Sometimes futurologists can actually get into the Future see. And so the authors Andreas Haderlein and Janine Seitz apparently foresaw that the name Digitale Society in April 2011, and could therefore have a different connotation (just to link a text on the subject here). They have therefore called their study, which has just been published by the Zukunftsinstitut, “The Network Society”. Or was that pure coincidence? :-)

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Tour through your own life

In any case, their study shows the key trends of digital change. The focus of the study is the socio-digital dimension of the Internet, ie the social, economic and cultural changes, rather than the technological aspects of development.

Because the internet is, after Opinions of the authors, is already such a strong part of our everyday lives that we often do not (or no longer) consciously perceive its effects. For example, smart algorithms in the background guide our search on the web. Via the "Like" button, the Facebook-Thumbs, will the user fast to advocate for a cause that is seldom questioned.

The study wants to offer the reader a tour of their own life, in which all facets of digital life are vividly presented Eyes be led. Numerous aha moments are triggered when observations of one's own everyday life are suddenly explained and opened up in a larger context.

7 Key-values

Whether consumption, media, work, Education, Leisure time, Health, Politics, Education, friendship, faith - the Internet has long since arrived in the middle of society. As an important part of everyday life, the Internet now permeates and determines large parts of economic, social and cultural activities.

In the first chapter, the authors tap the ten most relevant life scales - from leisure to education and work to religion - to the current role of the Internet. In the second part of the study, the reader is given an overview of the seven key trends in digital change. Each section concludes with succinct summaries, complemented by further reading and lingual hints.

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The network is political

“The net is Everyday life – everyday life (also) online.” The most recent scandal surrounding Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg shows the power that the Internet is enjoying. The collaborative plagiarism documentation platform ruthlessly uncovered all plagiarism fragments and thus accelerated the resignation of the former model politician.

The example illustrates the fact that in addition to the transmission of trends and fashions, political opinions and indignation can be heard much faster, thus enabling changes to be made in political structures.

Each user is also Player

The user is now an active player – with risks, but above all with opportunities for the Economy. According to the authors of the study, advertising in the network society means above all letting people advertise. IKEA fans shot in a furniture store without that Background from IKEA a spontaneous video.

Instead of banning further shoots, IKEA decided to increase the viral spread through the comedy soap “IKEA Heights” on the Internet. Social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Co. are not only revolutionizing that Marketing, but also trigger upheavals in the journalistic economy.

The role of the media

And at the same time shake the self-image of journalism. The obligatory comment box under every good one Online-Article is just an indication of that.

In order to find out the extent to which the Internet penetrates the areas of religion and spirituality as well as politics and education, three pioneers were interviewed in their respective divisions. Tom Noeding, responsible for the platform and community manager of the first hour, provides answers to the role of the new media for faith and religion.

Hierachies break up

The Adviser and Internet activist Christian Kreutz explains in an interview to what extent the concepts of open data and open government are changing our understanding of politics and democracy. Furthermore, Andreas Haderlein spoke to a teacher at a comprehensive school in Central Hesse about the role of social networks in the student-teacher relationship.

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In the second chapter, the authors provide an outlook into the future and name the key trends of digital change. This includes the trend “Open Everything – Die Welt belongs to openness”.

Digital concert hall

An example: The Berlin Philharmonic opens with their Digital Concert Hall a new age of music transmission. All concerts are broadcast live over the Internet and made accessible to the public via the archive (

Another key trend is “Mobivilisation”, the mobile Internet as a driver for progress and participation. The Austrian Airlines Group expects every second passenger to check in by smartphone in 2011. In 2015 it should be 60 percent.

Pervasive Web

Large Significance the authors also attribute the trend “pervasive web”: sensor technology, RFIDTechnology and Internet connectivity is becoming possible in (almost) all places. A pioneer in wireless networking Workplace is the office logistics specialist Thax, which links paper files with digital documents.

Numerous well-founded practical examples as well as vivid infographics (eg “The Matrix of Media Change” or “Internet User Typologies in Comparison”) underpin the explanations of the team of authors and provide a view of the web world of tomorrow. The study concludes with five theses on digital networks. All terms introduced in the study are explained in detail in a glossary.