Lots of professionals feel burned out and meaningless. yours is long clearthat to Solution the professional Crisis heard a new challenge. But there is no brilliant idea and/or the right one Concept.


What is a successful working life?

In addition, it is often perceived as a burden that they do not do what they really do for a long period of time.

Others, on the other hand, have long since recognized that this is a successful one work life equally a good one Income, liveliness and meaningfulness. They have recognized their vocation and yet do not believe that they can live with theirs ideas and passions can break through in the markets.

Either ... or?

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So there is between the vocation and the Job This is a dilemma for millions of professionals, which, however, cannot be resolved with the usual “either/or program”.

But regardless of whether you are aiming for the next step in your career through outplacement or looking for a new business idea for expanding your business as a freelancer: The “both-as-well” model is much more attractive.

Occupation or hobby?

It takes into account the relevant personal and factual factors, starting with the location determination up to the effective placement on the market change.

However, the components of the market must not be disregarded. The new Objective must meet at least one use need in the market. Otherwise a vocation is actually just a hobby. But there is always a vocation as well Sinn for others. This applies in particular to specialists and managers as well as the self-employed who are in a phase of professional change.

Like a trip

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We outplacement and start-up consultants write books, develop counseling concepts and sometimes feel like travel guides. Those who set off for professional reorientation often associate this with the idea of ​​an adventurous journey.

Contrary to the travel descriptions of travel authors, we do not know in this course book the exact goal of the participant, his experiences so far, or all the important expectations of the common path.

Time for preparation

The following sentence is handed down by Albert Einstein:
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational mind a faithful servant. We have a Society created that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
As with any professional adventure trip, it is necessary that we allow ourselves sufficient time to prepare before we set off Preparation to take.

At the beginning is the location discussion

So let's think mentally, we start with a discussion at the beginning, because you need important basic information from your instructor.

At the same time, it is common in such briefings that you clarify your expectations. After all, you need many hours of your time investuntil you start your new career with the help of the course Success have mastered.

Tied to standards

However, as with every journey, the path to a holistic reorientation is tied to standards that the course instructor has formulated.

In this first stage of the common path, I will introduce you to the principles or components that are fundamental to the further course system.

Realization of one 's vocation

Assertions and personal opinions cannot be completely avoided. So I maintain that the path to professional happiness only leads through the realization of one's own vocation. Work-Life-Sense is a benchmark that focuses on one's own vocation.

In the first step, it will therefore be about whether you can recognize, accept and use the three components. As with any advice, starting at the starting point is about building consensus with the instructor's philosophy and approach.

Critical inventory

Furthermore, the critical inventory of the actual state belongs to each location discussion. Even if the longing for professional happiness should be very large, personal reasons can suggest that the cognitive work is not yet to start.

However, even if you identify only the critical moments with the help of the location determination, you will be able to better adjust to the hazards along our common path.

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