If you want to upgrade, you have to manage personnel. Many experts find “maximum penalty”. But until the calcified structures in many Companies It is still a long way to change the future. How to manage yourself in the meantime.

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Hand on the heart, guidance was never your thing.

Do you remember when you chose your career? You chose your field because you were interested in the content. They saw themselves as inventors, as builders, as solution finders. Maximum in one Team Made up of like-minded people who are relaxed and fun and 99,9 percent of all conversations revolve around your work or other technical topics.

The days go by more wonderfully absorbed in complexity. But in the dream you did not think of ever having to deal with staffing, performance reviews, dispute settlement or even with “taking care of people”. Let alone "stand-in-front-and-people-on-oneObjective-swear in". Devil stuff!

"And suddenly I should bend!"

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At some point you have distinguished yourself through your willingness to perform and your ability. Or your department has grown significantly thanks to the good order situation. Now the company management wanted to do something good for you and put you at the head of a team. Because only those who are responsible for staff and Capital has, may in this country more to earn. At least now you recognized and also you Executivethat People leading is not her thing at all.

You were sent to courses again and again, but in the Everyday life stay alone with your overflowing personnel issues. Nobody will help you and they Lust in addition? Well, maybe in the next life. Suddenly you have the feeling: “They don't want me the way I am anymore. Now I'm supposed to bend over backwards to fit them again."

Heads up. Technicians perform differently.

You are in this position and situation only BECAUSE you are who you are. There is no bending Rede. You can make clever use of what makes you unique. Be aware: you can with your people and your Guide arrange everything. Problems You only get them if you make these arrangements by your own Behavior dilute. The sharper your expertise, the more indispensable you are. Do what you do Job have chosen and you can remain who you are.

  1. Take a heart and ask people of your trust, both professionally and privately, what you can do well in their eyes and what you should be better off.
  2. Be honest with yourself and write down the positive and “keep away” areas mentioned and add your own experience with yourself to the list.
  3. Now it's really getting started: With each of your team, especially with each new one, you sit down in private and tell clearly what you can and can not do. Explain what you see in your job and what expectations you have from your counterpart. And then keep it crystal clear. Everyone knows what he has and what does not. They have agreed the rules of the game and thus smothered the most ambiguity in the bud.
  4. Ask your team what kind of meetings, frequency, and timing it takes to complete the vote. From this, you create a meeting plan with procedures, meeting moderator, minutesman, and so on.
  5. The nose cleaner on duty is someone else: you put fighters into a four-eyes task until they have come to terms. If that does not work, you will immediately call in a neutral mediator and the fighters can come to an agreement in private.
    However, if you have a problem with you, you will have a one-to-one conversation within the next 5 days. Make a written agreement together on how the two of you will come to an understanding. Stick to it very hard and unequivocally demand compliance. Do this and you will hardly have such conversations.
  6. Expect solutions. Is someone looking forward to a new education, a longer holiday, etc.? Fine, not your problem. Ask for timely solutions: How is the person concerned affected by the organization of his or her representation, task allocation, accessibility, financing, return, etc.? Make it clear, you only accept feasible solutions that give and take 50 percent. If someone presses and approaches you with too little advance, define the solutions completely. Because of his delay, your opponent has forfeited his fellow-speaking rights. As a rule only such a harsh procedure is necessary.
  7. Keep your profile sharp. Make it clear to your boss or HR manager where you see your role in the company. You will deal with any other topics in a very rudimentary way, so the (personnel) management will have to deal with them. And stick to it. You won't have any problems, and you will even be protected, if you stay ahead of the curve in your core competencies. Because that's the only way your company gets money. On the other hand, you run into massive problems if you dilute your profile with secondary topics. You are only wasting your energy and time with these, while the skins of your core competence swim away. They are exchangeable overnight.
  8. Dedicate to at least 80 percent of your time your core competency and increase your expertise. All residual tasks that can not be done in 20 percent of your time leave you mercilessly away. Either there are for these grateful customers or they will have to be created. This only happens if you remain true to yourself. When you bend out of Goodwill, the hellish stories remain forever.
  9. Get out with you! Moderate stress in much nature strengthens your constitution and your inner attitude. You need to be able to stay who you are. You lift your brain, clear it from useless thoughts, get new ideas, see where you really want to go, and what you better leave behind.

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