Thanks to Master Yoda in Star Wars, we've learned that power has two sides: one light and one dark. Power alone is not bad: it is important to use it responsibly.


Why do we need power?

If things were to admit of themselves, there would be no need for leadership. This is not the case with the vast majority of organizations that compete with other companies and compete for resources.

So it needs the ability to divide the labor of a Company align so that all the cogs in the machine serve the goals. This ability gives useful power to leaders.

Why executives are afraid of action

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Despite this, the issue of “handling power” is not played openly in most companies and many are in the handling of the power bestowed on them Executives unsure. Among other things, because they often mistakenly associate the active use of their creative and decision-making power with a lonely, omniscient and authoritarian Behavior equate

For this reason, some executives, for example, shy away from using their decision-making power “when the going gets tough” and rapid, decisive action is required. The result: yours Employees do not know what to do and lack the necessary and desired support Orientation.

Manipulation and threats are the dark side

Not only since Master Yoda in Star Wars did we know that power not only has a light side, but also a dark side. A leadership behavior that Expertise of persuasion, argument and negotiation is O.K. and lies for sure on the light side.

But when leaders start to manipulate, threaten and bribe, then they use the potential of the dark side. For some, the pursuit of power has even become an end in itself, ie they don't use it for corporate goals, but to compensate for personal and psychological deficits.

The dark side reduces productivity

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Life experience teaches us that executives using the techniques of the dark side are still considered successful and still become or remain leaders. This is especially the case in organizations that look hard at the outcome and are not interested in getting there: what's important to you is what's coming out the bottom.

However, life experience also teaches us that in organizations that tolerate the dark side of power over a longer period of time, people vote with their feet. Employees who feel pressured and treated unfairly feel, leave the Organization. Company performance is declining Success remains in the medium term.

Healthy exercise of power intensifies the effect

Effective executives succeed in establishing a healthy power exercise for the benefit of the company. With maritime serenity they use the design and decision-making power that is at your disposal.

They reflect and introduce the difference between meaningful use of power and authoritarian behavior System of “checks and balances” as voluntary self-regulation.

5 tips for the correct handling of power

The following tips, or better called lead questions, are helpful in finding out how bright and dark power is in your organization.

  1. Do we have goalkeepers, ie team members, who are questioned about the correctness of a decision? Who is this and why?
  2. Do I know any people in our organization who are afraid of me or my decisions? Why are they afraid?
  3. In which parts of the organization have we concentrated power or influence? Does that make sense or is it different?
  4. How do I implement my initiatives in the organization? What is the role of individual, subgroups or leadership teams?
  5. Of course, I make sure that I convince my employees / our organization and "take it with me". How do I know?

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