although there is an irritating variety of offers and coaches: from nutritional, (book) writing and media coaching to vocal or style coaching to anti-cellulite coaching (googling is worthwhile) or body coaching. Fellow authors aptly speak of “dash coaching”.

We believe that successful coaching today is not about decision whether "hammer or chisel" should be unpacked in a question.

With focus on implementation

The coach of today works much more on his self-understanding, on his human image, and likes to flirt in this individualization with old philosophers and thinkers. And since this is such a central part, we also deal with the issue of ethics and attitude.

And we do that less in theory, because many other author colleagues have already worked on that, but we do focus on the “how” and a possible Implementation this theory: How do we conduct coaching conversations and how do we live the attitude.

The emancipation of coaching

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The modern coaching approach has thus changed: he became more general, mature and emancipated. This is probably one of the reasons why individual coaching is increasingly in demand.

This development is possibly the effects of individualization and globalization of our Society to owe or to look for in the various treadmills of everyday life.

Refine the communication

In any case, there is a visible increase in the search for support and guidance. That there is an increased demand for coachingCompetencies is a fact in itself, the causes and reasons for which we will not examine here.

We are interested in much more ways in coaching and people who use their coaching as coaching users Communication refine. Because there is a difference whether someone seeking help turns to a willing listener or to a person who has coaching skills.

What distinguishes the coach from good friends?

You will find willing listeners for problem situations very quickly in our reflective society. Since every human being has a psyche and a Personality available, most people also assume that they can help with “mental” or “personal” issues.

Of course, everyone can find an attentive listener with a friend, a doctor, or a pastor, a colleague or a supervisor, within their relationship or with other nearby people.

And yet, contrary to the general assumptions, it makes a remarkably dramatic difference whether the listener adheres to certain communication rules and has a certain inner attitude (or not).

Actually everyone can ...

Our core message is: anyone who wants to can acquire the skills, inner attitude and conviction for professional coaching support. Both the questioning techniques and the ability to extract content from the Problem of the coaching client can be learned.

Because if you look at coaching in this way, it is primarily an attitude and a technique. It is the opportunity to help others, theirs Solutions to work out yourself. Conversely, however, the ignorance of these cornerstones in many listeners is the basis for failed counseling sessions or misunderstandings.

A question of the right technique

Sometimes the need for help and the counselor's personal experiences block "supportive" communication with the person seeking help. And then there may be suggested solutions that relate more to the advisor than to the person seeking help: "If I were you, I would do it like this (...)!" or "When I was in a very similar situation to yours, the following helped me (...)!". You know this or similar advice for sure also from your personal Everyday life.

Of course, it can make a difference whether the coach has years of experience in the coaching technique or whether someone has just started coaching. Nevertheless, we are firmly convinced that even a "newbie" who has mastered his coaching tools can help a client and make a positive difference. (In any case, coachingAsk something other than advice.)

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